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James and Sirius skipped into the Great Hall the next morning, their arms linked as they did so

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James and Sirius skipped into the Great Hall the next morning, their arms linked as they did so. "It's the most wonderful time of the year..." James sang as they danced to the Gryffindor table. "With those werewolves out howling and everyone yowling along with them too!" Sirius sang loudly. "It's the most wonderful time..." James continued as he put his knee up on the bench.

"Of the year!"
"Of the year!"

The two Gryffindors sang loudly, their arms up in the air. "It's not even fucking Christmas!" Remus shouted as he followed the boys into the hall, his hands clenched with frustration. "No Moony, it's almost Halloween so it's almost my birthday." He said as he pointed at his chest.

"Actually Black, it's almost my birthday." They turned around to see Odetta who walked up behind them with a smirk. "When is it?" Peter asked before he lifted a spoonful of cereal into his mouth.

"The 31st of October. I know, i know. The pure-blood Slytherin is born on Halloween." She said as she swung her legs under the table and sat beside Remus who nodded to greet her. "That's really cliché." Sirius said with wide eyes before rolling them.

"Well, I didn't decide when I came out my mothers va-"

"Odetta, why are you sat with Gryffindors?" Regulus asked with furrowed brows, his hands in the pockets of his trousers. Odetta shrugged before smirking at the boys and walking back to the green table.

"Do you know what she just did?" Remus asked as he turned back to the three boys who all shrugged. "She just guilt tripped us because now there is no excuse for not getting her a gift since we know her birthday." Remus said, having to answering his own question.

"Sure there is." James said as he tried to put his feet in Sirius's lap but he pushed them away. "We don't like you." He shrugged as Sirius hummed in agreement and Remus roll his eyes and put his face in his hands.

Odetta sat bored in her potions class. Her chin was resting in her hands, occasionally she closed her eyes for a couple of seconds before forcing them open again. "Your assignment is to brew a perfect polyjuice potion." Slughorn said which made all the students sigh.

"You will work in partner that I set you with." He continued which made the class sigh again which made him tut. "Pettigrew with Evans. Black with Lupin and..." He paused to look around. "Potter and Greengrass."

Both students let out annoyed groans as the Slytherin got out her seat and made her way over to the desk James sat at. "Just a warning sir, if you put me with an arrogant prick, you must be prepared for a hexed student." She warned with a smirk as the potions master rolled his eyes.

"We're just going to be copying Remus the whole time, right?" She asked the boy who nodded as he pushed his book out of the way. Sirius and Remus only sat on the table behind so James was sat on his side to talk to them.

Remus was stood over the book, running his finger under each instruction and reading it out clearly for both pairs. "Fuck me if I'm wrong but-"

"Your wrong." Sirius interrupted the boy who furrowed his brows as he stared at him. "I didn't even-"

"Wrong!" He shouted loudly, interrupting him yet again which only made him scowl and stare at him silently. Remus then finally realised what he meant and went bright red.

Sirius then lifted up his chin as he had put his head down to hide his red cheeks, and pressed their lips against each other's. James and Odetta instantly turned around again with wide eyes of horror. "Sir, help!" James shouted at the teacher.

"Remus and Sirius are making out." Odetta added when Slughorn looked at the two students confused. "I think I need holy water for my eyes." Odetta said which made James chuckle.

James and Odetta were finally making their polyjuice potion. The Slytherin stirred the mud-like potion around in the black cauldron as James put in some knotgrass.

"What if I put my finger in it?" The Gryffindor asked as he hovered his index finger over the potion. "Then you'll have a black eye." Odetta replied, trying to push her hand away.

"Oh well." He shrugged as he tried to put his finger in the polyjuice potion but Odetta was still pushing it away. Suddenly, she used all her strength to push it away which made his finger hit the cauldron, making it tip over and the dark green potion splatter all over the floor.

"That was Greengrass!" James shouted when the black cauldron which hit the floor and caught the Professor's attention. "What?"

"Detention for both of you for messing around in the assessment." Slughorn said firmly which made James huff. Odetta then clenched her fist and hit James in the place that would hurt the most.

He let out a groan of pain and he held his hands between his legs and toppled backwards, making Remus snicker and Sirius whince as he felt his pain.

"I don't know wether to be annoyed at you or proud." Odetta said as she leaned on the desk, ignoring the boy who was dying in pain beside her. "I've never really seen you be strict." She added, clapping for the teacher.

"Thank you. I thought I did rather well." Slughorn grinned widely. Odetta then turned to the boy beside he was now lying on the floor. "Don't be so dramatic. It can't hurt that much." She said as she rolled her eyes and pushed herself up to sit on the wooden desk.

"You better not of damaged my Crown Jewels." James hissed through his teeth which made her roll her eyes. "Sorry Lily! I may of damaged them!" She shouted to Lily who scowled at her, making her smirk.

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