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Odetta was forced to wake up early the next morning to pack since she didn't do it earlier that week like Regulus suggested

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Odetta was forced to wake up early the next morning to pack since she didn't do it earlier that week like Regulus suggested. Her hair was still a mess as she packed her stuff into her suitcase.

"Odetta have you-" Regulus, who had just rushed into her room, noticed the girl who seemed shaky. "What's wrong?" He asked. Just then, Narcissa swung on the doorway to her room. "She's nervous because she's going to tell Potter that she loves him." She replied with a smile as she leaned on her cousin's shoulder.

"You love him?" Regulus exclaimed which made her turn to look at them and collapse on the bed beside her suitcase. "It's not that bad. They're dating." Narcissa said which made Regulus's eyes widen and Odetta sit up and glare at her.

"And why was I never told this?" Regulus asked as he closed her suitcase and did up the clasps. "It's kinda meant to be a secret." Odetta replied as she glared at Narcissa who was rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly.

"If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it." Regulus said as he took Odetta's hands into his. The dark haired Slytherin didn't reply but instead sighed and avoided eye contact with him.

"Hurry up. The train will leave soon." The Head Girl ordered as she checked every dorm to hurry up the students in them. The three nodded and made their way to Hogsmeade Station.

"You go find a compartment, I need to find James." Odetta said to the other Slytherins as they boarded the ruby red train. She watched as they continued to walk down the corridor before she began to look for James in the crowded train.

Finally, she noticed his messy hair which made her quicken her step. But as she got closer, she saw his lips were pressed against a red headed girl. Odetta froze still, her eyes wide as she watched James pull Lily closer.

Her eyes became blood shot as tears sprung to her eyes. She took short intakes of breath and though she had been frozen still for a few seconds, James didn't realise she was there.

But then he finally turned his head to look at her and his face was cold. Their was no look of shock or even a sly look. It was as if he didn't even know who she was.

The train finally stopped in London and Odetta heard the shouts of other students flooding off the train and onto the platform. Odetta sniffed as she rubbed her eyes to dry them, making them redder then they already were.

Finally she stood up, pulled her coat closet to her body before pulling her suitcase off the shelf above and slid the door open. But the hallways were still crowded so Odetta had to wait to get out, unlucky for her she was stuck behind James Potter.

She clenched her jaw as Sirius and James laughed loudly in front of her. To avoid possible eye contact with him, she inspected her hand which had fingernail marks carved deep into her palm.

Finally she got off the train and onto the platform, quickly scanning for the platinum blonde family. She rolled her eyes as the family of three held each other closer, scowling at the non pureblood people passing.

The moment Odetta walked into Malfoy Manor, she went straight to her bedroom. She jumped onto her bed and began to release the tears which she held back on the way to the manor.

She felt numb. Like nothing mattered anymore.
She just felt cold. As she buried her face into her pillow to drown out her sobs, the Malfoys were discussing in the dining room.

"You told her!" Persephone hissed at her son as the three sat at the long dining table, Abraxas sat at the end tapping his cane on the floor. "All shall be forgiven my son," The older man began as he got out of his chair and placed his hand on his son's shoulder.

"The wedding will be sooner then planned, then we can pass the brat over to Lucius." He finished which made Persephone smile maniacally.

"That doesn't look good Prongs." Sirius said as the two boys got into the Potter estate followed by their parents, Fleamont and Euphemia Potter. On the boys cheek was a red hand mark from Lily.

James furrowed his eyebrows as he held onto his head which ached. For some reason he could not remember the train ride home. "I can't believe you kiss Lily!" Sirius added as he jumped into the couch and searched for the remote. "I kissed Lily!" James exclaimed with wide eyes of shock.

"Shit." He muttered under his breath before racing up the stairs which left Sirius with a look of confusion on his face before shrugging and turning on Coronation Street.

James hurried into his room and pulled the chair out from under his desk. Swiftly, he grabbed a piece of parchment and his ink pot and began to scribble down a letter to Odetta.

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