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It was a stormy summer night. Lightning crashed, lighting up the sky for a moment, whilst the thunder shook the ground. The rain fell so heavily, it seemed like the glass was shatter. Euphemia and Fleamont had gone to bed since it was quite late and they were quite old.

James and Odetta was sat on the couch, attempting to hear the tv over the storm outside. Sirius, who was in him animagus form, was terrified of the crashing lighting and was hidden under a blanket, only his head popping out.

Odetta was leaning against James's arm and her legs were up on the couch when there was a sudden knock on the door which made them jump.

"I'll get it." The dark haired girl said as she reached out for the door handle and pulled it open. Her eyes widened when she met the eyes of a evilly grinning witch.

"Look who it is? Little, rebellious Greengrass." Bellatrix spat as she walked in, past the frozen Odetta who eventually calmed herself down. "We weren't expecting company." Odetta said which made her stare at her.

"Oh we won't be here for long." She replied, smiling revealing her rotting teeth.
She then watched Lucius and Severus. "Ah Snape. Seen you still haven't had a shower." She replied snarkily.

She then glanced behind the three Death Eaters to see James and Sirius before nodding in the direction of the stairs which they reluctantly went up. "Get to the point then." She ordered the curly haired witch.

"Straight to the point, I like it. Just a shame you betrayed us." She spat. "I'm giving you an option to join us or die." Bellatrix added.

"I would rather die." Odetta spat in reply. "I hoped you replied with that." Bellatrix laughed before pointing her wand at her. "Crucio!" She shouted which made the girl fall to the floor in pain, scrunching herself up in a ball.

"No!" She heard James's shouted as he ran down the stairs and caught the attention of the others. "Who do we have here?" Bellatrix asked  with a sly grin.

James pointed her wand at her but she disarmed him and ordered Lucius to hold him still, digging his wand into the side of his neck which made him whince.

"Your choice Greengrass. Join us or you both die." Bellatrix repeated herself. She sighed loudly and looked up at James who nodded at her with a slight smile but she shook her head.

She then noticed Sirius and Fleamont sneaking down the stairs with their wands. Through the pain, she smirked and looked up at the witch. "Expelliarmus!" She shouted, pulling her wand out her pocket and pointing it at Lucius, making the wand fly out his wand.

Sirius and Fleamont did the same thing, disarming the two other Death Eaters. James threw his head back, hitting the blond boy in the nose which made him topple backwards.

Both Snape and Bellatrix scurried for their wands and apparated away and after a bit more scrambling around since his eyes were blurry, Lucius apparated away.

James ran to Odetta who was still on the floor. She was panting heavily as James tried to help her off the floor but she refused. "I can do." She replied as she pushed herself up, biting her lip from the pain. Whilst under the curse, it felt like millions of needles were going on and out of her skin and the tingly sensation was still there.

The messy haired boy walked behind her to the couch, he arms out in case she fell but she was able to make it. Euphemia, who was hidden upstairs, hurried down and to the kitchen, coming back with a bowl of water and a cloth.

She dipped the cloth into a water, rinsing it out before pushing it against her forehead lightly. James was sat down beside her on the sofa, her hand in his as her gently ran his thumb along it. "I'm fine, honestly." She protested but the didn't listen to her until her face was no long bright red.

"You need some rest now." She spoke before getting up and heading back to the kitchen so James put his hand on her back as she pushed herself up and headed towards the stairs.

Once she was in her bed, the duvet pulled up to her chin, the burning sensation on both his skin and internal organs stopped. James had knelt down on the floor beside the bed, occasionally placing a kiss on her hand or forehead.

"How did your mother know what to do with the cruciatus curse?" Odetta asked curiously, her eyebrows furrowing when he sighed. "Sirius. He would often to run to ours after being under the curse." He replied sadly, looking down at the wooden floor.

"Did they do it to Regulus?" Odetta asked. "Luckily not." James replied which made her nod slightly in response before she yawned loudly and he chuckled slightly.

"I'll leave you to sleep. I'm going to sleep in the spare bed tonight so you can get some rest." He whispered before pressing a kiss on her forehead and leaving the room.

And Odetta was now left in the darkness of the room, and though the room felt tranquil the storm was still banging on the window. But as she closed her eyes she could only think of one thing. 'I'm bringing this family too much danger.'

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