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It was now Halloween night and Regulus and Odetta were getting ready to got to the feast

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It was now Halloween night and Regulus and Odetta were getting ready to got to the feast. Some students dressed up for the Halloween feast, especially because students usually held parties afterwards.

Odetta stood in front of her mirror and brushed though her dark hair, turning to the side the inspect her costume. "Hurry up!" Regulus shouted as he banged on the door. "I'm coming. Don't get you panties in a twist." She said as she opened the door, snickering when the boy almost fell over as he was leaning on it.

"Looking good Albus." Sirius winked at Remus as he walked over. He wore the same emerald robes and black hat as Professor McGonagall. All of the Marauders has chosen a staff of the school to be for Halloween.

Sirius was McGonagall, Remus was Dumbledore, James was Filch and Peter was Hagrid. "Let's go somewhere, shall we?" Remus asked with a smirk as he put his hand on Sirius's hips and dragged him away.

James ran arisen the hall, scaring first years which sometimes made them burst out crying. The four boys were now sat at the Gryffindor table, waiting for the feast the begin.

"Shit, shit. Don't let the pumpkin pie be gone." Odetta muttered as she dragged Regulus in the hall and let out a sigh of relief when the tables were still empty.

Her and Regulus were both dressed a vampires. Regulus wore a full black suit with fake blood on the corners of his mouth and his hair was styled to fall in his face which he didn't seem too happy about.

Odetta's hair was curled slightly and she wore a satin black dress, her black boots on which were tied loosely. She also had blood on her mouth, dripping off her jaw which she wiped with the back of her hand.

The two Slytherins sat next to each other when the headmaster stood up for a speech. Odetta had pulled a leg up to her chest which she usually did as Dumbledore began to speak.

"Odetta, you realise you're in a dress." Regulus whispered into the girls ear, trying to not disrupt. "Free view." She shrugged which made him roll his eyes before hitting her leg so it hit the floor again. However her knee hit the table which made her curse. "Fuck!" She shouted as she held her knee in pain, making everyone look at her.

Dumbledore glared at her for a moment before continuing. She scowled when she saw Sirius and James snicker at her like little children.

The food then appeared and Odetta began to pile up sweets on her plate which made Regulus tut. "What, you think you're better then me because you eat vegetables?" She asked with a raised eyebrow which the boy nodded in response.

"Trouble 12 o'clock." Regulus whispered in the girl's ear which made her look up at the smirking James Potter walking over. "That's a cute nickname for me." He smirked as he leaned on the table opposite them.

"Yes, completely opposite to your appearance." She replied before shovelling pumpkin pie into her mouth. "You insulted me! How will I live anymore?" He exclaimed sarcastically and dramatically.

"Is this what it's like to have a taste of my own medicine?" She asked Regulus who replied with a nod. "I seem to of rubbed off on you Potter. Well done you're learning." She congratulated sarcastically which made him roll his eyes.

"I'll hurry up because I don't know how much longer I can stay near Snivellus." He smirked as he glanced over at the greasy haired boy a few seats down. "For some reason Marlene wants you to go to her party, you can bring Regulus if you want." He said.

Odetta looked at Regulus hopefully but he shook his head. "I need to study." He said which made Odetta huff. "I'll be there." James nodded before turning and walking back to the Gryffindor table.

"How did your excuse to talk to her do?" Peter asked with a smirk as he sat back down beside Sirius. "It wasn't an excuse." He hissed back as he lift his goblet to his lips. "But we do have to say it's Marlene's party." He added which made them all snicker.

"Are you sure you're not coming?" Odetta asked the younger boy as they came closer to the dungeons. "I'm very sure." He replied with a nod. "Suit yourself." Odetta shrugged before the two separated in the hallway.

"Lookin' good Greengrass." Odetta looked over with a scowl but it softened when she saw it was Marlene. "You don't look too bad yourself McKinnon." She winked back.

"Ready for James and Sirius's party?" She asked, waiting outside the Room of Requirement for Lily, Alice and Dorcas. "He told me it was your party." Odetta said with furrowed brows as the girl shook her head.

"Wassup bitches!" Dorcas sang as she skipped over to the blonde and brunette girl, Lily and Alice not to far behind. "I'm ready to get wasted!" Dorcas added again.

"I think you already are." Marlene chuckled before the 4 Gryffindors and Slytherin walked in the the Room of Requirement.

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