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"Odetta, Odetta!" Regulus called as he shook the dark haired girl to wake her up

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"Odetta, Odetta!" Regulus called as he shook the dark haired girl to wake her up. He had promised to wake her up on time the next morning, something she was now regretting. "Let me sleep in!" She moaned as she tried to pull the blanket over her face. "Absolutely not! A promise is a promise!" He announced, fighting with her to get her out of bed.

"I'll do it!" He threatened, still pulling on the blanket. "You wouldn't dare!" Odetta shouted, her words muffled as she had switched to the pillow to cover her face. "I would!" He then took a step back and took out him wand.

"Aug-" Before he could the spell, Odetta had rolled off of the bed onto the floor and grabbed her wand and flicked it at the boy. "Expelliarmus." She watched as the wand flew out of his hand and landed on the floor, making him roll his eyes and walk over to get it.

"Now your awake, you're coming with me." Regulus said, grabbing the girls arm and pulling her up as she dramatically snored. "I need to get changed!" She shouted as he pulled her closer to the door. "No, you'll just go back to sleep." Regulus replied.

"You got me there." She said, winking and pointing a finger at the boy which made him sigh. "You can have a hoodie." Regulus said, sitting down on the couch and hurrying up to his room so he could throw a hoodie at her.

"Fucking hell Reg, it's half 5!" She exclaimed as she dragged her feet along behind the younger Slytherin. "I told you to wake me up early, not fucking night time!" She exclaimed which made the boy roll his eyes at the dramatic Slytherin.

"We're going down to the Quidditch pitch, the cold air should wake you up." Regulus said, tutting when the girl stopped so he had to walk up behind her and push her along.

They got down to the pitch and Odetta stayed in the stands, her feet propped up on the railings as she watched Regulus fly around. "It doesn't look that difficult, you're sat still the whole time." Odetta said with her arms crossed, shrugging and looking away when Regulus gasped at her.

"If you think it's so easy, you have a go!" He shouted back as he was high up in the air. Odetta rolled her eyes before standing up, pulling the hood up over her dark hair, and walked down to the Quidditch pitch.

"I bet you can't even get off the ground." Regulus said with a smug look as the girl rolled her eyes and snatched the broom off of him. "Watch me." She then mounted the broom and kicked herself off of the ground.

She was a little shaky at first, because flying was a subject only for first years, but the more you stayed up, the more confident you get. "Aren't so smart now huh!" She shouted down at the boy who shook his head in disappointment.

A smirk then grew on her face when she saw a familiar messy haired boy walk over to the stands and take a seat. "Look Reg, I've already got a fan!" The dark haired girl shouted down at Regulus who looked around in confusion.

"No, came to see your ugly face." He replied, trying to sneer which only made the girl chuckle. She then leaned forward on the broom, her head resting in her hands. "I see, what's next? A knock-knock joke?" She asked sarcastically as she rolled her eyes at the boy.

Odetta then flew back down onto the floor and handed the broom back to Regulus, rolling her eyes as James walked down to the pitch. "Why aren't you on the team? Too shit?" He asked smugly which made Odetta scoff. "Incorrect. I actually have other things to do then throw balls around." She replied as she walked closer to the boy, moving her index finger side to side which the boy followed with his hazel eyes.

"Oh yeah, like what?" He asked with raised eyebrows. "Hexing arrogant Gryffindors like you." She answered, looking the boy up and down with a face of disgust. "I feel sorry for you Regulus, she looks like hard work!" He called over to the younger Slytherin with a smirk.

She then kicked his knee so he bent down and held onto his leg in pain, allowing her to grab his tie and pull him closer. "Oh you have no fucking idea." She whispered in his ear.

"The sexual tension here is through the roof!" They looked over to the stands to see Sirius, Peter and Remus all with smirks. "Or you could say woof!" Peter said with a small chuckle which disappeared when the two boys looked down at him with blank faces.

"You're right Black." Odetta said, looking back at the boy with raised eyebrows as she let him go. Odetta then felt a tug on her shoulder which made her look around to see Regulus who was desperate to leave. "Can we go now?" He asked like a small child.

"Why? Is there-"

"Reggie um, how are you?" Sirius asked awkwardly, scratching the back of his head as his eyes darted between his brother and the floor. "You left me alone and you ask 'how are you'!" The younger Slytherin shouted at the Gryffindor, all of them taken back by his outburst.

"Reg, I'm still your brother." Sirius said as hit tears flooded from his eyes, his jaw clenched. "No! You stopped being my brother when you walked out that door!" He shouted back before storming off and back towards the castle.

Odetta hurried after him, a first running but she became out of breath so she walked faster then usual. "Reg, what happened?" Odetta asked, grabbing his shoulder to spin him around. The boy said nothing but wrapped his arms around her and sobbed into her shoulder.

She froze still awkwardly, not knowing what to exactly do. "Reg, I'll be honest with you. I don't know how to comfort you." She quietly said into his ear which made him chuckle and release her, wiping under his eyes.

"Your stone hearted. Do you even know how to cry?" He asked the older Slytherin who pulled a look of disgust. "Salty water coming from my eyeballs? No thanks." She said which made the boy roll his eyes but chuckle.

"Sirius left this summer, he just grabbed his bags and left for the Potter's." He said, taking in deep breaths as he tried to regain his normal breathing pattern. "Without saying goodbye." He added with a sigh which made Odetta clench her jaw.

"Oh, that arrogant, egotistical little- when I see him I'm going to-"

"Odetta stop. Why are you so violent?" Regulus asked as he grabbed the girls arm as she began to walk away. "If you met my family, you would understand."

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