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As it was her final term at Hogwarts, the professor pressed how important it was to study for their end of year exams. Odetta was becoming more overwhelmed with each new information she learned.

James would often bring up what she would do about the Dark Lord looking for her but she replied with "It's not happening right now," but she kept herself awake every night thinking about it.

Odetta was sat in her Potions classroom, listening Slughorn explain the work but she was drifting off and wasn't paying attention anymore, instead focusing on each label of the bottles on a nearby shelf. "Miss Greengrass, would you like to pay attention? Your exams will begin this May and you need to be prepared." Slughorn spoke which made her pay attention to him and nod.

James was peering behind him at his girlfriend, watching as she sighed and almost fell asleep in the class until see finally saw him staring and sat up again, winking at him which made him smirk but he knew something wasn't right.

James had invited Odetta to the Gryffindor common room that night which she argued against. "I need to study tonight." She protested. "You're studying every night. You need a day off." James would rely and usually it didn't work and she would normally say "Well someone will need to make the money when you fail," but that night it worked,

James was lay on the couch by the lit fireplace which warmed up the room whilst Odetta was lay, resting her chin on his chest and looking up at his hazel eyes. "Odetta," He said which made her hum in reply. "Is everything okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine. Why?" She replied, confused as they both sat up. "You don't look okay at all. Please, tell me what's up." James begged as Odetta rolled her eyes. "James, you know I hate these sentimental talks. Everything is okay!" She replied as stood up but James grabbed her hand and pulled her back down to the couch beside her.

"I know somethings troubling you." He argued as she got up again and walked a few steps away. "Is it the mark, the Dark Lord, Regulus, us?" He questioned.

Odetta became more and more overwhelmed, making her grip tightly onto her hair and her eyes waters. She clenched her jaw and bit her lip, trying to stop herself from sobbing there on the floor. "It's that! It's all that!" She shouted loudly, finally snapping as she then fell onto the floor, her head buried in her hands as she kneeled on the floor.

James pushed himself off the couch and knelt down beside her, wrapping his arms around the crying girl. "This is what happens when you don't talk about it." He whispered in her ear. "Then talk about the time Gryffindor lost games for 3 months." She ordered as she wiped her eyes. "We never talk about that again." James replied which made her chuckle.

Odetta was now sat on James's bed whilst he sat at the end, his legs crossed and he stared at the girl, waiting for her to speak. "I hate this stuff, it's cringey. And it's cringey that I just said 'cringey'." She said which made him chuckle.

"Please. It will feel so much better." James begged before looking at her puppy eyes which made her sigh as she gave in. "Fine, I'm worried abouting picking a side." She said.

"What side will you pick?" James questioned. "I already know I'm not going to join them and I'll be killed but I'm not scared of dying. I'm scared what you will do." She spoke. "I don't want you dying about a stupid mistake I did." She added as he moved closer and took her hands into his.

"Odetta, I love you. I would die for you." James said as he pushed hair from her face. "And that's what I want to avoid." Odetta spoke which made him tut. "But that's what I'll do and you've got to remember that." The messy haired boy replied.

"We'll find somewhere. Go somewhere we're they will never find us." He said as he tried to reassure her but she wasn't having it. "They'll find is James. He's too powerful to confuse." She replied as she looked down at the bed.

"He's already killed hundreds of innocent muggle-born. Think about what he will do to a traitor." Odetta replied which made James push her chin up so he could look at her. "I'm going to protect you and ensure that he won't hurt us."

"We can go to Switzerland. Hide in the mountains from us. Or go to Greece and hide in the olive gardens." He spoke quickly with a goofy grin in attempt to make her smile but she didn't. "I can't avoid it James. Let's face it, I'm a dead girl walking." She said with a shrug.

"Stop it Odetta. I will throw you into the Great Lake for the Giant Squid to eat if I hear you say that again." He threatened. "I love you Odetta and I hate hearing you say that shit." He began to whisper as he placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I'm sorry." She apologised sadly which made him kiss her lips gently again before pulling his covers over her. "Don't apologised. You can make up for it by just staying with me tonight."

"You're so romantic. It actually makes me sick." Odetta said with a chuckle as he slid into bed beside her. "You love it secretly." He replied as she stretched her leg out onto his hip. "Am I just a pillow to you?" He asked her. "Why do you think I'm dating you?" She replied with a smirk which made him sigh.

"I'm joking. It's for your big-" She whispered in his ear but was cut off by the high pitch screams of Sirius coming from outside. "It's a fucking spider! Moony! Protect me!" Sirius shrieked which made the two chuckle.

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