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The four Gryffindor sat in in the main part of the common room, the Marauders map in Sirius's hands

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The four Gryffindor sat in in the main part of the common room, the Marauders map in Sirius's hands. He watched intently at the same Regulus Arcturus Black in the Slytherin common room. James then walked over and leaned on the back of the sofa he sat on, inspecting the map as well.

"Look, there goes Greengrass stumbling around." He chuckled as he pointed at the girl's name as it wobbled around through the hallways of the castle. "Why don't you go find her." Sirius said. "And bring Peter along." He added, pointing at the short boy before looking at Remus with a smirk.

James furrowed his brows in disgust when he saw this and walked over to Peter who was watering one of his plant pots. "Come on Pete, we'll have an adventure of our own without them." James said as he pulled the boy up and held onto his arm. "I'm sure it won't be as good as the adventure me and Remus will have." The dark haired boy winked which made James wrench before leaving to common room with the short boy.

"What are we doing Prongs?" Peter as the boy, having to walk faster to catch up to the taller boy. James glances down at the Marudaders map which he had snatched off of Sirius before the they left and smirked at Odetta's name. "Finding ourselves a Slytherin to mess with." He replied with a smirk, pointing at her name.

"Shit." James said as his head shot up, scanning the corridors when he heard the familiar cough of Filch, both boys watching in horror as his shadow became bigger and bigger. "Human sacrifice!" James exclaimed as he pushed Peter in the direction of the caretaker and ran, finding a new way to the balcony Odetta was on.

"Potter? Why are you here?" The drunk Odetta asked the Gryffindor, her words slightly slurred as she spoke which made the boy chuckle. "Remus and Sirius kicked us out to do some ungodly things." He answered as he walked to the girl and rested his arms on the railings.

"Do you wanna see something funny?" She asked but before he could answer, she had pushed herself up into the barrier of the balcony and tried to walk on it. "Odetta, that's really dangerous." James said with wide eyes as the girl almost slipped off to the ground below.

"Danger is my middle name." She replied as she moved her arms to balance herself. "No it's not. It's Aurora." James replied with a sigh, remembering her name from the map. "And it's disgusting. Too angelic." She said with a disgusted look.

"I think it's a pretty name." He said as he tried to pull her back down but she pushed him away. "Why don't you marry the name then?" Her words slurred as she flung her head back, she had gotten to a pillar which she leaned on.
"For that I would need to marry you and I don't want to do that to myself." He answered which made her roll her eyes.

He then grabbed her hand and pulled her off however he used a lot of force because he expected her to fight back, but she didn't and instead fell. James was unable to catch her so she hit the concrete floor with a deep thud face first.

"Crap. Are you alright?" He asked as he hurried to her, watching as she lifted her head up. She had a purple graze on her forehead and her nose was dripping blood along with her lip which she had bite. "It's one thing to pull me off but not being able to catch me. Rude Potter." She said as wiped her nose, smirking at the blood.

"Did you just smirk that you're bleeding? What's wrong with you?" He asked with wide eyes as she sat herself up and leaned on the pillar, her back pushed against it. "Lots of thing. But at least I'm beautiful." She answered, flicking her hair behind her shoulder which made him roll his eyes.

"Do you want to go to Madam Pomfrey?" He asked her, watching as she covered her nose with her sleeve. She shook her head which made the boy sigh and look around in thought.

"Then do you want to go back to the Slytherin common room?" He asked her with a raised eyebrow as he was running out of ideas. "I'd be hexed for being loud. I'll just stay out here." She shrugged as she leaned back, almost falling off again,

"I'd hate to do it, but I think you need to go to the Gryffindor common room." He said with a disgusted face, dramatically wrenching once he had finished the sentence. "A room full of prude and arrogant people, no thanks." She smirked which made him scoff.

"Well I can't just leave you out here." James said to the girl who hung her head down and yawned loudly. "Sure you can." She replied which made him roll his eyes.

"Don't hex me." He said and before she could say anything else, he had bent down and grabbed her arm, throwing her over his shoulder and walking back to the common room.

"What the fuck are you doing?" She asked as she hit his back with clenched fist which occasionally made him flinch. She smirked when she heard his frustrated mutters when she punched his spine. "Do you want to be caught by Filch." He hissed back, rolling her eyes when she hummed.

He ignored to girl who continued to kick and hit him and got to the portrait, announcing the password and taking a step onto the cozy common room.

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