Chapter 31: earning detention

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"I'm here." Peter said coming into the classroom. We were late to  the first part of class, but then again, most of the time we are.

"I'm queer." Sirius said coming in after Peter.

"I'm deer." said James coming after Sirius.

"What the fox?" I asked going in after them.

"Yeah .... sorry we are late." Remus sighed coming in after me.

Minerva turned to look at us, slightly glaring. And the rest of the class just stared at us silently waiting to see what happens.

"Detention." Minerva said calmly. "Take a sit and just be quiet."

James pulled my arm, walking me to the empty table in the back. We sat there, Sirius and Remus were in a seat in front of us and Peter was stuck with some Ravenclaw.

"As I was saying before we got interrupted." Said Minerva her gaze drifting towards us. "Today's lesson is ....."

"I told you we'll be late." I whispered to James. "But no! Whose idea was it even to have a sleepover in the Shrieking Shack?"

"Yours." Sirius replied turning around a bit to look at us.

"It pains me to admit, but Pads is right Y

/n ." Said Remus in a low voice.

"You all agreed with it so shut up." I replied to them.

"Black, Lupin, Potter, Lockwood, pay attention." Minerva told us firmly.

We muttered a quick 'sorry professor' and started taking notes from the board.

"You'll let me copy your notes right Y/n/n?" James whispered in my ear pointing at the notes I was trying to write down.

"Depends on whenever or not you shut up so I can copy them for myself first."

"Want a cookie?" Peter who was opposite to me, on the couch asked

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"Want a cookie?" Peter who was opposite to me, on the couch asked.

I lifted my gaze up from the paper I was drawing on and nodded. "Sure." The next thing I knew, a cookie hit my head and fell on the table. "Pete what the fuck?"

"Shit Y/n, I'm sorry I -"

I picked the cookie up and put in my mouth. "Next time you try to violate a cookie is the last time you ever do anything."

He gulped and placed a tray full of cookies on the table. "Sorry."

Barely a moment later the portrait hole opened, and Sirius, James and Remus walked in looking exhausted and tired.

"Hold up!" James said looking at me and Peter. "How the hell are you two already here, and how long have you been here?"

"About 30 minutes." I replied returning back to my drawing.

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