Chapter 08: rita skeeter

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Maybe this was a bad idea . . . Oh yeah this was totally a bad idea. Severus is gonna blow up when it happens. Oh he's gonna be so mad. Yep a bad idea.

But I am not giving up on my friendship and if doing this is a way of making it happen then I don't care. I'd gladly sit a week in detention if it gave me a chance to fix my relationship with my friends.

 I'd gladly sit a week in detention if it gave me a chance to fix my relationship with my friends

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We were sitting in the Potions classroom waiting for Snape to come. Ever since our argument last night Ron didn't want to talk to me, and right now he was glaring at me. Possibly mad at the fact that Snape would never allow us to change

"Wait how did you get that answer?" Hermione asked flipping trough pages on Y/n's homework.

"It was a trick question, Granger." Y/n smiled, "don't worry about it. I already went trough all of this. You're pretty bloody smart for your age trough."

"Thanks Y/n." Hermione said, blushing slightly.

"Oh now we have another golden person." Ron said in a bitter voice.

Y/n chuckled, looking up at Ron, her eyes redder than the Gryffindor tie around her neck. She smiled at him, showing him her fangs and I grip on my notebook in surprise.

Ron's eyes widen as he's clearly taken back. I see him grip the edges of his chair, his eyes however can't seem to leave Y/n.
"Don't talk about me like that kid," she said coldly, but kept her voice even, "or I just might have to replace the dinner we have tonight with you."

I can't bring myself to look away from her. Her dark brown hair is falling over her face but she doesn't move it. She's looking at Ron, waiting his answer or his next move. He gulped and nodded and she just didn't concern herself with him anymore.

She turned to me and caught me looking at her. I was embarrassed that one time I do decide to look at the girl, she catches me. And to make things even worse, its Y/n/n. The girl who probably sees me like a little toddler who needs help with every single thing.

To my surprise she smiled back at me and I watched in amazement as her fangs disappeared and her eyes returned to their normal color.

I want to say something but before I even get the chance Snape comes into the classroom, looking like he is definitely going to make our lives hell today.

The second he sat down a bucket of green slime was dropped onto his head followed by red coloring powder.
Damn, I feel bad for Fred and George.

 Damn, I feel bad for Fred and George

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