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"Yes! We get to babysit a drunk Slytherin again!" Marlene shouted as the three walked in

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"Yes! We get to babysit a drunk Slytherin again!" Marlene shouted as the three walked in. All of them were squished onto the couches by the fire. They all moved up to let them sit down.

Lily was sat on one of the arms of the couch whilst a seat beside Remus was empty. Odetta and James both jumped for that chair and surprisingly didn't fall off. Instead their legs were tangled together and she was sat on his lap slightly as well as in the small space between the two boys.

"Well this is comfortable." She shrugged as she leaned back onto Remus's shoulder. "James, your hand is on my arse." Odetta added which made him cringed as pull his hands to his chest.

"I was here first!" He shouted as he tried to push her off. "Potter! I'm falling into the couch!" She shouted as her began to fall in the gap of the couch pillows. "It's gonna eat her whole!" Sirius shouted as he pointed at her.

"I'll sit on Moony's lap so you have space." Sirius smirked before sitting Remus's lap which made him blush heavily. "That adorable. I'm going to be alone forever." Odetta sighed as she sat up and leaned back dramatically, leaning on James's arm.

"Probably because you look like that." The messy haired boy said which made her elbow his stomach. "Bitch." He muttered as he held his stomach in pain.

"Think of a better insult or don't insult me at all." She shrugged which made him roll his eyes and Marlene snicker. "Truth or Dare!" Dorcas shouted suddenly which made Peter jump.

"Fuck yeah!" Odetta shouted as she threw herself forward so she was almost leaning off the couch. "Lily, truth or dare?" She asked the red head. "Truth." She replied with a nod.

"Boring!" Odetta shouted with her hands cupped around her mouth which made her glare at her for a moment. "Will you ever go out with James?" She asked which made James look at her hopefully.

"Absolutely not!" She shouted which made James slump in his hair. "Odetta, truth or dare?" Lily asked the Slytherin. "Dare!" She shouted which made James cringed as she yelled into his ear.

"Switch clothes with the person on your right." Odetta looked to her right to see a huffing James. "Fine, I'm not backing out of this dare and neither are you." She said as she grabbed his arm and dragged him into a room which she knew was his.

"Don't break this dress, I like it." She said as she began to pull it up and over her head. "Whoa whoa!" James shouted as he covered his eyes with his hands. "Shit sorry. Forgot you've never seen a girl naked." She smirked which made him scowl.

She then went into the bathroom which was connected to their dorm room and began to undress. "Right, I need your clothes." She said through a small crack in the door.

James huffed before they traded clothes and they got changed.

"Ready?" Odetta asked the rest of them through the door, they all cheered in response.
She pushed the door open to see the Slytherin in baggy jeans and a shirt and James who hardly fit in the dress.

He took a step out which almost ripped it. "I look sexy." He said arrogantly as he posed with his hands on his hips which made them all cheer. "I have to agree." She winked before she walked over to Lily.

"You look beautiful tonight Evans." She said in a deep voice to mock the boy. She then made dramatic kissing sounds which made Lily chuckle before pushing her away.

She then made her way to Peter, Remus and Sirius. "These are my mates. Pads." She said as she put her arm on Sirius's shoulder. "Tampon and bra." She continued in her deep voice as she pointed to the other two boys.

James rolled his eyes whilst the rest snickered except for Peter. "What's a tampon?" The short boy asked which made the girls burst out laughing and James snicker at him.

"Right, it's time to go to bed." Lily announced as she stood up. The group of students had been playing Truth or Dare for around an hour since there was so many people.

The redhead the grabbed Odetta and Dorcas's arm and dragged then upstairs to her dorm room. "Good night dickheads!" The Slytherin shouted drunkly which made them all roll their eyes as Lily shut the door.

James and Odetta had switched back into their clothes before she went up. She lay in Lily's bed with her head resting on the pillow, staring at the dress hung up on the four poster bed.

She gazed around the room, inspecting parts of the furniture which was lit up by a small line of moonlight which shone into the dormitory.
Odetta let out on last sigh until her eyes slowly shut and she pulled the blankets up to her face.

Young Odetta sat at the long dining room in the Greengrass estate, using a green crayon to scribble. Her mother, Violet Greengrass, walked up behind her and placed a kiss on her cheek before inspecting the drawing.

"It's of us." Odetta said as she pointed to her small family consisting of her and her two parents. "It's beautiful sweetie, now you need to pack your bag." Odetta nodded and ran up to her room and began to cram all her clothes into her bags.

Odetta jolted away, kicking the end of the bed which made her quietly howl in pain and hold onto her foot. "Fucking bed." She spat before throwing the covers off of her and get up.

She checked the room to check if she had woken anyone up before opening the door and stepping into the main part of the Gryffindor common room.

She traveled down the creaking staircase and went to the bathroom, leaving the door open a crack as she gripped onto the edges of the sink, her hands going white. She glared at herself in the mirror before closing her eyes again.

Young Odetta slammed her door shut with her foot, almost kicking a hole in it before snatching the picture of her family she had drew early that day out of her pocket and grabbed a crayon before scribbling on the faces of her mother and father.

Hot tears flooded from her eyes which soaked the paper as her eyebrows furrow until her eyebrows were visible by her eyes. She then began to rip the picture apart into small pieces.
She then pulled her leg back and kicked a desk leg in her room which made it fall and her bags on it land on the bed with a thud.

Odetta glanced down at her hands before looking back to the mirror. She then clenched her hands into a fist and pulled her hand back before punching the mirror, sending shards of glass all over the floor.

The door then slowly creak open which Odetta ignored and stared at her hand which made several deep cuts in it from the glass.

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