Chapter 51: ditch and drink

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Tonight Slughorn was having a dinner party in his office and I was invited

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Tonight Slughorn was having a dinner party in his office and I was invited. So here I was, getting ready for a dinner party at a Friday night. James and Sirius would laugh their asses off if they were here. I adjusted the sleeves and added finishing touches to my makeup. I grabbed some money and put it in my pockets just in case.

Walking down the corridor I heard some sobbing, someone was crying. I turned to the source of sound and started walking towards it, that's when I saw her. Ginny sitting on the stair, her head between her knees. She was wearing a black shiny dress that was just above her knees.

She was the one crying.

I sat down on the stairs next to her and pulled her towards me. Her head snapped up and she looked at me trough her teary eyes. "Y-Y/n?" Her voice mixed with her sobs and she wrapped her arms around me. "Shouldn't you be at the party?"

"Fuck the party, Ginny, what is wrong?" I asked running my hand trough her hair. "Did Dean hurt you because I swear I'll -"

"Y/n, Dean and I aren't really together." Ginny said her voice back to normal. "What?"

She swallowed and pushed her hair out of her face. "Its fake. Dean and Seamus are actually together. Dean never liked me and I never liked him."

"Then why?" I asked her confused. She took a moment to respond "I like girls. I am a lesbian, Y/n."


"No you don't get it. I LIKE girl. I want to date girls. I -" I pressed my finger over her mouth to shut her up. "I am not stupid Ginevra. I know what a lesbian is."

"Why are you so calm then. Don't you think its weird and terrible? Don't you hate me?"

I couldn't stop a laugh, it echoed trough the empty hall. I smiled at Ginny and shook my head. "Oh please, we aren't in 15th century. And besides did I never tell you that I am bisexual?"

Ginny shook her head, a smile breaking out on her face "I didn't know that. I'm so glad that you don't hate me. I don't want to lose you as a friend."

"You'll never lose me Ginny." I replied getting up. I offered her my hand which she accepted and I pulled her up. "Now tell me my dear. Do you wanna ditch this stupid dinner party and sneak out to get some alcohol or something?"

"Are you serious?" She asked me, searching my face for an answer. "Of course I am. So what do you say? Yes or no?"

Ginny laughed and shook her head. "You know what? Let's do it."

I clapped my hands together and smiled. "Yes! Now jump on my back, it will be easier to carry you than to drag you." She looked at me wide eyed "What? Why?"

"They won't just let us walk trough the gate Gin. So I am going to use vampire super speed and run, but you can't to the same. That is why I will carry you." I explained. "Think about it as a piggy back ride except it will be much faster."

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