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There, with their fingers hooked around the doorframe was a greasy haired boy

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There, with their fingers hooked around the doorframe was a greasy haired boy. "Is it your hobby to stick your peculiarly large nose in other people's business?" She asked with raised eyebrows as she picked her wand off the floor.

The two boys had heard her and had turned around to see what was going on. "Aconite? That's a peculiar ingredient for only one potion." Snape sneered as he stepped out from behind the wall.

Odetta flicked her wand in the boy's direction, making bull horns grow out of his greasy hair and sneeze out sardines from his massive hooked nose. "Now fuck off twinkle toes or you won't like where I put this wand." She threatened which made him run off, a trail of sardines behind him.

"Or maybe he would." She muttered to herself with a shrug as Sirius and James walked over to the doorway and stared at her. "I'm surprised you didn't oblivate him and make him forget his family." Sirius spat.

"Oscausi." Odetta announced with a swish of her wand which made the boy's mouth disappeared but his jaw was still moving. "Why did you do that?" James asked with furrowed brows whilst Sirius hit his arm to reverse the spell.

"I only did it for Remus. If it was for anyone else I wouldn't of bothered." She replied. "And I'd be carful. That potion is fatal if made incorrectly." She added as she began to I walk away and turn the corner.

James watched her until Sirius shook his arm so much that it went dead. "Okay, okay!" James exlcakmed before flicking his wand at the boy making his mouth appear again. "Isn't she more of a bitch this year?" Sirius asked which made James tut and flick his wand again making his mouth disappear.

"I regret doing that." James said as he walked back to the desk and stirred the potion in the raven cauldron and Sirius sulked in the corner.

The Marauders sat in the Great Hall for breakfast the next morning as James explained what happened the night before. "Go and thank her then." Remus said as he cut up his egg and lifted his fork to his mouth. Sirius said beside him, supporting his head with his hand and staring at him with awe like he did with everything Remus did.

"I can't thank her she's a-a," James stopped as he gestured for the boys to lean in closer. "A death eater." He whispered which made their eyes widened. "When did you find that out?" Peter asked as he glanced between the Slytheirn girl and James. "The first day back." He answered.

"I can't believe you dated a murdered." Sirius hissed which made Remus kicked his leg with a look of frustration before sighing. "I didn't think she was like them." The tall boy sighed as he turned to look at Odetta who sat at the other side of the hall.

"Same." James said, also staring at the Slytherin however the others had turned around and Odetta had looked up and caught him staring.

She then grabbed a piece of parchment another student was about the write on, scribbling something down on it before folding it into a plane and throwing it across the hall. It flew above the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff table and landed in front of James who slowly opened it.

'What the fuck are you looking at Potter?'

James looked back up at Odetta and put on a faked smile before sneering at her, his nose turned up and his lip curled slightly. She then smiled back before putting her middle finger up at him which made him scowl.

As Odetta left the Great Hall for Transfiguration, she passed Marlene,Lily and Dorcas who stopped her. "Odetta, do you want to come to our common room tonight?" The blonde girl asked.

"I don't think that's such a good idea." Odetta replied as she rubbed the side of her arm. "Come on. There will be alcohol." Dorcas sang. Odetta then looked around in thought before smirking mischievously at James who was still on the hall. "I'll be there."

Odetta sat on the end of Marlene's bed, a cup of cider in her hand. The record player was on and they were drinking laughing at Dorcas who was singing 'I want to hold hand' loudly. But once the song finished, Lily flicked her wand at the record player to make it stop.

"I have a confession," She began which made all the other girls look at her with curiosity. "I know last year he was a dick, but I think I like James." She confessed but she then furrowed her eyebrows at Marlene and Dorcas who began to laugh.

"You change your mind all the time." Marlene laugh as Dorcas jumped onto the end of Lily's bed. The red head rolled her eyes at the two girls before asking, "So how do I get with him without being too needy?" She asked which made the two girls laugh even louder.

"You can get drunk and kiss him. It worked for me." Odetta muttered under her breath which somehow Lily knew over the drunk laughter. "You kissed James?" She asked with wide eyes which caught the girl off guard.

"Sadly, yes but he's a dick. Wait didn't he kiss you on the train?" Odetta asked which made the other girls stop and gasp. "He did but I pushed him away. It was so sudden." She exclaimed as Dorcas and Marlene glanced between Lily and each other.

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