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"Is everything okay?" James asked the Slytherin girl who was focused on her bleeding knuckles

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"Is everything okay?" James asked the Slytherin girl who was focused on her bleeding knuckles. "Use that small brain of yours and think." She spat back as she looked up at him. He had clearly just woken up as his hair was messier then usual.

"I'm fine, sorry if I woke you up." She shrugged as she tried to walk out but James blocked the doorway. "Absolutely not. Let me clean your hand first." He said sternly which made her roll her eyes before handing him her bleeding hand.

James led her to the couch and told her to wait as he left for his dorm room. He then came out with some bandages and cloths. Carefully, he lifted up her hand and pressed lightly with the damp cloth which made her whince in pain.

"What made you think it was a good idea to punch a mirror?" James asked as he wrapped a bandage around her knuckles. "Our lord and saviour David Bowie." She replied monotonously which made him tut.

"Honestly." He spoke in a firm tone which made her let out a small sigh. "I don't like looking in it 'cause I see my mother." She answered which made him furrow his brows. "You don't care, I'm going to bed." She said as she got up but James grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

"I'm not that arrogant." He smirked which made her chuckle lightly. "Highlight on the word 'that'." Odetta chuckled which made him shake his head but smile slightly.

"How did you become such a Matron." She chuckled as she inspected her hand which was tightly bandaged up. "Remus." He answered, not adding anything else on. "That boy loves climbing trees." He lied which she recognised but decided not to press any further.

The two sat in rather awkward silence, fidgeting in their seats before Odetta hit her legs and stood up. "The awkward silence is killing me so I'm off to bed." She said which made him hum in agreement but stay seated on the couch.

Odetta slowly opened her eyes, cringing at the amount of sunlight shining into the room. She rubbed her face with her hands as she had forgotten one was covered in cuts which made her flinch with pain. "Morning sunshine." Lily said with a warm smile which Odetta returned with a huff and covered her face with the blanket.

"Morning carrot." She smirked back which made Lily roll her eyes before brushing through her hair by the dresser. "First lesson in 30 minutes." She warned which made Odetta sigh before flinging the blanket off of her and dragged her feet along behind her.

She swung the door open and traveled down the steps loudly which caught the attention of a couple of Gryffindors who were hurrying around the common room. "Why is a putrid Slytherin in here?" One of the younger Gryffindors spat.

"This might be the earliest I've hexed someone before. Well done." She said sarcastically before grabbing her wand and flicking it at the boy, smirking as he hurried around with a tail growing from his back.

"Merde!" Sirius shouted loudly followed by a loud thud, his foot hitting the doorframe to his dormitory. "No swearing at this time Black." Odetta tutted as he hopped around in pain.

"You know french?" Remus asked as he ignored the hopping boy. "It's a pure-blood thing. We all know it." She shrugged as she leaned on the banister talking to the boy.

"Sirius combien aimez-vous Remus?" She asked the boy with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. "Autant qu'un cœur peut aimer!" He exclaimed loudly as he dramatically put his hand on his heart and leaned backwards.

"Trop." James muttered as he walked out of his dorm room and used his hands to gently move Remus out the way, his comment making Sirius scowl. "I don't know what the fuck you're saying!" Remus exclaimed loudly as he clung onto his hair which made them all chuckle before Odetta left the common room for the dungeons.

"Ready for the game Reg?" Odetta asked Regulus as they walked beside each other to the Great Hall, Odetta doing up her tie as she walked. "I was born ready!" He shouted as his fist bumped the air.

"Actually you were born crying." She said as she tucked her shirt in and sat down on the green table. Regulus rolled his eyes before grabbing a pear from the table.

Odetta saw this and hit it out of his hands so it rolled around on the floor. "Why did you do that?" He asked with furrowed brows. "You need food for the heart." She said as she piled up pancakes on the plate. "That's food that will stop my heart!" He exclaimed which made her roll her eyes at him.

The Marauders sat in the Great Hall. James was explaining his new tactics for the game against Slytherins that day to Peter whilst Remus quietly drank some tea.

Sirius propped up his head with his hand and stared at Remus as he scanned the Daily Prophet. "I like you how I like my emotions." He suddenly said which made the tall boy turn his head to look at him with furrowed brows. "Explain?" He asked.

Sirius then leaned closer to him, his mouth by his ear and his warm breath sending shivers down his spine. "Buried deep inside of me." He whispered with a smirk which made Remus spit out his tea all over Peter, making him let out a small scream.

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