Chapter 04: severus snape

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The class ended and everybody was packing their bags, in hurry, wanting to get out as soon as possible.

Severus turned towards our table and looked at me and Harry, "Mister Potter, Miss Lockwood, the two of you will stay."

"We'll be at the library when you guys are done." Hermione said as she and Ron walked past us.

In less than minutes, the potions classroom was empty, except for Severus, Harry and me.
Talk about things being awkward.

"Why were you late Mr. Potter?" Severus asked.

Harry was about to answer but I was faster, "Its my fault, professor. I had him show me the common room and we didn't realize what time it was."

Severus's gaze remained on me for a couple of moments. I could see him thinking about his response, and calculating what mine would be after that.

"Fine," he said, "you'll both have detention after the dinner. And don't let this repeat."

"Of course not professor." Harry said, looking shocked at the fact that we got away with one night of detention. It was safe to assume that he wasn't Severus's favorite student.

"I'll meet you in the library," I told Harry after we walked out of the classroom, "got something to finish real quick."

Harry nodded and left the dungeons, leaving me to run my hand trough my hair and sigh before deciding to turn around and return into the room.
As soon as I walked inside Severus turned around and looked at me for a moment before turning back to whatever he was doing.

"Don't ignore me." I said walking over to him.
He turned around in a flash making me take a surprised step back.

The silence didn't last long, broken by him. "Is - is it really you?"

I gave him a short nod, biting down on my bottom lip. "Yes . . . its really me."

"How?" He asked, "I thought you were dead. All this time, you let me think that you're dead."

"Sev-," I placed my hand on his shoulder and smiled sadly, "trust me, I wanted to tell you. Tell everyone. But I have my reasons I couldn't do that."

"Obviously," he said, "don't you always? Have I meant nothing to you? For Salazar's sake, you were the second girl I ever loved. And you threw everything, our friendship and what could've been more, in the water. Because what, you were too weak to face us and show you . . . fangs?"

"That's not true-" I began but he never gave me the chance to finish.

"Not true!? Not true!? Look at yourself Y/n you still look the same. Your voice still sounds the same. . ."

"I couldn't," I said firmly. He wasn't being reasonable, he wasn't letting me talk, "I was dangerous - still am. I could've killed you, everyone, and fuck it Severus. Call me weak. Please do, but at least I don't make people feel guilty about the doing the good thing for themselves."

"I'm not trying to make you feel guilty, Y/n." He replied, "But I'm saying that if you really cared, which you're trying to pretend that you do, you would've at least let us know. Let us know, that the girl we were mourning, wasn't really dead."


But he didn't.

"And you? You broke us all, fucked us up. Hope it made you happy, that Black cried himself to sleep every night, drowned his thoughts in alcohol and drugs. That all of your 'friends' were out there feeling like they were hit by a train while you were ding what? Sipping blood? I couldn't trust anyone, never let anyone get close to me again, after you. Because I was afraid they would die as well, leave me too."

𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜 |𝐇. 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now