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It was now a lovely and sunny late April weekend

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It was now a lovely and sunny late April weekend. Odetta was sat under a tree by the water's edge, her legs pulled up to her chest and her dark hair wrapped in her bun around her wand. The mysterious diary resting beside her.

She pulled out handfuls of grass as she watched the water ripple, which was usually dark however sparkled under the sun. Then, from the corner of her eye she noticed someone walk down the steps to the Great Lake.

She looked over to see James, running his hands through his hair as he walked closer. Once he put his hand up to his eyes to block the sun, he noticed the girl sat alone under the tree.

"Good morning Greengrass." He smirked as he walked over and took a seat on the grass beside her. "What makes you think I want to talk to you this early?" She asked which made him roll his eyes.

He then took notice of the tattered book beside her and looked at it with interest. With a curious look, he picked up the book and inspected the cover but Odetta noticed and reached forward to grabbed it.

However, James had pulled his hand away which made her lean over to grab it back. "Give it back Potter!" She shouted at the boy who smirked.

The two then paused, realising they were pushed up against each other and their faces were inches apart. A shiver was sent down Odetta's spin as she felt James breath on her face.

'Merlin, give me strength.' She thought to herself as the two froze still, staring at one another. All of a sudden, Odetta leaned forward slightly and pressed her lips against his gently. The Gryffindor boy kissed her back, pulling her closer before pulling away.

She stared at him with furrowed brows of confusion. "I thought we agreed that was the last kiss." James whispered, their faces still inches apart as they glanced between each other's eyes and lips.

"What if we compromise and make this the last time?" Odetta asked, still whispering. "Yeah, one more kiss doesn't change anything." James replied which her nod in agreement before he leaned back in.

She supported herself up with one hand, and rested the other on James's cheek. Some of the exposed roots of the tree digged into her hand but she didn't react because that would part their lips.

"James?" She whispered as they pulled away for a gasp of air. He hummed in response, his eyes still closed as he placed a kiss on her lips. "Why do you smell of chocolate chip cookies?" She asked which made him chuckle and lean away and sit back up.

"My mum has an amazing recipe and I juts made some." He replied, rolling his eyes as she gasped dramatically in response. "And you didn't give me any!" She exclaimed.

He shook his head with a smirk which made her pout and look down. "I can make more of you want." He said as he used his finger to lift up her chin. "Yes! I could kiss you again!" She shouted excitedly. "But I won't." She added with a point of her finger which made him nod before getting up.

Odetta had pushed herself up onto the counter as James began to follow his mother recipe. "How much longer?" She asked in a whiny voice which made him roll his eyes. "I'll be slower if you continue to complain." He threatened which made her huff.

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