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"But I need my cloak!" Sirius complained as the four boys stood in the Gryffindor common room. They had planned to go to their last Halloween party and Sirius had forgotten his cloak for his vampire costume. James had tucked Odetta into his bed and made a sign for no one else to go in their since she was sleeping.

"I told you. She's asleep." James said to Sirius sternly but he wasn't listening. "Aw. Someone's protective." A red headed girl said with a smile. "Lily I-"

"It's fine. I'm happy for you two. I am." Lily interrupted which made the boy stop and grin back. "You don't need the fangs. Now come on Sirius before we're late." Marlene said as she was slumped over with boredom before ushering then all out.

However, James stayed and decided to go up to his dormitory to check on the ill Slytherin. When he opened door, his hazel eyes fell upon a pale faced girl. "Why are you not going with them?" She asked through pain as she held onto her stomach. "I'm not going to leave you alone in this state." He replied with a slight chuckle.

"Why not? I'm an independent woman." Odetta replied before she began to wrench and grabbed for the nearest thing which was a show which was by the floor. "No, no, don't throw up in that!" James shouted as he pulled out a bucket from under his bed from when Sirius gets too drunk and handed it to the girl.

"Finished?" James asked with raised eyebrow which made her nod and hand back the bucket, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "Gross." The Gryffindor muttered as he out the bucket down on the floor before taking the blanket which covered her.

"I know you're cold but that blanket is gross now, you need a clean one." James explained which made her huff in defeat and allow James to hand her another blanket. "James, I'm too hot!" Odetta then complained in a whiney voice.

"But not as hot as you." She winked suggestively before sniffing up and wiping her nose which made him cringe. "Are you flirting with me whilst you're basically dying?" He asked with a chuckle. "If you were me, you'd do the same." She replied with suggestive eyebrows.

"No. I would rest because your clearly have flem stuck in your throat." He replied as he made his way over to the window to open it. "I love it when you talk dirty." She replied sarcastically with a roll of her eyes. "Thank you." He replied with an arrogant grin before placing a kiss on her forehead. "I'll be back with some medicine. Please don't jump out the window or something."

"No promises!" Odetta shouted back as he approached the door. "I love you." He said with a smile before closing the door which actually made her cheeks go even redder then before.

Though he had only been gone a few moments, Odetta was already starting to become impatient and was still too hot so she pushed the covers off of her and laid on his bed. "I'm back." James sang as he cane back with a cup of tea, chocolate and medicine which he handed her.

Odetta sat back up and took the medicine James handed her before taking a sip of her tea. "Fucking hell! How much sugar did you put in this?" She asked as she spat it back out.
"2 teaspoons." He replied in a questioning tone.

"That's okay." She replied with a shrug before taking another sip which made him roll his eyes. "Wait. I'll be back soon." He said before hurrying out.

"Happy birthday to you," He began to sing as he walked back in with a cane in his hands with four candles on top. He continued to sing as he sat down on the bed and held the cane out for her to blow out the candles. "I couldn't fit all the candles on." James said with a snicker.

"I'm not that old!" Odetta responded defensively before blowing out all the candles which took a few tries. "What did you wish for?" The messy haired boy asked as he out the cake down on the bedside table. "If I tell you it wouldn't come true." She replied which made him chuckle.

"Well I think I can make it come true." James said which made her intriguingly raise her eyebrows. "Odetta, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked with an awkward but cute grin. Odetta stuttered for a second, completely catching her off guard. "As long as you bring me biscuits everyday." She said which made him nod and smile. "Then yeah, I think we can arrange something." She replied as she threw herself forward and wrapped her arms around him.

She didn't want to kiss him since she was extremely ill. "But that wasn't my wish." She whispered in his ears which made his eyes widened in surprise. "My wish is that we'd f-"

"Woah! I was told you were ill but I didn't know you had the plague!" Marlene exclaimed as she bursted into the room, two cups in her hands. "Here, stole some scotch from the party." The blonde girl said as she offered a cup which Odetta went to take.

"No,no. Right now she needs rest not alcohol." James said as he took the cup. "Who do you think you are, the patriarchy?" Odetta asked before snatching the cup from his hands and downing the drink which made Marlene cheer and James shake his head in disappointment.

"Now I'll leave you because it looked like you were about to f-"

"That's what I wanted to happen but you came in you cock-block!" Odetta shouted which made Marlene chuckle and stumbled out and James's face become bright red.

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