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That same night, Odetta lay on her back and no matter how much she tired, she couldn't fall asleep. Instead she constantly glanced at her clock and repeated, "If I fall asleep now I will have 7 hours of sleep." which continued to "If I fall asleep now I will have 4 hours of sleep."

She would sweat under the blankets but when she threw them off she began to cold. Her pyjamas were too itchy but she felt like the Giant Squid would watch her sleep naked. Finally she gave up and let out a loud sigh of defeat. "Fine! You win!" Odetta shouted at what seemed like midair.

She was terribly bored and the only way to fix that is to do something against the rules so she threw herself up and quicklime got changed so she wouldn't freeze to death. But then she decided a walk alone would be boring so she made her way up to Regulus's dorm.

"Wake up bitch." Odetta hissed as she shook the younger boy awake. He suddenly jolted up before letting out a sigh of relief to see it was Odetta and rubbed his eyes. "What time is it?" He asked, his throat dry and sore.

"That's irrelevant. I wanna go on a walk through the Forbidden Forest and you're coming with me." She ordered as she pulled the blanket off him and tired to pull him out of bed which was surprising difficult in the lack of light.

"But it's forbidden. It's in the name." Regulus replied condescendingly which made her roll her eyes. "Get you big girl knickers on and sky's go." She ordered before walking back to the door. "Pussy." She whispered under her breath, but loud enough for the boy to hear.

The two Slytherin students began to walk closer and closer to the dark, foggy forest edge. Regulus was reluctant to take a step in and follow Odetta who was nearly engulfed by the thick fog already. "Are you scared of anything?" Regulus asked as he sheepishly followed her around.

"Yeah." Odetta replied as she scanned the trees before continuing to walk. "What?" He asked with furrowed brows. "Dying alone. That's why you're here." She answered monotonously with a blank face before Regulus found a small tattered book on the floor.

"Look Odetta. I found-" He paused to flick open the next page and read the name aloud. "Violet Lestrange?" He continued in a questioning tone. "Oh yeah. That use to be owned by the woman who gave birth to me." Odetta replied with a shrug, Regulus slowly trailing behind her as he inspected the diary.

"So your mother?" He asked, able to make out Odetta shaking her head and chuckling slightly which echoed t he ought the eerily silent woods. "She's no mother."

Suddenly, from behind a nearby tree was a rustle. The two snapped their heads in that detection, their intakes off breath quick and sudden. Then, a figure stepped out. It was tall, grey and skinning with a long snout. The two Slytherins stayed silent until they snapped back into reality and ran.

Regulus began to ran quickly in the direction of the castle, jumping over exposed roots and ducking under low hanging, crooked branches.
Odetta ,on the other hand, ran forward and deeper into the wood. Her breathing sped up as her dark hair blue behind her. She was finding it difficult to avoid obstacles as her eyes were beginning to water from the cold air.

She could hear running close behind but she didn't glance back in case she made eye contact with the creature. However she began to panic as they became closer and louder.

All of a sudden, a great stag had jumped in front of her, making her quickly stop so she wouldn't hit it. She let out a loud sigh of relief she it began to morph into James.

He then pulled Odetta along behind him to a small clutter of rocks which were covered in moss. "Was that Remus?" Odetta asked quietly with a fearful look in her eyes, watching as James nodded slowly. "You can't tell anybody!" The Gryffindor boy exclaimed.

"I promise I won't! But how? I just wanted to go on a stupid fucking walk and I-" She spoke quickly and took very little pauses for hair. But James cut her off, placing one kiss on her lips and pulling back.

Odetta stared at him with furrowed brows of confusion. "What? I made you shut up and catch your breath, did I not?" James asked which made her roll her eyes but smile slightly.

"Do you want to continue that walk?" He asked with a grin, making Odetta nod in response. James then placed a kiss on her temple as they got up before heading out of the forest. The two students then walked side by side to the Great Lake, picking up one of the pebbles and trying to skim it over the water.

"How did you do that?" Odetta asked as James skimmed another stone across the dark water. "I'm a wizard." He replied with a smug look and a shrug. She rolled her eyes at the boy before sitting down on a small hill by the waters edge, watching the water ripple as it was lit up by the silver moon in the sky.

James then sat down next the her, but instead of gazing out on the water he was staring at Odetta. Inspecting each freckle and strand of hair that feel in her face. James then began shuffling his hand closer and closer to Odetta's but she was too focused on each star in the sky.

As his hand brushed against hers slightly, a shiver was sent down Odetta's spin making her shake slightly. "Are you cold?" He asked but she shook her head in response however the goosebumps on her arms were clearly visible.

He then threw his coat off and wrapped it around her shoulders, smiling as she clung onto it closer. James then lifted up her chin so he could place a gentle kiss on her forehead before whispering, "We should go back now."

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