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The Marauders sat in their dorm room together, having there usual weekly gossip

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The Marauders sat in their dorm room together, having there usual weekly gossip. "So James, you and Greengrass?" Sirius asked, wiggling his eyebrows at the boy who made him roll his eyes. "No, no, no." He repeated which made all the boys share a look.

"She just a massive flirt." James added which made Sirius hum in agreement. "That's probably why she has had so many boyfriends." Sirius said which made Remus furrow his eyebrows.

"That's rich coming from you. You've dated like the whole population of girls at Hogwarts." Peter chuckled which made Remus let out a small sigh. Sirius heard this and took his hand, hiding it between them as he squeezed his hand tightly as encouragement.

"Anyway, did you see-"

Odetta at alone in the Great Hall, shovelling a fork full of beans into her mouth. Her hair was still messy and she was still half asleep. Then a figure sat beside her, leaning on the table as they looked at her.

She slowly turned her head as she rubbed her eyes, letting out a huff when she saw James Potter smirking at her. "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" The boy asked the Slytherin, his friends snickering behind him. "What?" She asked with furrowed brows.

"When you fell from heaven." James repeated louder and slower. "Did you just call me Satan?" She asked the Gryffindor who shook his head before humming in agreement. "I was going to say that it was just a pick up line but I agree, you are Satan." He replied.

"That's the nicest thing anyone has every said to me!" She exclaimed sarcastically which made a couple people around chuckle and James roll his eyes. "Nice try." She said as he got up and walked to the crimson table. "But I think you need to work on that hair." She muttered which made the student beside her chuckle.

Odetta walked up the moving staircase to her next classroom, Lily and Marlene walking behind her. She noticed another student fall over and slip down the stairs which made her laugh. "Fucking idiot." She muttered to herself which made Lily walked faster so she was beside her.

"Hey, that's not nice. It's like you hate everyone and only think about yourself." Lily said which made Odetta look at her blankly. "That's not true...I hate everyone including myself." She answered which made the girl look at her silently.

Odetta tossed and turned in the night but no matter how hard she tried, she could not fall asleep. She continued to let out loud sighs of frustration until she flung the blankets off of her and sat up. She rubbed her face before swinging her legs off of the bed.

The Slytherin common room became rather stuffy, because it was in the dungeon, but it was nothing a short walk couldn't fix. She threw a coat around her and walked out of the common room, up to the direction off the Quidditch pitch.

Odetta sat in the stands, her hands in her knees as she looked up at the night sky. She inspected each silver star closely when her head snapped in the direction of someone clearing there throat.

"Wow, looks like I got a stalker." Odetta chuckled as James at the stairs of the stands. He rolled his eyes, ran his hand through his hair and sat down beside her.

"Bit close Potter." She said when James was sat too close to her. "Oh, sorry." He said awkwardly which made him rub the back of his neck. "So why are you up?" The Slytherin asked as she leaned back in the seat.

"Sirius's snoring. You?" He asked, looking down at the green grass of the pitch. "I needed to clean the blood off of me." She said sarcastically as she wiped her hand on her leg which made his eyes widen. "God you're gullible." She chuckled which made him roll his eyes.

Then a raindrop fell from the dark clouds onto her cheek which she wiped off. "You might want to go in, it's raining." She spoke, looking straight in front of her rather then the messy haired boy beside her. "Are you not going in?" He asked her with furrowed brows.

All of a sudden there was a bright flash as lighting struck the surrounding hills which made the boy flinch. "What? You afraid of lightning or something?" She asked the Gryffindor who shook his head profusely. "No, it was just very bright." He answered quietly which made her chuckle.

Suddenly, the sky began to cry and James got up to hide in the stands but Odetta stayed in her seat, pushing her wet hair from her face. "Aw, little Potter scared of getting wet." She mocked which made him scowl and walk out of his cover.

"If I'm so scared, why would I go this?" He asked before rushing down the steps to the Quidditch Pitch which made a massive puddle already. He the used his arms to help himself lie down. Odetta got up and leaned on the railing, smirking at the boy who got up from the puddle.

"Anyone want a hug!" He shouted loudly as he put his arms out so they wouldn't touch his soaked shirt. Then lighting struck the pitch, rather close to James which made him let out a high pitched scream, making the Slytherin chuckle.

"I don't care if you stay out, I'm going!" James shouted before running away from the pitch and to the castle. "Fucking idiot." Odetta muttered with a chuckle as the boy got smaller and smaller.

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