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When Odetta got back to her dormitory, she collapsed onto her bed and rested her hands on her stomach

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When Odetta got back to her dormitory, she collapsed onto her bed and rested her hands on her stomach. She let out on last sigh before slowly closing her eyes, allowing tears fall from the corners of her eyes and onto the blanket under her.

She attempted to dream about what it would of been like if she was in a perfect family, about the family games night or whatever they did. She then flung herself up and grabbed a hairbrush from her bedside and threw it in the direction of her mirror, making a large shard of the glass shatter onto the floor.

She then gripped her hands onto her hair and pushed her chin into her chest as she began to violently sob, gasping for air. She felt as if she would pull her hair out so she forced her hands to her knees and gripped onto them tightly until they went white.

There was then a small knock on the door and it creaked open, revealing Regulus who peered into the dorm. "What was that loud smash?" He asked but felt like he already knew the answer when his eyes fell on the broken mirror.

He then sat down beside Odetta's side and lifted her hands off of her legs, which had left red hand marks on her knees. "What's wrong?" He asked with a empathetic look. "Was it me?" She asked, her question making his eyebrows furrow.

"I am the reason they left me on the doorstep of Malfoy Manor?" She asked. Regulus shook his head and pulled the girl closing, wrapping an arm around her and making circles with his thumb.

"It wasn't you. What could you of done at 10? They're just dickheads." He answered as the girl wiped her eyes. She looked at him, sighing at his empathetic face. "I don't want your empathy Reg." Odetta said as she stood up and flicked her wand at the mirror which repaired itself.

"I just need some sleep, I'm fine." She said as she pushed the boy out of her dorm. "But Ode-" She cut him off by closing the door in his face before jumping back to the bed and pushing to pillow into her face as she began to sob again.

But then she forced herself to stop crying when she heard the muttered voices which she recognised as Regulus, Lucius and his friends. With a curious look, she carefully got up and pressed her ear against her door to listen in on their conversation.

"You want to help get rid of the filthy Mudbloods, right? Then join the winning side Regulus." One of the voices said which Odetta recognised as Lucius. She took a quick intake of breath and froze for a slight moment before grabbing James's invisibility cloak which she was yet to return and wrapped it around her.

Then, as quietly as she could, she creaked open the door and snuck out but as she did so she stared at the faces of the Slytherins trying to convince the young boy. Odetta got to the door and pushed it opening, not caring if anyone saw or heard it open.


"You just had your tongue in my mouth 10 minutes ago, don't pretend like it didn't happen and call me 'bro'. " Remus interrupted the dark haired boy who had just walked from his dormitory to the fireplace.

James snickered and shook his head slightly until the portrait began to shake. He raised his eyebrows in curiosity before glancing back at Sirius who was hiding behind the unimpressed Remus.

James then got up and went over to the portrait cautiously beige pushing open the door to reveal the Slytherin whose eyes were glassy. "Is Sirius in here?" She asked, peering into the room. James nodded and let her in before questioning why she was there.

"I overheard Lucius and his great mates trying to convince Regulus to join them." Odetta sighed loudly which made Sirius look down. "Well you are the only one who can do anything." He replied.

"You're his brother Sirius." Odetta said as she gestured at the boy with furrowed brows. "Not anymore. He doesn't even talk to me and he said it himself." Sirius replied, raising his voice slightly las he became frustrated.

"And that was your fault!" She shouted back at him. "No wonder no one likes you! You're so narcissistic. Are you even capable of listening to other people's sides of a story?" He asked which indicated Remus to get up and drag him up to his room.

"I think you need to go to bed." Remus said before shutting the door. Odetta looked around awkwardly until James invited her to sit down next to him on the couch. "I'm sure you'll be able to convince him not to." He said with a smile, in an attempt to cheer her up but it didn't help.

Remus then came out of his room and threw down one of his jumpers at the girl who caught it. "Wear it. You look cold." He said warmly which made her nod slightly and pull the jumper over her head.

Remus then sat down on the other side of Odetta and smiled at her awkwardly, noticing how glassy her eyes were. "You know you can cry if you want?" He asked which made her shake her head slightly.

"I don't think any of us want that." She replied with a slightly chuckle which made Remus nod. "Chocolate?" He said as he offered her a couple squares of the treat which she kindly accepted.

She then put the foot which she had put up on the couch down on the floor when Peter shouted. "Stop!" He exclaimed which made them all freeze with confusion. "You almost stopped on Kevin." Peter added as he leaned over and grabbed a plant pot that was near her foot.

"Oh, sorry Kevin." She apologised which made Peter nod before inspecting the plant. "What kind of plant is it?" She asked which made James huff. "You don't want him getting on the discussion of plants." He said which made Odetta smirk.

"Please, tell me everything you know about plants." Odetta said which made Peter nod with a wide grin and James huff and sink in his seat.

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