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"Pads," Remus whispered softly followed by a slight nudge but Sirius didn't open his eyes

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"Pads," Remus whispered softly followed by a slight nudge but Sirius didn't open his eyes. "Sirius. Pads," Hw whispered again, he nudged him harder. "W-wha-" Sirius replied as he sleepily blinked. "Moons?" He asked after clearing his throat.

"What are you doing? Are you okay?" He asked as he sat up slightly. He looked up at Remus who had dark circles under his eyes. It was a full moon in a few days and everything was aching. "I can't sleep..." He muttered, looking down at his hands.

"I'm not... I don't know... I'm not comfortable-" Remus stuttered as Sirius rubbed the sleep away from his eyes. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-" Remus began to walk away but Sirius grabbed his arm and pulled into the bed beside him.

Sirius has already wrapped his arm around him, their legs tangled together. He pressed a kiss on Remus's forehead where a scar stretched down to his nose. "Don't but stupid Moons. Always wake me up, okay? Moons?" Sirius whispered but there was no reply.

He looked down to see Remus already full asleep, cuddled into Sirius's chest.

A few days had passed and Odetta found herself studying late in the library. It was empty and the only other person in the room was the snotty librarian who occasionally glared at her as she passed.

The winter sun had set hours ago and the moon was lighting up the library, creating shadows which surrounded Odetta. The candle which she used the light up her parchment flickered as she let out loud sighs.

Finally, it was time for lights out so Odetta packed up her stuff and made her way out the library. She originally planned to go straight to her common room but as she passed an open door to the forbidden forest, she stopped. There was something that drew her in to the freezing and misty woods and slowly she creeped towards it.

"There's a starman waiting in the sky," She sang as she walked over exposed roots and around rocks. She looked up at the trees, following each winding brach. Until she heard a slight growl.

With wide eyes of fear, she looked up at the dark sky to see a silver full moon. "Shit." She muttered as she slowly backed away. The deep growls got closer until all of a sudden, James and Sirius jumped out from behind brow trees.

"What the fuck!" She exclaimed as the two cackling boys cams closer. "You should of seen your face." James laughed as Sirius doubled over in laughter.

"You should see your face after I throw a rock at it." She threatened as she grabbed both of their collars. Suddenly, through the small gap between her face and the boys, an arrow flew and hit the tree behind, splintering the bark.

The three students slowly turned their heads, their eyes falling upon a half horse, half man creature. The bottom part of the horse was covered in coal black fur. They had long flowing dark hair which covered their pointy ears slightly.

In their hand was a bow which was pointed at the students. It was silent for a few seconds until Sirius shouted, "Run!" and began to run away followed by Odetta and James.

Odetta's intakes of breath were sudden and shaky, occasionally glancing behind her as they ran at the centaur which followed them. She was distracted by the creature who aimed its bow at them that she gripped and fell onto the forest floor.

Sirius was long gone, almost at the castle as he ran in his animagus form but James heard her squeal as she fell and looked back. He glanced between Sirius and Odetta before sighing and running back to her, with his hand out which she stared at with disgust.

"I'm saving your life boy asking for your hand in marriage!" The messy haired boy exclaimed which made her roll her eyes before taking his hand. But as he pulled her back up, a tall and grey figure jumped in front of him.

Odetta recognised the figure as Remus in his werewolf, who was growling at the centaur which was a losing battle. The centaur hit him away with their bow, sending Remus into a nearby tree.

"Bombarda!" Odetta shouted as she pointed her wand at a nearby tree which fell, landing between the creature and the three students. The two then rushed to the werewolf who was whimpering slightly in pain.

Just then, someone cleared their throat which made them look over with wide eyes. There, stood only a few meters away, was Mcgonagall who had a lantern in one hand and Sirius in the other.

"Explain yourselves!" The Professor ordered as Sirius looked down at the ground. James glanced behind the fallen tree to see the centaur had gone, most probably fleeing at the sight of Mcgonagall.

"We-we just, I-" James stuttered. The Slytherin girl noticed that Mcgonagall didn't seem phased by the werewolf meaning she already knew of Remus's condition. "Mr Black, Mr Potter, take Mr Lupin to the Shrieking Shack." The emerald robed Professor ordered.

"As for you Miss Greengrass, I suggest you get to bed before I take house points off." The dark haired girl nodded as she walked back to the castle.

"Wait! Where's Wormtail?" Sirius asked which made all their eyes widen before the short boy walked out from behind some trees. "Where did you guys go?"

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