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The Marauders sat in Gryffindor common room, attempting to study together by the fire

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The Marauders sat in Gryffindor common room, attempting to study together by the fire. "I'm not sure what that sentence means." Remus said as he pointed at a a sentence in Latin. "Ignorance is bold and knowledge reserved." Sirius said monotonously.

"You can read Latin!" Remus exclaimed as he rested his head in his hands and looked at the boy impressed. "You can read!" James loudly exclaimed which made Sirius turn his head to look at him with a blank face. "That's cold, Potter."

The four boys were silent for a couple of seconds before Remus cleared his throat and began to talk again. "Okay, so if I bite it and it's die, I'm poisonous but if it bites me and I die it's venomous." Remus said which made James hum and slowly nod.

"Wait, I have some questions!" Sirius shouted as he raised his hand up high in the air, making Remus roll his eyes and nod in his direction. "What is if I bite it and I die?" Sirius asked the tall boy.

"That means your poisonous." Remus answered which made Sirius hum before asking another question. "What if I bite myself and it dies?" He asked again.

"That's voodoo." He answered slowly with furrowed brows. "Okay, what if we bite each other and none of us die?" Sirius asked. "That's ... kinky?" Remus answered slowly which made Sirius nod and scribbled down some notes.

Regulus walked down the Hogwarts hallway to the Great Hall the next morning, his hair still messy and tangled. "Regulus wait!" Sirius called out as he ran after the Slytherin.

"What?" The boy asked with slightly furrowed brows. "I have something to tell you." Sirius answered which made Regulus roll his eyes.

"Let me guess. Remus touched your hand accidentally? Remus said your name?" Regulus began to guess which made Sirius shake his head. "Almost..."

"Got it. Remus hit you on the head with his book and rolled his eyes at you, in a 'sexy way'?" Regulus asked which made Sirius widen his eyes and nod. "Damn, you're good."

"Well yeah." Regulus shrugged. "Regulus, you little- oh hi Sirius." Odetta said with a forced smile as she walked up behind Regulus and saw Sirius. "Wow, you're nice." The Gryffindor said sarcastically which made Odetta roll her eyes.

"Right, bye Reg." Sirius said, glaring at the girl before walking off in the hall where his friends were. "Someone's got their knickers in a twist." Odetta muttered in Regulus's snicker because he was trying to hold back his laughs.

Odetta slumped in her chair as Slughorn began to explain a poly juice potion. She drummed her quill on her desk, sat at the back of classroom with dusty bookcases.

Her ears pricked up when she heard her name being whispered from the direction of the Marauders. "Why does she always sit alone, does no one like her?" Peter asked Remus who shrugged. "I mean, who would want to be friends her. She's a bitch." Sirius replied which made Odetta's face go red with anger.

She took the ink pot from her table and pulled her arms back, throwing the ink which spattered all over Sirius and his work. "Case and point." He said back to his friends before turning around to face the Slytherin with a scowl.

"What's wrong Black, can't seem to say shit to my face?" She asked with a pouty lip as she leaned forward, her pout turning into an evil smirk. "Why? Scared?" She asked again with a chuckle.

"You think I'm scared of you?" Sirius asked with a chuckle. "I'm scared to talk to you in case my parents leave me for France." James added with an evil grin.

Odetta felt her fists and jaw clench, her face become burning hot. "Well done Potter." She said sarcastically as she got off her chair and pointed her wand at him.

"You're nothing with out a wand. You're all bark, no bite." James chuckled which made her out her wand back and storm over to him, grabbed his tie and pulled his off his stool which made him topple backwards but he regained his balance.

"Aw, what are you going to-" He was cut off by a fist hitting his nose, sending him backwards and the smirk on his face disappearing. A ring she wore made a small cut on the bridge of his nose. She watched in satisfaction as he held onto his nose. "How's that for no bite Potter?" She asked the boy with a slight scoff.

"Detention Miss Greengrass and 30 points from Slytherin!" Slughorn exclaimed as he hurried to the messy haired boy, finally realising what happened. Odetta only shrugged before sitting back on her chair, running her fingers along her knuckles which were already bruising.

"What the fuck happened to your hand!" Regulus exclaimed as he grabbed her hand and inspected the purple bruises. "Punched Potter." She replied as she flicked to the next page of her book like it was nothing. "Why?" He asked her with furrowed brows and a high pitched voice.

"Talked about my parents, do you have nothing better to do then interrogate me?" She asked as she threw her book down and snatched her hand back and got off the couch in the Slytherin common room.

She then got to her dormitory door but before she pushed it open she sighed loudly before saying, "Sorry, I just need a nap." She apologised before closing the door and sitting on her bed.

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