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"Regulus, honestly you didn't do a bad job

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"Regulus, honestly you didn't do a bad job." Narcissa said as the boy paced around, attempting to comfort her younger cousin. "Nah, you did shit." The snapped their heads to see Odetta who had just walked out of her room.

Regulus scoffed and scowled at the Slytherin girl. "But keep it down. I can't hear myself losing the will to live." Odetta added before swinging her door close and jumping onto her bed in the dorm room.

Odetta stood up her pillow on the headboard so she could sit up comfortably and glance around her room. The Giant Squid then began to swim pass the glass, it's eyes pushed up against the window.

She said nothing but flipped the creature off which it almost took offence to before lying back down and closing her eyes. She lay like that for what felt like hours but she was unable to sleep.

"Fuck this shit." She muttered before swinging her legs off the bed and standing up. Then she pushed herself up and made her way to her dresser where a goblet and jug of water was however it was empty.

She inspected the empty jug before deciding she wanted to go to the kitchen for a drink as well as grab a treacle tart for the next evenings feast.

"I only wanted a little love affair." She sang as she skipped through the hallways to the kitchen door. She was surprised that she didn't have one close encounter with the limping caretaker who roamed the corridors at night.

She pushed the door open and went over to the large shelves where different foods stayed. She inspected each tart for the biggest one before picking one up and taking a large bite, almost eating the whole thing at once. As she made her way to the door, she grabbed a red apple. She threw it in the air before catching it and putting it in her pocket.

Once she was satisfied with her snacks and water, she made her way back to the common room however froze still when she heard the familiar meow of Mrs Norris which was soon followed by the growing shadow of the caretaker.

"Not another detention." She muttered before rushing out of a door into the cold early winter air. Since she was on the ground floor, she immediately found herself by the path to Hagrid's Hut as well as the Whomping Willow.

Odetta hated that tree with a burning passion since it took her woolly hat back in her 1st year. She found herself sitting on a nearby rock, throwing small pebbles at the bark.

There was then a rustle in the tree behind her, coming from the direction of the Forbidden Forest. She turned to look behind her and squinted her eyes to make out the figure she saw in the tree.

Slowly, she got up and anxiously made her way closer to the foggy figure. She then suddenly took in a quick gasp of air when a figure appeared between two tall trees. Odetta then let out a sigh of relief when a stag took a step out from the forest.

"Fucking hell, you scared me." She said as she rested her hand on her chest to feel her racing heartbeat. The stag inched itself closer to the Slytherin girl. Slowly, she took the apple from her pocket and rolled it along the grass until it landed by the animals hoof which it ate.

The woodland creature then edged itself closer, it head down but it's eyes looking up at her. "I have no more you greedy git." She replied before getting up. She could almost see the stag scowl at her as she made her way back to the castle.

She continued to walk the corridors of the school but immediately hid behind a statue when she saw a shadow of a person however the more she looked at it, she realised it was not Filch and his dreadful cat.

"Remus?" She called out in a questioning tone when the tall chestnut haired boy came around  the corner.  She took a step out from behind the statue which made the boy jump and her chuckle. "Why are you sneaking around?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Have you seen a stag and a black dog?" He asked whilst scanning the empty, candle lit hallway. "I've seen a stag." She answered in a questioning tone, her eyebrows furrowed with confusion.

"I can help you find them. I'm not Hufflepuff but I can try." Odetta said which Remus replied with a small nod and smile before continuing out of the school with the Slytherin.

They reached the edge of the forest. "James! Sirius!" He called out loudly which made a stag and dog run out of the trees and mist. They then began to morph into the two boys which made Odetta's eyes widen.

"You're an animagus!" She exclaimed as the two boys walked over, Sirius immediately rushing to Remus. "And here I was thinking you were just a pretty face." She smirked which made the messy haired boy put on a face of offence before smirking.

"So you think I have a pretty face?" He asked with a mischievous smirk and an eyebrow raised. "As pretty as dried slug." She replied with a grin, her reply making James roll his eyes.

Suddenly, a small white snowflake fell from the cloudy, dark sky landed on James's messy hair which made Odetta look up. Another snowflake fell on her forehead, she wiped off the snow which made melted on her warm face. "It's fucking snowing!" She shouted loudly which made them all chuckle at her.

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