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About a week had passed and Odetta lay on her back in her dormitory when her stomach rumbles so she swung herself up and opened the door to her room

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About a week had passed and Odetta lay on her back in her dormitory when her stomach rumbles so she swung herself up and opened the door to her room. Sitting on the couch in the middle of the common room was Regulus who she hadn't talked to in ages.

"Morin' Reg." She greeted as she leaned on the back of the sofa. "Are you remembering anything yet?" She asked which made him huff.
"No." He replied sharply and defensively.

"Are you even trying?" She asked with furrowed brows. "He's a blood traitor Odetta! Why would I want to remember him! He just left me!" Regulus snapped which took her back. Her eyes then caught a smug looking blonde Slytherin standing in the doorway.

"Are you believing everything he tells you?" She asked as she pointed up at Lucius, his smug smirk growing as the boy nodded. "I know who they are. I don't know who Sirius is!" Regulus shouted at the girl whose jaw was clenched.

"You such a selfish prick! I hope you're proud of yourself." Odetta spat at the boy. "No wonder your parents left! Who could want you?"

Odetta had been fighting the urge but this made her snap and swing her clenched fist at the boy but he dodged it. When she swung again, Narcissa has flicked her wand at the girl to make her freeze.

"Detention Greengrass." She hissed before repositioning the green badge which was pinned to her robes. She then unfreezed the girl who brushed herself down and glared at Regulus. "Hope your happy." She spat before walking out of the common room, ensuring she slammed the door behind her.

Remus was slouched over in his chair since he was so tall and could barely reach the parchment with a straight back. Marlene had sat beside Remus that Transfiguration lesson which was going fairly smoothly. The fell silent apart from the scribble of quills until there was some held back snickering coming from the back.

Remus look behind him with an annoyed face to see James and Odetta covering their mouths to hold back their laughs which made him stare at them with squinted eyes. "What you looking at?" Marlene sang as she rested her chin on her hand, making the boy look back at her.

"Do you think James and Odetta are a thing?" Remus asked, both of them now staring at the two. "'No. She hates him." Marlene replied firmly before turning back to her paper and dipping her quill into her ink pot.

"Things can change. I said the same thing about Sirius." The tall boy said but the blonde girl just shrugged. "I think you're just over complicating things." She spoke, making Remus shrug off his thought and focus on the class work.

Later that day was History of Magic, Marlene only sat a desk in front of him. Sirius was sat beside him but after getting bored of the Professor and making Peter swell up until he floated around the room, he was moved.

Remus was sat by the wall so he was leaning his back against it, giving him a view of the whole room including James and Odetta who were quickly finishing off their project. He watched closely as the two reached for the extra ink pot and their hands brushed together making their cheeks go crimson.

"There." Remus hissed as he hit the blonde girls back and nodding in the direction of the two. "Look at how they look at each other." He added which made her eyebrows furrow. "I think they just began friends because of the project."

"Yeah. 'Friends'." Remus replied, using air quotes which made her roll her eyes before turning back to the front.

Remus sat on the red armchair in the Gryffindor common room, scanning through a book in his hands when there was a sudden thud which made him jump. "What was that?" He asked when their dormitory door swung open. "My shirt fell." Sirius replied.

"It sounded heavier then a shirt." The taller boy said in a confused tone. "I was in it." Then the portrait swung open and James walked in. He had told them he went to the Quidditch pitch but Remus was suspicion.

The boy groaned in pain as he collapsed onto the sofa, rubbing the back of his neck. "Where were you?" The Gryffindor boy asked the messy haired boy. "The Quidditch pitch?" He replied in a questioning tone.

"Really?" He questioned which only confused the boy further. "Yes." Though James was admit about his answer, Remus was growing impatient that he wasn't getting the answer he wanted.

He then got up and sat down next to James and whispered in his ear so Sirius wouldn't hear them. "I know about you and Odetta." James's eyes went wide. "How?" He asked which made Remus smirk.

"I didn't know but thanks for the confirmation." The tall boy replied which made James sigh and roll his eyes. "So how long?" He asked. James paused as he looked around in thought as he ran his hand through his hair.

"A couple months I think." He replied which made Remus gasp loudly. "How did you keep it from-" James jumped forward and covered Remus's mouth when Sirius popped his head out the doorway.

"Prepare for chaos. I stepped on a plant." The dark haired boy said with a guilty face as he glanced between the two boy and the flattened plant on the floor. "Go to bed Sirius." Remus ordered since he was so interested with James and Odetta.

Once the boy had shut the door, Remus continued to question further. "Do you love her?" James paused and looked down at the floor before shrugging. "By the gods! You love her...don't you?" Remus explained but James did not answer but instead avoided eye contact with him. "What about Odetta?" Remus added.

"She doesn't love me. She's not that stupid." James replied in an almost sad tone with a slight shake of his head.

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