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Odetta Greengrass stepped onto the Hogwarts Express, blowing a strand of her dark hair out of her face as she scanned each compartment

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Odetta Greengrass stepped onto the Hogwarts Express, blowing a strand of her dark hair out of her face as she scanned each compartment. She then smirked to herself when she heard the familiar laugh coming from one of the compartments.

She walked over to the door and slid it open, keeping it open with her foot as she leaned on the doorway with her arms crossed. She smirked to herself as she noticed a short, brown haired boy fidget in his seat. Her dark eyes scanned each boys face who looked at her with confusion until her gaze fell on a dark haired boy. "Black, have you seen Regulus?" She asked which made the boy shake his head.

"Why would I tell a Slytherin?" He spat as he crossed his arms and looked her up and down with disgust. "You came out of a Slytherin's vag-" She was cut off when covered her mouth with their hand and pulled her away from the door.

The boy who covered her mouth popped his head into the compartment, scanning the faces before getting to his brothers, nodding slightly and pushing Odetta down the hallway. "Regulus wait." Sirius called as he got up from his seat and held onto the doorframe.

Regulus ignored him with a furrowed brow and continued to walk on, making the older boy let out a loud sigh. Odetta's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, looking up at the younger boy who kept a stern face.

"Fuck sake." She muttered when she saw the all infamous gang of Slytherins consisting of a greasy haired boy, two bleach blondes and the others weren't important. "How do you politely tell someone that I want to hit their face with a brick several times?" She asked the boy who had finally let go of her arms.

"One wishes to acquaint your facial structure with a rigidly edged object fundamentally used in the construction of walls." Regulus replied monotonously which made Odetta's jaw hang open. "That was poetry." She said with a slight smile as she pointed at him which made him smirk to himself.

Odetta could tell Lucius Malfoy, who she had been staying with for several years, had over heard them. At the age of 10, she had found herself in the care of Lucius parents which meant she spent lots of time with Lucius though she never saw him as a brother figure of even a friend.

"At least I'm not related to a blood-traitor." He spat as he glared at Regulus which made the boy look down and sigh. "Do you use the same insult of Narcissa?" Odetta asked with a smug look as the boy turned around to look at the scowling Slytherin beside him, gulping loudly.

"Also, in my policies I can't let you get away with a comment like so I have-"

"No, we will just get going." Regulus said, interrupting her as he looked down at the girl who was slightly shorter then him. "Reg I love you, but shut up." And then she got out her wand and pointed it in the direction of Lucius, flicking it and watching in satisfaction as his teeth began to grow until they almost reached the floor.

She then span her wand around her fingers before raising her eyebrows and asking the rest, "Anyone want to go next?" which made them all scowl as they walked away. "Why are you do dramatic?" Regulus asked as he let out a sigh of defeat. Odetta rolled her eyes, pushing her dark hair behind her ear and turned around to look at him.

"That's exactly why you love me." She said with a shrug which made the younger boy roll his eyes and walk off. Before she followed him, she noticed the same messy haired boy she had saw in Sirius's compartment. He stared at her with his hazel eyes and smirked which made her furrow her eyebrows and follow Regulus who had found an empty compartment.

Odetta slouched as she sat in the Great Hall for the Sorting Ceremony. Her head was being supported with one hand as she tapped on the table. She saw but chose to ignore Regulus who was getting frustrated with the girl, his jaw clenching as she continued to tap on the wood.

He rolled his eyes before sliding his elbow so her arm moved and her chin hit the table with a loud thud. Odetta rolled her eyes before glaring at the boy who wasn't looking at her but the sorting hat at the front of the hall.

Her attention then went to Narcissa who sat a couple seats down on the opposite side of table, snickering at the girl as she wrapped her blonde hair around her finger. With a blank face, Odetta hit the bowl of soup she was already eating in the direction of the girl which made her sheik loudly.

Everyone in the hall turned to look in that direction with furrowed brows, watching as the blonde Slytherin wiped the soup off her face. Odetta only rolled her eyes at the dramatic girl as she moved her food around her plate with a fork.

Odetta and Regulus said in her room together. She was lucky enough to find herself a dormitory to herself and even though there was a spare bed, it was often reserved for her large book collection. She hated sharing a room with anyone, no matter how close she was with them. She couldn't make herself be that vulnerable in front of some 4th year who had an argument with their dorm mate.

"Do you remember that time you dared me to lick the portrait of the Fat Lady?" The dark haired girl asked before lifting a cup of tea to her lips and taking a sip. "No, I did not dare you. I told you 'do not lick the portrait of the Fat Lady' and you responded with 'don't tell me what to do' and licked the portrait ." Regulus replied as he lay on his back with his hands behind his head on the spare bed.

"Right, I'm going to bed." Regulus said to fill in the silence, swinging his legs off the bed and hitting his thighs. "Night." She replied as she pulled the blanket up to cover most of her first, Regulus rolling his eyes at the girl before closing the door.

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