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Odetta stood in the front of the silver framed mirror, brushing her chocolate brown hair

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Odetta stood in the front of the silver framed mirror, brushing her chocolate brown hair. She stood in a red dress which Persephone didn't agree with, which was why Odetta put it on.

She then styled her slightly curled hair and put in her earrings when the door opened and Persephone walked in. "You have to be presentable tonight." She said sternly as she picked up a necklace on the dresser and put it around Odetta's neck.

"None of your childish behaviour." She added which made Odetta roll her eyes, luckily the platinum blonde woman didn't see. "Now hurry up. We're leaving soon." And with that she was gone.

Odetta took a step into the Black family home, where one of the stuck up pure blood ball was happening. She walked in with the Malfoys surrounding her and was immediately greeted by Orion and Walburga Black.

"Where's Regulus?" Odetta asked straight away which took the thin, tall woman by surprise. "He's upstairs getting ready." Orion answered with a slightly disgusted face, hearing the tuts coming from behind her.

She rolled her eyes and headed up the stairs case to Regulus's room but when she opened the door, it was empty.

"Reg! Reg!" She called out as she wandered around the home, stopping when she heard muffled sobs. She recognised them coming from a particular room so slowly she turned the door handle to reveal a crying Regulus.

She hurried over to him and sat on the bed beside him, her arm wrapped around to try and comfort him. "Reg, why are you in Sirius's room?" She asked, watching as he wiped his eyes. "I miss him." He replied weakly before wrapping his arms around her and continuing to cry in her shoulder.

"What are you doing in the Blood traitor's room?" Walburga spat from the doorway, glaring at the two with disgust. "Get yourself cleaned up before you go downstairs." She added as he sniffed up, nodded slightly and hurried out.

Odetta got up after him but looked at the older woman with disgust as she passed her, then going into Regulus's room. She sat on his bed and watched as he dried his eyes and sorted out his collar.

"We should probably go down before they bite out heads off." Regulus said with a slight chuckle, his eyes still red. Odetta nodded and walked with his down the stairs into the room of prudent pure bloods.

"I've never wanted to stab my wand into my own ear so much." Odetta muttered as she lifted a goblet to her lips, her comment making Regulus chuckle lightly. The two stood at the edge of the room, trying to stay away from the dance floor as much as possible however they knew Walburga would force them to go up.

"It's not as bad as you say it is." Regulus chuckled which made the girl scoff before the thin women Regulus called his mother walked over. "Put your drinks down and go to the dance floor." Walburga ordered.

Regulus nodded but had to drag Odetta to the dance floor before they began to waltz around. "I need more drinks for this." She sighed as Regulus spun her around, rolling his eyes at her before she spun to the next person.

"Rosier. Didn't expect you to be here." She said with a raised eyebrow at the slightly younger wizard. "I didn't come here willingly." He replied which made her smirk and shake her head slightly.

"No one here did." She replied which made him chuckle before she span back to Regulus. "Why do I have to spin around? I'm full of food." Odetta complained as Regulus rolled his eyes.

"Do you want me to spin then?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, the girl nodding in response. When the next spin was, Regulus and Odetta switched places so he spun into the arms of Evan. "Oh, um hello Regulus." He said awkwardly.

Walburga had sent them off the dance floor so they headed out into the garden, sitting on the garden wall. The cold winter air hit her bare shoulders, sending shivers down her spine.

"Why do we even humour them by going to these?" Regulus asked which Odetta replied with a shrug. "I'm still waiting for them to kick me out." She sighed as she rested her hands in her lap before taking out a packet of cigarettes from a pocket.

She lit it but before she could lift it to her lips, Regulus snatched it off her and crammed it into his mouth. "Did you just eat it?" She asked as the boy spat out the cigarette onto the grass, gagging at the horrid taste

"That's one way to put out a cigarette." Odetta chuckled which made Regulus roll his eyes and wipe his tongue on his sleeve.

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