Chapter 09: welcome to detention

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I was peacefully walking trough the halls making my way towards the potions classroom.

"Oh Y/n, I was just looking for you!" McGonagall said stepping in front of me.

"Minnie! Dear whats up?" I asked, smiling at the professor.

"I am not even going to try Lockwood. Where are you going?"

I gave her one of my smiles, watching as her eyes widened. "I have detention."

"Y/n! It hasn't even been a week." The woman said shaking her head, "Which professor and what did you do?"

"Your favorite Minnie. Red powder and green slime. And the professor..." I stepped a bit closer to her, "His name appears to be Snape but you wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"

I didn't give her the chance to answer because I was running down towards the dungeons faster than she could blink. The classroom was completely empty and I thought I'd use that to my advantage to bring back some old memories.

I walked over to the board and took a piece of chalk. With big letter I wrote on the board.


With a smirk on my face I walked over to Severus's desk and flopped down into the big chair with my feet lifted on the table, admiring my work.

"What do you think you are doing Miss Lockwood?" Asked Severus, coming into the room, his empty stare fixated on me.

I smirked in reply and got up from the chair. The piece of chalk I had in my hand was thrown at him and he caught it, waiting for my answer.
"Doesn't it bring back memories, Sev?"

"I am sorry you got dragged into this Severus." I said looking at my friend.

"Its not your fault Y/n/n, it was my decision to sneak out." He replied, giving me a small smile.

"Yeah but i kinda made you . . ." I said looking down at my feet. True to be told, Severus wouldn't even think about sneaking out if I didn't convince him to go to the Astronomy Tower with me because I said that stars look the best after midnight.

"Look, let's just agree that we're both to blame."


Severus and I were having a detention with Slughorn who caught us sneaking out last night. He told us to organize the cabinets in the potions classroom and that is what we are going to -try- do.

"You start with that cabinet and i'll take this one?"I offered, stretching my arms already knowing that by the time we're done they were going to be aching badly.

"Sure." Severus replied giving me a small smile.

"Wait!" I almost screamed, stopping him from what he was doing, "We're missing one thing."

I quickly ran up to the board and grabbed a piece of chalk, starting to write out the words I planned in my head a moment ago.


I smiled proudly at my well written description of detention. "Unbelievable." I heard Severus mutter.

The next thing I know the black-haired boy is next to me, taking the chalk from my hand. He crosses the word 'HELL' and under it writes 'DETENTION'

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