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"You look like hell, you should go to bed early

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"You look like hell, you should go to bed early." Regulus advised as the walked back together after dinner. "And you look like baby Filch." She replied, rubbing her face like a tired toddler. "Is that the best you can do?" He asked with a scoff. "We can see how well I punch." She said as she lifted up her clenched fist which Regulus pushed away.

"You're going to bed." He said as he walked over to her dorm room and pushed her into in, shutting the door behind her and going straight to bed himself.

Odetta let out a sigh as she lay on her back, her hands resting on her stomach. Slowly, she felt her eyelids close and her breathing slow down.
She turned to her side to get more comfortable. For some reason, she hated the feeling of her knees together as she slept so she usually put a pillow between her legs.

She heard herself let out one more breath until it all went still and quiet. It was difficult for her to decided wether it was eerie or serene.

"Mum! Mum! Look at me!" The young Odetta shouted as she hung from a tree upside down. She called to her mother who was watering the flowers in the back garden where a large oak tree was.

Violet Greengrass lifted up her head to look at her daughter, her eyes immediately widening with horror. "Odetta get down!" The women ordered as she hurried to the 8 year old girl.

She then helped her down and instantly suffocated her with a hug, her arms wrapped around her tightly. "Don't scare me like that again." She whispered in her ear, kissing the girls cheeks when she nodded.

Odetta suddenly woke up. She felt two small tear drops in each corner of her eyes which she wiped away with her thumbs before she sat herself up.

She then threw the blanket off of her and walked over to her dresser which had a mirror above it, not caring about the loud creaks of the wooden floor. Odetta then looked up into the mirror and stared at herself, gazing into her own eyes. A wave then came over her and more tears flooded from her deep blue eyes.

She then bit her bottom lip until it was almost bleeding and clenched her jaw and fists. She then hit the wooden dresser with her fist which made it shake violently, sending a small compact mirror off onto the floor and shatter.

She took a step away from the broken glass ,which was scattered over the floor, but she was still frustrated and irritated so she pulled her fist back again and punched the wall.

"Fucking walls! Why can't they be weak?" She exclaimed as she held onto her fist which was bleeding at the knuckles, cursing the concrete wall she had just hit. She kicked it with her bare foot which she instantly regretted but she was able to walk in a straight line.

"Crap!" She exclaimed as she was too busy inspecting her hand then looking where she was walking, making her cut her feet on the broken glass. "Fuck this shit, I'm drowning myself in the shower." And with that she grabbed her towel and stormed out her dorm to the bathroom.

As it was the middle of the night, everyone was asleep and the bathroom was empty. Odetta locked the door behind her and undressed. She knew that locking the door would be useless as there was an unlocking charm but sometimes it was nice to get away from magic.

She turned on the shower, at first swearing at the temperature of the cold water until she got use to the it. She ran her hands through her dark hair when there was a knock at the door.

"Who the fuck is showering at this time? People are trying to sleep!" A voice shouted through the door. Odetta was barely able to hear the girl but she wasn't going to stop her shower for her. "If it bothers you so much, go to the greenhouse and get yourself a pair of earmuffs!" Odetta shouted back, leaning back so the water wasn't hitting her face.

She rolled her eyes when she heard the girl mutter something as she began to walk away. "Suck it up buttercup!" Odetta shouted as a nearby dormitory door slammed shut.

A couple of minutes later, the water had stopped and it went silent in the common room. Odetta grabbed her towel and began to dry off her legs, then her chest, then her arms until she was able to get changed.

She pulled her shirt over her and dragged her joggers up before scrunching her hair up with the towel. Odetta inspected her hand yet again which was now clean on the small amount of blood that was there before but the cuts were still there.

"Blue jean baby." She sang quietly as she made her way out of the bathroom. But she stopped after she noticed a girl standing in her doorway with a scowl. She smirked at her before running to the couches, jumping up on and then and singing louder.

"Odetta! Go to sleep you fucking vampire!" Regulus shouted from his dorm room making Odetta huff. Before going back to her room, she  blew a kiss at the girl who rolled her eyes and slammed the door again.

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