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Odetta was sat in the Gryffindor common room but she wasn't with James but Lily. As head girl, Lily intended to decorate the common room for Easter and no one else wanted to help her out but Odetta offered, after being promised chocolate.

"You know we could just do this with magic?" Odetta asked with a raised eyebrows as she cut out a piece of coloured card. "That's not the point. This will be made with love." Lily replied. "The kids won't know. Why are you doing this anyway?" The Slytherin asked.

"Because some of the children didn't have families who did egg hunts and I want to make up for that." Lily replied as she drew out a bunny. Odetta paused for a moment before sighing, putting on a smile and glueing some paper together.


James, who had been at Quidditch practice, walked back into the common room, expecting a few cards scattered around but when the portrait swung open and he stepped in, he looked around.

Paper chains were hung from ceiling beams, balloons were stuck to walls, there were banners stuck to the walls and pulled there were a few eggs which were obviously hidden.
His eyes then followed up a ladder which Odetta was stood on, reaching up to hang a piece of ribbon.

Once she noticed James, she waved at him with a huge grin which made him smile. "What do you think?" She asked excitedly. "Love it." He replied with a goofy grin as she hurried down the ladder, jumping off a few steps down which made James jump as she almost fell.


That night, James was lay on the couch. He was usually able to fall asleep to the surrounding boys's snores but that night he was finding it difficult so he moved to the sofa by the fireplace which wasn't lit but still radiated heat.

A blanket was throw over him as he propped his legs up on the arm of the chair. Slowly, he felt his eyelids droop until they were shut.

"Odetta! Odetta!" James called out, a smile growing on his face when she responded. But when he looked to the side, he was a sinister smile and other wizards, showing off their dark mark proudly.

"Odetta what happened? You said you wouldn't join them." He exclaimed which made her laugh maniacally. "I loved you!" He exclaimed as she twirled her wand around her fingers. "Who could love you?" She asked with a scoff.

Suddenly, James shook himself and instantly sat up, breathing quickly. Just then, the portrait swung open and Marlene stepped in, looking taken back by the presence of the boy.

"James is everything okay?" She asked with furrowed brows when she realised how red he was. He nodded in response but as he looked up, Dorcas appeared from nowhere from bed in her, both their hair messy and untamed but James was too tired to notice.

"Right then, night Potter." The blonde girl said before the two girls hurried up to their dormitory, leaving the boy alone under a blanket on the couch.


Odetta began to worry as the days got hotter as to how she would hide the dark mark. For a couple weeks she had been wearing her jumper but it made her sweat and made it difficult to concentrate.

That was until Remus gave her a great idea, unintentionally but it was still a good idea. The two were sat up on the library when he began to continue about the new cuts he gets from the full moon and how it takes ages to do up bandages and change them.

So, that morning, Odetta wrapped a bandage she had taken from the Hospital wing around her arm, covering the mark which she regretted with all of her being. Once ensuring it was secure, she got changed and headed out to the Great Hall for breakfast.

But as she walked towards the hall, the mysterious bandage caught the attention of a couple students, Severus Snape in particular. "Why are you wearing a bandage Greengrass?" He asked, his beady eyes staring at her with suspicion.

"I cut my arm. Now are you going to interrogate me or let me get some food?" She asked with a raised eyebrow which made the greasy boy mutter under her breath as she passed. "Prick." She whispered as she made her way into the Great Hall.

James's eyes lit up when he saw Odetta walk into the hall which made him grin widely. But she didn't not reply with a smile but a blank face as she at down next to Remus and rested her head on his arm. "What's wrong?" The messy haired boy asked the Slytherin.

"Why was I born a women?" She asked loudly as she hit her head on the table, holding onto her stomach. "Because we are strong and beautiful." Marlene said from nowhere as she put her hands on each of her shoulders and placed a kiss on the top of her head. "Now, have any of you seen Lily?" She asked which was replied with a shake of everyone's heads.

The blonde girl then huff before dragging her feet behind her as she walked out the Great Hall after picking up a croissant. "I'm sure you're being dramatic." Sirius said.

"Did Sirius Black just call me dramatic? Mate, you can't hardly stub your toe without screaming and crying." She replied back sharply which made Remus snicker and Sirius pout.

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