Chapter 03: gotta love potions

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A/N - the picture from above shows how 'Y/N decided to style her uniform' by changing it a little.


As soon as Harry and I got into the common room I rushed into the dorm Dumbledore said was going to be mine now. I remember when I was younger how I would sneak out with Marlene and spend the night there.
We both couldn't figure out why no one used it and guessed that perhaps it was hunted. That made us go there even more often, looking like complete fools and trying to talk to ghost.

I snapped my fingers, the clothes I was wearing being replaced with a school uniform I certainly didn't miss wearing. I ran back downstairs and found Harry looking at me with a expression that was a mix of

"Brilliant." Harry said nodding his head. "Do all vampires run that fast, or is it a heretic thing?"

"All vampires," I said disappointed in his terrible choice of questions, "what's your first class?"

"Potions." He replied, by the way he said it I could easily guess that he doesn't like the class. Or the teacher. But then I can't imagine anyone not liking Slughorn.
Sure, he is a bit weird but he's one of the nice teachers.

"Nice," I said, "I had a friend who wanted to be a potion master when we were younger and he would always make me study with him. So you can copy my homework and stuff like that."

Harry gave me a happy nod, and there was a slight shade of pink coating his cheeks. I noted that as the third thing he had that reminded me of James. Blushing easily.
"Thanks, that'd be nice."

"Not a problem, Potter Junior." I smiled.

Harry looked at the clock hung above the fireplace and his face expression turned into one that said: fucking mortified.
"Oh bloody hell. We're not going to make it in time. Wanna make a bet that I'm going to get detention?"

"I would love to, but Minnie would skin me alive. So," I grabbed his hand in mine and walked him out of the common room, "hold on tight."

And after saying that I ran down to the Potions classroom, hearing Harry gasp in surprise more than one time. As soon as we stopped Harry covered his mouth with his hand.

"You okay?" I asked putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah," he replied  "actually I feel like I might trow up."

"It happens." I replied ruffling his already messy hair. Guess James was right when he said that messy hair runs in the Potter family.
"Come on Potter Junior, we don't wanna be late when we are literally standing in front of the classroom."

Harry nodded and without waiting for him I walked into the classroom that looked mostly the same. Maybe there were a few different things but I was too distracted to point out what those were.

All of the students were looking at me, and at Harry who hesitantly walked in after me. The professor had his back turned to us but one thing I was sure of. It wasn't Slughorn.

"I apologize professor, we didn't mean to be late." Harry said walking up to me.

The moment the professor turned around I heard myself gasp. He looked older, but I was able to recognize him. I would always be able to recognize him. But the moment I felt my heart clench was when I saw the expression he had on his face.

He looked pained. Like he's been to hell and back in matter of literal seconds. He was looking at me like he thought he was seeing a ghost, but soon enough he realized I was not just a part of his imagination.

"Don't let it happen again Potter." Severus told Harry in a firm voice. Not the one McGonagall used when she talked to me, but the one you would use to someone who you can't wait to punish for the smallest thing. "And I assume this is the famous new girl everyone's been whispering about this morning."

Harry gives me a 'good luck' kind of look before going over to the table and taking his seat, where he immediately gets questioner by a bushy brown-haired girl, but I'm too focused on the man in front of me to be able to pick up on what the girl is asking Harry.

"Another Gryffindor, ah?" Its not really a question but he makes it sound like one. "You can sit next to your friend Potter, Miss . . . ?"

You bloody know.

I grit my teeth and plaster on a smile, playing along "Lockwood. Y/n Lockwood."

"Well what are you waiting for, Miss Lockwood, an invitation? Take your sit." He tells me, his voice holding no emotion.

With a fake smile on my face I walk over to the table and sit next to the girl.

Two can play this game Severus. Two can play this game...

"I'm Hermione." She introduced herself in a low voice, smiling at me.

"Y/n." I smile back at her and take out my notebook from my bag.

"Ron Weasley." The ginger boy said leaning in closer from the other side of the table. I used my hand to push him back into the normal sitting position and shook my head. 

"How do you know Harry?" Hermione asked me, occasionally glancing at Severus to make sure we're not caught talking.

"I'm his guardian." I told her, "Or his protector. But I won't tolerate being called a bodyguard."

"But aren't you like 14? Isn't that too young to be a protector?" Ron asks.

"There's this thing called heretics." I said, "Yeah, I'm one of those. Well the only one, others got slaughtered. Anyways its a vampire/witch hybrid. And I'm sixteen, almost seventeen."

His eyes widen slightly as he looks at me "Oh..."

After that we all focused on what Severus was trying to teach us. Sure it would be more interesting to watch paint drying but I had to set a 'good example' for the kids, as McGonagall said.

"Can somebody tell me what are the ingredients for Draught of Peace?" Severus asked turning to look around the classroom.
Hermione raised her hand but Severus completely ignored her, his eyes focused on me, "How about you . . .  Miss Lockwood?"

"This is so bloody boring Sev!" I groaned lying onto the grass. Sun rays were falling onto my skin and I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment.

"Come on Y/n." Severus started, pulling my arm so I was forced to sit up, "Slughorn didn't ask me to tutor you because you were perfect in potions."

I glared at him and lightly punched his shoulder. "You know what I changes my mind. I'd rather fail!"

"No you wouldn't." He replied looking into my eyes, "Your dream was always to become an Auror and the Y/n I know wouldn't give up on it just because Potions were boring." He said the last part in what I guessed was supposed to me imitation of my voice.

"Titty croissants, you're right." I straightened my composure and turned to look at him, "Let's repeat it once more."

He smiled at me, "Good. Now tell me what are the ingredients for Draught of Peace?"

I took a second to think about it before answering, but it was useless because I couldn't remember anything. "Uhmmm . . . moonstone, and syrup of Hellebore . . .  and porcupine quills, unicorn horn, . . . and . . .  and . . . -"

"And Valerian root." Severus finished for me and I gave him a grateful smile

"Right, Valerian root." I made a dramatic show of facepalming and sighing.

"Of course professor." I smiled, clearing my throat, "Ingredients for Draught of Peace are: moonstone, syrup of Hellebore, unicorn horn, porcupine quills, and . . . "

There I stop. Leaving Valerian root out on purpose.

I saw a hint of smile show on his face, "And Valerian root."

"Right, Valerian root." I said, pretending to be sorry that I couldn't answer correctly.

Two can play this game Severus, but I play it better.

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