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Odetta would stood behind her desk, stirring her Amortentia in the black cauldron in front of her

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Odetta would stood behind her desk, stirring her Amortentia in the black cauldron in front of her. As she added in her final ingredient, the door swung open and James walked in. "How many candles have you lit this time? It wreaks of cinnamon!" James exclaimed in Odetta's direction as he took a step in.

Lily looked over her shoulder with wide eyes of surprise in Odetta's direction. The Slytherin girl slyly smirked. "You're late Mr Potter. Pair up with Mr Pettigrew, we're making Amortina." Slughorn said, trying to hold back his laughs.

James's eyes widened when he heard the potions name, knowing the properties when he tried to sneak it in Lily's drink back in their 1st year. Sirius snickered at the boy as he dragged his feet to the desk. "Shut up." James said as he pushed the boys shoulder.

Odetta leaned forward on her desk as the Potions Professor travelled around the room, inspecting each potion to make sure the students had made it correctly. Once he was back at the front of the classroom, he called for silence.

"Mr Lupin, would do you smell?" Slughorn asked the tall boy. Remus gulped loudly before taking a big breath in. "Leather, smoke and cologne." He answered before glancing up at the smirking Sirius beside him.

"Please don't make out. I have no holy water for my eyes left." James whispered which made Sirius huff and roll his eyes. "Mr Potter, what do you smell?" He asked.

James lowered his face closer to the cauldron and breathed through his nose. "Cinnamon, rain and," He paused to take in another smell. "Vanilla." He added. James kept his head down with furrowed brows of confusion, wondering who he was smelling.

"How about you Miss Greengrass?" Slughorn asked. Odetta glanced up at him, her head still aching, before lowering her nose closer to the potion. "Chocolate chip cookies," She paused to take another smell. "Broom polish," Odetta breathed through her nose on last time. "And ash wood." She added finally,

"What about you Snape?" Slughorn asked the greasy haired Slytherin on the front desk. "We can be certain he doesn't shampoo because who ever he loves is probably as dirty as him." James snickered, making Odetta smirk as the Slytherin boy scowled.

Odetta tapped on the Slytherin table in the Great Hall, waiting for the feast to appear. She supported her head with one of her hands but looked up when she heard someone say Regulus's name.

"How is he related to Sirius. He's so fucking weird." She heard a couple Gryffindors whisper as the boy passed. Odetta opened her mouth to reply but the Gang of Slytherins who were sat closer responded first. "You want to talk. That Remus of yours is a right freak." Lucius spat back.

Sirius ,who was sitting a few seats away, snapped his head in the direction of the blonde boy. He then swung his leg out from under the table sharply and clenched his fist before swinging at the blonde boy. However Evan Rosier has pulled the boy back so he barely missed the Gryffindors fist.

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