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James rubbed his eyes and sat himself up the next morning, immediately reaching for the goblet on his bedside which he lifted to his lips

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James rubbed his eyes and sat himself up the next morning, immediately reaching for the goblet on his bedside which he lifted to his lips. But as he tilted the cup, he felt the almond which he bit down on slightly. With wide eyes he spat whatever was in his mouth back into the silver goblet.

Odetta supported her head with her hand the next day at breakfast. Her hair was still messy and the bags under her eyes were even darker. She could see Dorcas and Marlene fidgeting around, waiting to see if James has shrunk but then he walked in, normal size.

However, he had a spoty, red rash all over his face and his eyes were puffy. Odetta's eyes widened as she got up and headed to Remus who was watching Sirius help James to the table.

"What happened?" She asked as she glanced at the boy. "He must of eaten an almond." Odetta's eyes then widened at Remus's answer. Luckily, Madam Pomfrey gave him a potion which made it disappear not long after.

A couple days had passed and Odetta lay on her bed. The sun had set and only a slither of the moon shone brightly in the dark sky. The common room was freezing as it usually was in the winter.

Odetta lay on her bed, her dark hair sprawled out on her pillow as her hands rested on her stomach which moved up and down with each breath. She was so exhausted that her eyes began to sting but she couldn't fall asleep.

Gently, her eyelids fluttered open and moved to her side when she saw was the dark mark on her forearm. She tried to close her eyes again, closing them even tighter but the voice of James kept her awake. 'You're a murder.' His voice hissed at her inside her head.

Her breathing began to rapidly increase and her cheeks became crimson as tears began to form and collect in her eyelashes. She then rested her hand on top of the mark and began to pull down, hoping the mark would disappear but it didn't. All that happened was the skin around became red.

She then bit her bottom lip in frustration before scrubbing at her hand, catching her nail on her arm creating a small cut which began to bleed slightly. "Shit,shit," She muttered as she pushed down on her forearm before beginning to sob more violently.

She bit on the top of her arm to muffle out her cries so no one would hear her. But the common room was stuffy and hot as it was in the dungeons so she was finding it difficult to breath as she was gasping for air.

Odetta was able to slow down her breathing enough for her to get out of bed and head out the common room for some fresh air.

James lay on his back in his bed, humming a song accompanied by him drumming on his chest and the gentle snores of the other boys. He let out a sigh of boredom as all the others were fast asleep.

Then, he sat up and reached over for his wand and the Marauders Map which was on his bedside table. "Lumos." He whispered which made the end of his wand produce a bright light. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." He whispered again, making a map of the castle appear on the blank parchment.

He then scanned the many names, watching as Dumbledore paced around his office for a few moments before smirking at two students name who were running from Filch. Then his eyes fell open the name 'Odetta Aurora Greengrass' which travelled through the hallways.

He followed the name with his hazel eyes intently until the name suddenly stopped in the middle of the corridor. James watched for a bit longer to see if she would move but it didn't and stayed still. Knowing something was wrong, he got out of bed before throwing his invisibility cloak with the map in hand.

James covered his face as he glanced between the hallway and the map which was clenched in his hands. As he approached the Slytherin's name, he pulled out his wand again. "Mischief managed." He muttered before folding away the parchment and putting it in his pocket.

He then looked up to see the Slytherin girl laying face first on the cold stone floor.

Odetta scrunched up her face, reacting to the bright light of candles in the room but slowly she opened her eyes. She realised she was in the hospital wing, tucked into a bed. She was exhausted and her head was spinning so she closed her eyes and turned to her side to fall asleep.

But then she heard someone clear their throat which made her eyes instantly open and see James sat on the chair beside her bed. "Go away Potter." She ordered sleepily as she closed her eyes again but the boys chuckles kept her awake.

"What happened?" Odetta asked as she moved again but hissed when her forearm begin to sting. So she pulled her arm out from under the covers to see the mark had tried to be scratched off but it was still there. She then realised there were other students in the room so she hide her arm again.

"Odetta why you do you do this?" James asked with an empathetic look but Odetta huffed and turned to her other side. "Quit it. You clearly don't care." James then grabbed her shoulder and spun her around so she faced him. "Stop it. I do care. I care about you a lot." He spoke.

"Like you said, I'm a murderer. I dug my own grave." She said with a shrug. "Odetta please." He pleaded as he took her arm which rested on top of the covers and held her hand in his. "No it's fine. Your were right. I am-" She was cut off by James who had sat up and pressed his lips against hers to stop her from talking.

"Now that you've stopped talking, I'm-" James was then cut off after pulling away by Odetta who had grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer so their lips were touching again. Their hot foreheads pushed against each other but the pushed each other away when Madam Pomfrey cleared her throat.

"Could I have your arm please Miss Greengrass?" The Matron asked, Odetta glanced down at the mark before reluctantly holding it out. Odetta hissed in pain as she wrapped a bandage around her mark which stung.

"You are all good now Miss Greengrass." She said with a slightly smile and nod. Odetta nodded as she got up from out of the bed.

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