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"It's the birthday girl!" Dorcas shouted loudly when Odetta walked in

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"It's the birthday girl!" Dorcas shouted loudly when Odetta walked in. She threw her hands up in the air before Alice and Lily grabbed her arms and pulled her towards a large cake. "Made it myself." Marlene said proudly with a grin and her hands on her hips.

A couple of people around sang happy birthday, Odetta spent most of the songs laughing at Dorcas who was twerking to the music. "Fucking hell." Lily sighed as she rolled her eyes, grabbing Dorcas and pulling her behind her.

Odetta then blew out the candles which made them cheer loudly. She rushed to grab a knife and cut herself a massive slice before anyone else and moved over to the corner to eat it.

As James followed Sirius back to the Room of Requirement, he couldn't help but cringed at the fact he looked at her lips. Whilst Sirius and Peter were close to the cake to get massive slices, Remus and James watched from the corner.

"You're awfully silent." Remus chuckled at the boy who had kept his head down. "She had pumpkin pastie on her lips and she thought I wanted to kiss her." He muttered which made him snicker. "I'd rather kiss the Giant Squid then her." James added.

"I have to agree. The Giant Squid is much more attractive then you." They looked around the see Odetta standing behind them. She then walked over to them with a smug smirk. "Look Remus. I have a stalker." James replied.

"Actually, I was sitting it the corner and I couldn't help but overhear you. I have the hearing of a," She paused, thinking of an animal with great hearing. "A Bat." Remus said, filling her in.

"Thank you Remus." She said with a slight smile and small nod in the tall boys direction. "Now I have to go stalk some other people." She smirked before turning back to Marlene.

"Happy Birthday to me!" Odetta sang loudly as she held her drink in the air, occasionally it spilt onto her arm. "I love alcohol!" Dorcas shouted loudly as she skipped around the Slytherin.

"I have a great idea! Levitate me!" She shouted loudly which made Dorcas cheer and take out her wand. "Wingardium leviosa!" She shouted loudly, her words slurred with her wand pointed at the girl.

"I'm fucking flying!" She shouted as her feet lifted off the ground and she was beginning to fly above all the students. "Get her down!" Lily exclaimed as she rushed to the Gryffindor.

Suddenly, the music stopped which made Dorcas jump. She lost concentration and Odetta fell on the floor. Luckily she had her arms out so she didn't hit her face too hard.

An unimpressed Mcgonagall stood with her arms crossed after flicking her wand at the record player and stopping it. "Back to your common room now." She ordered in a stern voice as students walked out with their heads low.

Lily and Dorcas hurried to Odetta whose face was flat on the ground. "Are you okay?" The red head asked the Slytherin as Marlene, Alice, James and Remus walked up to her.

"How much we betting that she smirks if she is bleeding?" James asked Remus in his ear which made him furrow his brows. "That won't happen so 10 galleons." Remus replied. The two boys watched in anticipation as she lifted up her head.

"Let's do it again!" She shouted loudly, her arms up in the air, taking back the students around her. She then glanced down at her legs which were covered in blood that was dripping her nose and smirked.

"She just fucking smirked!" Remus shouted loudly before huffing at James's smug face. "Miss Evans, take Miss Greengrass to Madam Pomfrey and the rest of you will go to bed." Mcgonagall ordered as she walked over, a look of satisfaction when they all nodded.

Lily struggled to help her up and put her arm over her shoulder. She tried to walk away but Odetta was stumbling around which made it difficult. "I'll help." James said as he grabbed her other arm and put it around his shoulder as he looked at Lily with a small smile which she rolled her eyes at.

"I have to say, you look very beautiful tonight." He winked with a smirk at Lily who couldn't care less and was focusing in Odetta. "Can you not flirt with me between you." The Slytherin said in a high pitched voice as Lily made her pinch her nose.

The three finally got to the hospital wing and helped her sit down on a bed. Madam Pomfrey came over with a couple damp cloths and began to inspect the girl.

Lily and James sat next to each other on a bed opposite her, waiting to take her back. "She is okay right now but someone will need to check on her every now and then." The Matron said as the two nodded before helping her up.

"Do we have anymore alcohol?" Odetta asked which made Lily tut and James chuckle lightly. "I can walk. Watch this." She said as she pulled her arms off their shoulders before running away from them and to the courtyard where she jumped into the fountain in the middle.

"Come one Odetta. It's cold." Lily said watching the girl unimpressed as she began to dance on the structure. "You're a fucking mess." James muttered as he grabbed her arm and pulled her off, making sure he caught her this time.

She pouted and dragged her feet behind her as she followed the boy back to the red headed girl. A smirk then grew on her face when she touched her shoulder. "Tig!" She shouted before running away, James following soon after.

"Hurry James! The ginger will get you!" She shouted as the boy caught up. Lily was actually running after them however she looked unimpressed rather then happy. "Quick!" He grabbed Odetta's arm and hid behind a pillar.

"She'll never fi-" James cut her off by covering her mouth when he heard footsteps. "Ew! Did you lick me!" He shouted with a face of disgust as he wiped his hand on his leg.

"Got you!" Lily shouted loudly as she popped her head around the corner which made James let out a high pitched scream. "Fuck!" Odetta shouted as she tried to run but it was too late and Lily had grabbed the back of the shirt or dress and dragged them back to the Gryffindor common room.

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