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Odetta awoke the first morning of the summer holidays, and though Dobby had opened her windows to let the sunlight in, Odetta didn't move

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Odetta awoke the first morning of the summer holidays, and though Dobby had opened her windows to let the sunlight in, Odetta didn't move. Instead she lay on her back and looked up at the ceiling, refusing to move to get changed or even go for breakfast.

She couldn't stand being with the Malfoys so early in the morning so she either snuck the food back upstairs or didn't eat until they were all busy.

Then there was a small knock at her door which made her groan as she sat herself up. "Come in!" She called out groggily since her throat hurt from crying so much during the night.

"I have been ordered to sent Master Odetta downstairs." He said sheepishly as he looked down at the floor. "What the fuck do they want?" Odetta muttered under breath as she threw her blanket off of her and pushed herself up.

"Yes?" She called out as she stood at the top of the stairs, the family of three standing at the bottom. "Get yourself cleaned up girl!" Persephone shrieked when she saw the girl was still in her pyjamas. "We are going to the Blacks house." Abraxas added as she walked back to her room.

After getting changed, they used the floo powder system to travel to the Blacks house in London. Odetta was the last to step out of the fireplace in the dining room but once she did, she took a sharp intake of breath.

Sat at the end on the table sat a pale skinned, skull-like face with slits for nostrils and bright red eyes with pupils of a cat. Wrapped around his chair was a snake which glared at Odetta with a look of digust.

Odetta saw no sign of Regulus at all, but she was more focused on the Dark Lord who they were approaching. Suddenly, Persephone jabbed her boney fingers into the girls spine, ushering her in front of the Dark Lord.

Odetta's breathing quickened and her eyes widened as she stood in front of him. "She is scared my Lord." Bellatrix cackled as she approached her, spinning her crooked wand around her fingers.

"Hold out your arm child." Voldemort ordered but the girl was reluctant and didn't put her arm out a first. The curly haired witch then walked up behind her and leaned into her ear. "I can tell you are in pain," She paused as she moved to the other ear. "Angry."

A shiver went down Odetta's spine as he breath was not warm but freezing cold. The dark haired girl bit her bottom lip and glared at the witch as she smiled evilly and lean on the chair the Dark Lord sat on.

Odetta was confused at first until she remembered Bellatrix was a Legilimens menacing she could read minds, which was extremely annoying for students when she was Head Girl.

Reluctantly, Odetta pulled up the sleeve of her arm and held it out in front of the pale skinned wizard. He then lifted up his wand to her arm as a mark appeared.

Odetta whinced in pain slightly but held it back by biting her bottom lip until she drew blood. One her forearm appeared a skull and a snake which she stared at. Suddenly, her head filled with visions.

They were of her, laughing maniacally as students she knew from school screamed in fear. "Avada Kedavra!" She screamed as her wand was pointed at none other the Lily Evans.

Odetta's eyes widened with horror as the visions stopped and she was back in the dining rooms of the Black's. "Are you feeling well Odetta?" He asked with a grin, revealing his yellow and rotting teeth.

"Yes my Lord." She replied with a slight bow before stepping aside to Abraxas and Persephone who was watching Lucius step up. "When knew you weren't so useless girl." Abraxas said as he proudly placed his hand on his wife shoulder as Odetta sighed.

She then excused herself and went up the stairs to search for Regulus. Carefully, she pushed the boys bedroom door open to reveal his sitting on his bed and staring at his arm. "Regulus," She called out which made him pull his sleeve down quickly and look up at her.

She then closed the door and moved to sit on the bed beside him, a tear travelling down down her cheek and falling of her jaw. "We fucked up Reg." She said shakily to fill in the silence as the two look straight in front of them.

"What's next?" Regulus asked as he turned to look at him, his eyes as if he was about to cry. "I know mine." She paused to let out a deep breath. "To marry Lucius." Regulus eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she put on a fake smile.

"Then I am to marry Narcissa." Regulus replied which made her stare at him with a look of disgust. "You're first cousins!" She exclaimed which made Regulus nod.

"Well my parents were cousins and we cane out fine." Odetta shook her head in disagreement. "Debatable." She chuckled which made Regulus hit her arm but snicker. "What if we pretend to marry each other?"

Regulus's suggestion made her look back at him with a look of surprise before looking around in thought. "It would stop us from marry people we don't like or our cousins." He added to try and convince the girl.

"That's smart Reg but your parents would need to approve." Odetta replied which made him hum as he thought. He then got up and travelled down the stairs, calling out for his mother.

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