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As Odetta swung her legs under the table in the Great Hall, she noticed Lucius glaring at her

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As Odetta swung her legs under the table in the Great Hall, she noticed Lucius glaring at her. With a forced smile, she stared back with her middle finger up at him which made him roll his eyes and turn back to Narcissa beside him.

Regulus then walked into the Great Hall. Expecting him to sit near her, she moved over so there was a spare seat but he passed her. "Reg!" She called out which made him stop and walk over.

The rumour of Odetta oblivating Regulus and making him forget his own brother spread through the school like a wildfire. "Have you remembered anything about Sirius?" She asked quietly because she didn't want people listening in.

He shook his head in reply which made her sigh. She opened her mouth to speak again but he was sat down beside the smug looking Lucius.

Odetta quickly put her hair in a bun and stuck her wand in it to secure it as she walked over to an empty table by a window which over looked the surrounding lake. She had gotten to the library slightly later then her and James had planned to study however there was no sign of the Gryffindor.

She shrugged it off and pulled out a chair from under the table and collapsed into it. From her bag, she pulled out a couple of textbooks and started to study without him. As she dipped her feather quill into the ink pot, James came rushing into the room and running over to the table.

"You really have a thing for keeping girls waiting." Odetta smirked as she leaned back in her chair and out her feet up on the seat opposite. James rolled his eyes as he took the seat beside her and quickly scanned through the notes she already had.

Odetta was muttering everything she was writing down under her breath, her cursive handwriting putting James'a messy writing to shame. Occasionally she would glance over to see how much he wrote and cringe at his handwriting.

Finally, after what felt like a life time, the librarian ushered them out since it was almost lights out. They packed up and walked out the room together. "I'm not fully done so same thing tomorrow?" Odetta asked as she placed another book into her bag.

"I'll be there." James smirked before he placed a kiss on her temple and walked away.

James walked into the library the next day, on time, and scanned the room however there was no sight of the Slytherin. He checked every desk but he could not find her. His eyebrows furrowed as she was so admit to finish the project and she didn't seem like one to ditch so he made his way to the Slytherin common room to see if she was there.

Odetta lay in her bed, several layers of blankets pulled up to her neck as she lay on her side and watched out the window into the lake. Then the door carefully pushed open but she did not turn around as she expected it to be Regulus. "Odetta?" She then turned around to face the door when the voice that called out her name was James.

Her cheeks were red and tear stained which made the boy concerned. "Are you okay?" He asked as he shut the door and moved to her bedside. "I'm fine." She replied in an annoyed tone as she turned back around to face the glass.

"Is it the time of the month? I think you're just being dramatic." Quickly, Odetta turned back to look at the boy which made him jump slightly. "I woke up this morning in a pool of my own blood. Is that how you'd like me to end yours?" She asked which made him gulp loudly.

"I'm sorry? Can I get you anything?" James asked awkwardly which only pissed her off more. "It's a natural thing Potter! You don't have to act so cautious!" She shouted loudly. "But I do want some of your mums chocolate chip cookies." She added in a calm tone which made him nod.

"Girls are confusing." He muttered under his breath as he reached out for the door handle. "No, we are just too complex for your tiny male brain." Odetta replied.

James returned to the dormitory with a plate of cookies which he handed to the Slytherin girl. His eyes then widened with surprise when she lifted up the covers and tapped on the space beside him. "Are you going to sit or not?" She asked with an unimpressed look as she picked up a cookie and lifted it to her mouth.

James nodded and sat down beside her, she then threw the blankets over him as well. He then put his arm around her as she scoffed down the cookies until the plate was empty.

"You know what this means right?" Odetta asked which made his eyebrows furrow in confusion. "You have to do all the study whilst I drown in my own blood." She added monotonously which made him roll his eyes before swinging his legs off the bed but when he got up, Odetta grabbed his hand.

"Where are you going?" She asked as her eyes went glassy from tears. "To go get the books?" James replied with a questioning tone. "Oh, okay." She replied as she let go of his hand and buried herself in her blankets again.

"Hurry up then!" She shouted which made him rush out. "I don't like you on your period." She heard James mutter under his breath as he walked out which made her smirk.

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