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"The party is here!" Dorcas loudly announced with her arms in the air as she walked into the room

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"The party is here!" Dorcas loudly announced with her arms in the air as she walked into the room. Odetta instantly made her way to the drink table where she recognised the tall boy who stood there.

"Nice costume Professor." She smirked as she poured herself a drunk and lifted it to her lips. "Why thank you weird night monster thing." Remus replied, looking the girl up and down with furrowed brows.

"It's a fucking vampire!" She shouted at the boy which made him chuckle at the angry Slytherin. Then Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! played and Marlene rushed over to Odetta.

"Shit, hold my drink." She then passed Remus her cup before the blonde girl had dragged her to the middle of the room where Dorcas and Alice were already dancing.

"I'm not drunk enough to dance yet!" Odetta was able to shout over the music to the Gryffindor who flicked her hair around. "Then we'll get you drunk enough!" She shouted back before flicking her wand, making two shots appear in her hand.

Odetta took both of them and leaned her head back, cringing at the taste afterwards as Dorcas cheered loudly. "I'm not putting fucking antlers on! Is it some weird fetish that Potter has!" They looked over to see Lily who was being chased by Sirius, a head band with antlers on it in his hands.

His eyes then lit up when he saw the other girls, hurrying to them with the antler headband in his hands. Quickly, she grabbed them and put it on Marlene's head which made her furrow her brows in confusion, then the clock rang and an excited James hurried over.

"So where is Lily?" He asked with a toothy grin and he ran to Sirius, who sighed in response. "Why the fuck did you put these on me?" Marlene asked as she pulled the headband from her blonde hair.

"They were trying to get it on Lily and whoever had them on at midnight had to kiss him." Remus explained as he walked over, his cup in one hand and Odetta's in the other which he passed to her.

"Not me, I'm into girls." Marlene then passed the antlers to Alice beside her. "I have a boyfriend." She said, referring to Frank Longbottom before passing it to Dorcas. "I'm very very gay." She said before passing it the the Slytherin beside her.

"I have standards." She spoke monotonously before handing the back to Sirius, the four girls looking at the messy haired boy who sighed loudly. "It's alright Prongs, look I'll wear it!" Sirius shouted as he put the headband on, trying to cheer him up.

"No it's fine Pads, I'm just gonna go for a walk." And with that James walked out of the doors, the group of students watching as he turned to corner. "Someone is a bad loser." Odetta muttered to Dorcas.

"You should of seen him the time Ravenclaw beat Gryffindor." She whispered back which made them snicker.

Remus and Odetta leaned on the wall beside to door, watching as Sirius and Marlene ran around like little children. "It's been 30 minutes, do you think he's alright?" She asked the tall boy beside her who looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"I was asking how you think he is, I find it funny." She said defensively which made him roll his eyes before chuckling at her. "Probably sulking that his mission to kiss Lily failed." He chuckled as he lifted his cup to his lips.

"I should probably go check on him." She muttered which made him almost spit out his drink. "You're full of surprises today!" He exclaimed which made her roll her eyes. "I mean your reason was quite harsh." He shrugged, Odetta hummed in agreement.

"But it was true. I will never lower myself to kiss a Gryffindor." She shrugged which made Remus chuckle lightly. The two then snapped their heads in the direction of Sirius who was jumping on the table.

"Shit! Sirius!" Remus shouted as he ran to the dark haired boy who was falling off the table. Odetta chuckled before pushing the doors open and walking in the direction which James went.

She wandered through the corridors of the castle, checking each balcony she passed until she found the messy haired boy sulking, leaning on the barrier of a balcony. He had taken his Filch costume off but he was wearing normal clothes underneath.

Odetta quietly sat down next to the Gryffindor and pulled her knees up to her chest, James turned his head to look at her. "Still sulking that no one wanted to kiss you?" She asked with a raised eyebrow with made him roll his eyes.

"Are you trying to comfort me? It's not working." James said to her which made Odetta shake her head slightly. "So, where is my birthday present?" She asked James.

"Nothing." He shrugged which made her scoff. "You punched me in the face!" He exclaimed loudly which made her hum in agreement and nod. "Maybe you can try your little headband trick next year." She shrugged as she spun her legs around to face him, watching as he did the same.

"I could try at Christmas again." He spoke hopefully which made her roll her eyes and shake her head. "I do have a question." Odetta said which made him furrow his brows in confusion.

"Why do you call Sirius a female hygiene product?" She asked which made him almost choke with laughter. "It's short for Padfoot." He was able to get out before shaking his head with a slight smile.

"Well, you realise what everyone think, right?" She asked him, James shook his head on response. "Now you do." Odetta shrugged before the two chuckled slightly together.

She smirked but before she turned her head back to the view of the hills, she noticed James stare into her eyes which made her slightly uncomfortable. For a spilt second, he glanced down to her lips then back to her ocean blue eyes which made her eyebrows furrow, thinking that that didn't just happen.

"Are my lips to luscious to not look at?" She asked with a smirk which made him become flustered. "You have pumpkin pastie on your lips." He answered, looking down at the ground. Odetta then wiped her mouth with her finger and flicked the pastie away.

She then snickered at the boy who shot his head up and scowled. "Aw, did I embarrass little James." She said in a mocking voice which made him shake his head.

"I've been fetched to catch Odetta! Marlene's got cake!" Sirius shouted loudly as he pushed the doors open, sending them into the stone wall. James felt that his cheeks were still hot and red so he got up silently, feeling her smirking at him similar when she feel someone stare at you.

They didn't talk to each other and he didn't even look at each other as they followed Sirius back to the Room of Requirement in awkward silence.

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