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Odetta got into Malfoy Manor later that night, hoping the Malfoys were asleep but when she opened the front door, there stood Abraxas and Persephone

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Odetta got into Malfoy Manor later that night, hoping the Malfoys were asleep but when she opened the front door, there stood Abraxas and Persephone. "I see your little plan to trick the Blacks worked." The blonde woman spat.

"You will be out this house by tomorrow morning." Abraxas hissed as Odetta clenched her jaw. "You ungrateful bitch." He added with a hiss. "You do not talk to me like-" Odetta was cut off by the sound of skin on skin as he slapped her cheek.

She kept her head turned away as he breath out through her nose before glaring at him and running up the stairs to her room.

Odetta lay on the cold sodden floor, leaning against her bed as she pulled her legs up to her chest. She threw her head back into her bed so she could study the slight cracks in her ceiling.

The Malfoys has emptied her room, taking off every poster and packing her clothes into her suitcase. They even took her blankets but Odetta was fine with that as it was boiling. With a flick of her wand, the window opened to allow to summer night air to travel into the dark room.

She bit her bottom lip as she closed her eyes slowly, tears falling from the corner of her eyes and off her clenched jaw. She couldn't help but replay the look James gave her after kissing Lily however now she had a problem, the dark mark.

Occasionally she pulled up her sleeve to look at the mark, around it was slightly red and it stung when she flexed her arm. She watched as she moved her hand which made the veins in her arm move. Then she let out a shaky exhale before closing her eyes again and falling asleep in that position.

Odetta awoke to the sound of an owl hooting in the trees nearby. She rubbed her eyes with the back of her head before sighing loudly and heaving herself up. It looked as if the sun had only just risen so she was expecting the house to be silent.

She grabbed her suitcase which lay on the floor beside her and pulled her coat over her shoulders before going out to the landing. As she walked down the creaky stairs, a sly looking Persephone walked out of the dining room, spinning a letter in her hands.

"I know about you and James Potter."  She said with an evil grin which made Odetta freeze halfway down the stairs. "I wonder how the Blacks will feel when they find out you were dating a blood traitor." She added before cackling manically.

"I guess I'll find out soon." She smirked which made Odetta run down the stairs with her arm out to grab the letter as the woman apparated into smoke. "Fuck!" Odetta shouted as she threw her suitcase to the side and gripped onto her dark hair.

Odetta, knowing she wouldn't get to the Blacks in time, ran back up to her room before slamming her door shut and sobbing again. It seemed like everything was going wrong for her.

Odetta lay on her bed for the entire day, refusing to go downstairs until there was a knock at the door. The sun was beginning to set and she could best the chatter on the family below. Then there was a knock at the door and a blonde, thin women stuck her head in.

"Get changed out of those filthy clothes and come down for dinner." She spat. "I'm not going downstairs." Odetta replied as she continued to lay on her back. "You will." She ordered before slamming the door which made Odetta cringe.

She then heaved herself up, wiping away a single tear which ran down her red cheek, and got dressed.

Once she got changed, she made her way down the grand staircase of the Manor and walked into the dining room, not looking up at the family of three who were already sat down.

She then pulled a chair out from under the table and collapsed into it as Dobby placed her dinner in front of her. "You and Lucius are to be married after you finish Hogwarts." Abraxas announced as he cut into a slice of pork.

Persephone was right, the Blacks wanted nothing to do with her once they found out about her and James and she was stuck marrying the putrid blonde.

"I am not marrying that rat." She hissed which made them all scowl and glare back. "It is the fathers responsibility to find you a husband. Since he left you, and let's be honest it's clear why, that responsibility is left to me." Abraxas spoke which made Odetta clenched her jaw and swirl her tongue around her mouth.

"And the only reason you took me in is to marry Lucius?" Odetta asked as she leaned back and crossed her arms. "It was. No one else wanted you after your mother's dramatic outburst during her time at Hogwarts." Persephone answered with a sly grin before lifting her Wien glass to her lips.

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