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Odetta woke up the next morning, using her arms to support herself up so she could glance over at the clock in her room

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Odetta woke up the next morning, using her arms to support herself up so she could glance over at the clock in her room. "Shit." She muttered as it was almost time for her first lesson.

She flung the blankets off of her and swung her legs off of the bed, hurrying up to her wardrobe to change into her uniform. She left the top button of her shirt undone as she tied the green tie around her neck. She bent down to tie up her black shoes and left the room for her first lesson, Transfiguration.

Odetta walked to Transfiguration classroom and stood in the doorway where an unimpressed McGonagall stood. "May you explain why you are late Miss Greengrass?" The emerald robed Professor asked the brunette girl. She did not say anything but hold up her index finger, smirking as the bell rang. She then took a large step into the classroom. "Now I'm late Professor." And she sat down on an empty seat.

McGonagall looked at the girl with a forced tight-lipped smile before turning away to begin the class. No matter how many snarky remarks she gave the Professors at Hogwarts, they couldn't deny that Odetta was at the top of their classes and it confused many people of how such a misbehaving student was the top of the class.

She had propped her feet up on the desk as she tapped her quill on the table, sitting silently at the back of the class and McGonagall became to explain how to turn an animal into a goblet.

Odetta's ears pricked up and her eyebrows raised when she heard Severus Snape call a muggle-born student a mudblood. The greasy haired Slytherin sat only a few seats in front of her so she took out her wand and pointed at him.

"Aguamenti." She muttered under her breath as she flicked her wand in his direction, wearing a satisfied look as the boy became soaked with water, his wet hair hanging in his face. "First shower in how long Severus?" Odetta asked with a chuckle as the boy snapped his head around and scowl at the girl.

"It burns! It burns!" James mocked the Slytherin boy which made all his friends chuckle around him including most of the Gryffindors. Odetta looked at the messy haired boy with a slightly impressed face, looking the boy up and down.

"Like what you see Greengrass?" James Potter asked arrogantly with a smirk which made her roll her eyes. "Just trying to think of what hexes would look good on you, how about a massive head to match your ego?" She asked as she held her head up by her hand, raising her eyebrows at the boy.

"Detention Miss Greengrass." McGonagall said which made Odetta rolled her eyes and went back to listening to Professor.

"Right, I'm going down to Quidditch pitch." Regulus said as he hit his legs and flinged himself off of the couch in the Slytherin common room. "Why do you do exercise so much?" She complained as the boy made his way to the door. "Why do you not?" He replied which made her sit up and turn around to look at him. "Because I would rather stay in eating chocolate."

Regulus rolled his eyes as the girl got up from her seat. "I'm leaving too. Got to get my skele-gro back from Filch." Odetta said as she pulled down her shirt and walked with the younger boy out of the common room.

"Why do you even have skele-gro?" The confused boy asked the shorter girl as they walked through the empty hallways. "For doing dumb shit and breaking bones." She shrugged as she looked forward, Regulus looking at her with a concerned face.

Odetta scanned the corridor around Filch's office on the ground floor, checking for the limping caretaker. Once she was sure Filch was far away, she pushed open the door and began to scan the shelves and drawers.

Over her years at Hogwarts, Odetta was able to get herself her own drawer full of objects deemed 'dangerous' by the caretaker. As she rummaged through the drawers, she paused and rolled her eyes when she heard the high pitched cackle of a familiar poltergeist.

"My,my what do we have here?" The silver figure asked, followed by another cackle. Odetta then stood up and turned to face the poltergeist, leaning on the wall behind her with an unimpressed look. "What do you want Peeves in return for you not snitching on me?"  He then dramatically looked around and hummed as if he was in thought.

"Dumbledore's glasses." He answered which made Odetta sigh but then a smug smirk grew on her face. "Accio Dumbledore's glasses." She announced with a flick of her wand, Peeves watching with wide eyes as the door flung open and she caught the head teachers half moon glasses in her hand.

Peeves looked at her with raised eyebrows as he slowly nodded. "You found a loop hole, I like you." He said as he shook his finger at her before taking the glasses from him so he could inspect them.

"You're the only person that does." She chuckled, letting out an 'ah' when she finally found the bottle of skele-gro, putting the glass bottle into her pocket and walking out.

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