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Odetta ran up the stairs with James behind her but she slipped

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Odetta ran up the stairs with James behind her but she slipped. Luckily she had her arms out to break her fall but also James held out his arms to grabb her. Unluckily, his hands were grabbing her waist which made his face go red but Odetta was too drunk to care.

She pushed herself up and pushed the dormitory door open, making it hit the wall with a loud bang. James pointed to the bathroom as he scanned his wardrobe for a clean shirt for her.

Odetta went into the bathroom but no longer felt like she needed to throw up. Instead she turned on the tap and threw the water in her face and wiped her mouth with the back of her hands. She dried her hands before turning the door handle and pushing the door open.

However James was switching his shirt over and was in the process of grabbing another shirt, so their he stood shirtless. 'Fucking hell.' Odetta thought in her head. 'I think my eyes now need god.'

James finally noticed the Slytherin whose mouth was hanging open slightly. "I thought you would take longer." He said with crimson cheeks as he pulled the shirt over his head. He then threw her a clean shirt for her to put on.

Odetta bit her bottom lip awkwardly as she caught the shirt and headed back to the bathroom to get changed. She cringed at the Gryffindor jersey he had gave her but put it on anyway.

Once she got out, she jumped onto the bed which James sat on. She had jumped onto her stomach but turned to lay on her back beside James. "Why do you stink of cinnamon?" He asked which made the girl look at him.

"I have an obsession with Christmas candles." She replied as she pulled a leg up from hanging off the side of the bed. She then sat herself up. "Do I look like the sexy James Potter?" She asked as she pouted and posed in his Gryffindor jersey. "Wait, I'm missing something." She then slid his glasses off his face and put them on her.

"It's like looking in a mirror." James chuckled making her grin as she handed back the glasses. They then sat in silence, Odetta glancing up at the boy.

Suddenly she pushed the back of his head closer so their lips pressed together for a second before James pulled away. "Why did you do that? Odetta you're drunk." James said.

"I know what I'm doing, I'm just too drunk to know the consequences." She corrected him with a wave of her finger. "Now kiss me you twat." She ordered before the boy shrugged and moved closer.

He put a hand on her cheek and pulled her face closer so their lips touched. Their bodies curved together as Odetta ran her hands through his messy, untamed hair. Their hot foreheads pushed against each other and his hands moved down to her waist to pull her closer.

Odetta then rested her hands on his shoulders and because she was pushing herself closer to him, he fell backwards onto the bed but their lips didn't separate.

The only times they released each other was for a gasp of air. Odetta had then moved to be on top of James, his legs between hers. His hand rested on her waist still, the other pushing her dark hair from her face.

Suddenly the door pushed open and Odetta spun off, lying on her back beside James. It was Lily and she looked at the two with furrowed eyebrows of confusion. "I just came up to check on Odetta." She said as she peered over at the girl.

James ,whose face was still red and flustered, cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yes, we we're just...talking." He lied, speaking slowly when he looked over to see the girl fast asleep and snoring lightly.

"I'm sure you had great conversations." Lily said sarcastically which made James roll his eyes. "Now help me get her downstairs, she can sleep on the couch." Lily instructed.

"She can sleep on my bed." James said which made her laugh. "Do you want her to throw up on your bed?" She asked which made him shake his head in reply.

James then helped the red headed girl carry the Slytherin down the stairs to the couch, she was in such a deep sleep that she didn't wake up. The common room was now empty, James guesses Remus, Sirius and Peter has gone out to prank some Slytherins. "Right, night Potter." Lily replied, expecting some kind of lovey dovey reply but he replied with a hum.

James grabbed a blanket nearby and covered the sleeping girl before putting out their fire with a flick of his wand. He looked at her once last time, her chest moving with each breath and how peaceful she looked, before he went up to his dormitory.

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