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It was finally time. The day Odetta had been studying for everyday. It was her first N.E.W.T that morning and the year was made to get in line in their houses. Mcgonagall had done the right thing by putting the Gryffindors and Slytherins far apart as you could hear the verbal abuse between the two houses before she shushed them.

"Walking in your line and take a seat." She then ordered before all the students nodded as followed the one in front to an empty desk. Once everyone took their seats, Mcgonagall stood at the front of the hall.

Odetta glanced over at James who was also looking back at her with a smile of encouragement. "Begin!" The Professor announced which made them all flick over the page and begin to scribble down everything they knew.

And the rest of the term was like this and Odetta felt as if she could remember every answer she left empty which she later solved as she tried to fall asleep. She would give herself one hour to fall asleep and if she was awake, she would force herself to studying.

James said it wasn't healthy and she should get some rest but she would normally reply with, "Fuck off ya twat." which would be followed by an apology as she hadn't slept well in weeks.

And this was it, the night before the final exams. Odetta was in the bathroom, throwing water in her face as she got ready for bed but as she brushed through her hair one last time, the door handle turned and James stepped in.

"I thought I would sleep here tonight, you know, to make sure you actually sleep." James said as he rubbed the back of his neck but before she could argue, he was already under her covers. "Your extremely annoying aren't you." She said which made him smile proudly as she reluctantly got in beside him.

She turned onto her side, allowing his arm to hang over her waist and his warm breath hit her neck. And James, sadly, was right. She fell asleep instantly, making up for the nights of sleep she had missed studying.


Odetta cringed at the amount of light in the room which was surprising due to the fact it was underground. When she woke up, James was still fast asleep and only woke up when she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Morning love." He said in a croaky voice as he put his hand on his forehead, the palm of his hand exposed. "Mornin'." She replied with a smirk as she quickly kissed his forehead and hit up. But James had grabbed her arm and pulled her back into the bed, pressing his lips against hers. Slowly they pulled away, a smirk painted on the boys face. "I hate you." She whispered jokingly with a smirk before lowering herself so their lips could touch.


This was it. The day Hogwarts had been training her through the 7 years of homework, projects and classes. She twiddled her thumbs impatiently as she sat down at a desk, shaking her leg under the table.

James, who was about to walk past her to his seat, put his hand on her shaking leg for a split second and though he didn't say a word, she felt calmer. "Begin!" Mcgonagall called out and she instantly turned the page over and dipped her quill into the ink pot.


And that was it, all the exams were done and she had a couple days off before their time at Hogwarts was done. "Well done." Mcgonagall said as they passed her through the door but as soon as they turned the corner the crowd of students began to cheer.

"Thank fuck for that! Party at the Gryffindor common room!" Marlene shouted loudly as she jumped up in the air.

James the found Odetta and offered to walk her back to her common room. "How do you think you did?" He asked as they walked through the hallways, his arm wrapped around her waist. "Didn't Miss one question out." She said proudly which made him smile before kissing the top of her head as she leaned her head on his arm.


Odetta brushed through her dark hair, getting ready for the end of year party in the Gryffindor tower. She then smoothed out the black dress she wore before sliding a couple rings on her fingers.

"Aren't I lucky?" She looked behind her with wide eyes to see James leaning on the doorway. "Yes, you are." She answered with an arrogant grin and a shrug.

He chuckle as he made his way over to his girlfriend who was messing around with her slightly wavy hair. "Close your eyes." James whispered as he stood behind her. She looked at him in the mirror with confusion before closing her eyes.

Then, he moved her hair over her shoulder as he put a golden necklace with a single pearl on it, his fingers sliding across her collarbone which made her shiver.

"You can look now." Odetta the opened her to see the necklace which she put her hand to. "Shame, I didn't get you anything." Odetta said with a smirk as she spun around and out her arms on his shoulders. "It's beautiful." She said with a smile as she quickly pressed her lips against his.

"You know you can make it up to me?" James said with a mischievous smirk and an eyebrow raised. "Oh yeah? And what's that." Odetta replied, also with a smirk. James then pressed his lips against hers again but this time she wrapped her legs around his hips, his arms under her leg to support her.

But they were interrupted by Sirius who had ran to the door. "Quick! We need first pick of booze!" The Gryffindor shouted which made James huff as he put Odetta back down.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Odetta exclaimed as she began to run out toward Sirius who was almost out the common room already. She then looked back to see the gloomy James which made her chuckle before running back, grabbing his hand and dragging him along up to Gryffindor tower.

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