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"That was a close call

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"That was a close call." James chuckled as two sat alone in the Gryffindor common room. "I didn't know you were such a good liar." He added as the girl crossed her legs in the chair. "When you live at the Malfoy's, you need an excuse to just breath." She replied.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" James asked her which made her huff and slump back in her chair. "You look like you can use some fresh air." He added. "What's that suppose to mean?" She exclaimed which made him chuckle before she reluctantly dragged herself out of the common room and followed James through the hallways.

"Watch this!" James exclaimed as the two walked down the hallways and towards the courtyard. He then ran forward slightly before doing a cartwheel on the stone floor but he slipped and fell flat on her face. "Is there anything you can't do?" Odetta asked sarcastically as she laughed at the fallen boy.

"Gather up my wits to ask you out." He muttered under his breath but luckily Odetta was laughing so she didn't hear him. The Slytherin's cheeks were slightly red and she swayed slightly as she walked.

She supported herself on a column when she saw the Giant Squid appear on the surface of the dark water. "I'm off the kiss the Giant Squid." Odetta joked as she ran down the steps to the water. "Hey! I want that to be me!" James shouted as he ran after her.

He then held his arm forward and pulled the girl back towards him and into his chest before he lifted up her chin, pressing his lips against his. Odetta's eyes were open for a second as she was shocked from the sudden kiss but she then closed them. The two smiled into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Odetta," James spoke, their mouths so close together that he was murmuring into her mouth. She hummed in response. "Will you go out with me?" He asked hopefully before leaning in again but she pulled away and stared at him.

"No." She replied sternly with a slightly shake of her head which made him furrow his eyebrows. "That would make it official and this is not official." She added as she stared at him.

"Then what is this?" James asked with a slightly annoyed tone and a clenched jaw. "I-I don't know." She replied as she looked down. "But it's not gonna last." Odetta added.

"Why?" James asked as he tried to reach for her hand but she pulled it to her side. "Because you're a-a blood traitor." She replied.

"Do you agree with pure blood purity?" The messy haired boy asked as he glanced between the girl and the swaying tree to the side of them. "If it will get you to leave me alone, yes!"

James, who was too busy muttering something under his breath, did not hear the first thing she said as stared at her coldly. "Then I don't want to be anywhere near you." He spat before walking back to the castle.

Odetta sighed and her tense up shoulders relaxed as she watched the Gryffindor walked back into the school. She turned around to head to the water edge however a silhouette appeared from behind a nearby tree.

Quickly, Odetta pulled out her wand. "Lumos." She called out which made a bright light shine out from the end of her wand, revealing the black figure as Regulus. "Reg?" She said in a questioning tone.

"So you and Potter are a thing." Regulus spike as Odetta walked down to the lake and he followed. "That's not happening anymore." She replied with a forced chuckle as she dipped her fingers into the cold water and watched the droplets fall off her fingers and back into the lake.

Regulus then sat down on the ground beside her, getting a box from his pocket which was full of cigarettes which he offered. "When did you smoke?" She asked as she picked on up and held it between her lips as she cast a spell which lit it.

"Since I started hanging out with Lucius's lot." He replied which made her chuckle and shake her head as she flicked the cigarette before putting it back between her lips. "I would ask what you have been up to but I think that clear now." The younger boy smirked which made her hit his arm jokingly, making him chuckle at her.

"But Potter, really?" He asked which made her look at him with furrowed eyebrows of confusion. "You could have anyone in the school and you chose him." He added which made her chuckle ironically as she pulled her legs up to her chest.

"He's fit." She answered with a shrug as she blew out smoke from her mouth before throwing the cigarette into the cold water. He rolled his eyes at the girl. "I missed you Odetta." He spoke with a slight smile.

"I missed you too Reg."

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