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Odetta was stood in front of a mirror in her dormitory as she brushed through her hair. Lily had been glaring at Odetta which was understandable but other then that, the rest of the day was quiet. Occasionally, she caught Sirius staring at her as well but she shrugged it off.

Odetta then sat down on her bed and began to tie up her black boots before pulling her coat over her shoulders. "You've got this Odetta." She muttered to herself under her breath before deeply breathing out and leaving her dormitory.

"Why did you do that Prongs?" Sirius asked as he lay on his bed, watching James hurry around the room getting ready. "Do what?" He asked with a look of confusion. "Love her. Lily was beginning to fall for you." Sirius explained.

"Why do you love a gay werewolf with crippling depression?" James asked in replied with a raised eyebrow. "I heard that!" Remus shouted from the main part of the common room where he sat with a book.

James then chuckled before he left the dorm. "Use protection!" Sirius sang as he clung onto the door frame and watched James roll his eyes before waving goodbye and leaving.

Odetta sat on a crumbling wall in the courtyard, her hot breath turning to fog in the cold winter air. She swung her legs as she waited for James and she was beginning to get bored.

Then, without her knowing, James approached the courtyard where he spotted the Slytherin girl. Quietly, he creeped up behind her before wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her off the wall and spinning her around. "James! Put me down before I-" She was cut off by him who pressed his lips against hers.

"Kill you." She finished with a whispered as they pulled away, her eyes still closed for a few moments afterwards. When she opened them, James was smirking at her with his hands resting on her waist. "We must hurry or the Three Broomsticks will close." The messy haired boy said.

"That's the point." She replied which made him look at her with confusion. "Don't worry, I have permission." She added which made him let out a sigh of relief. "Really?" He asked. "No." She replied sharply which made him shake his head but chuckle at the stone faced girl.

As the two students approached the village of Hogsmeade, Odetta shushed him before creeping over to the Three Broomsticks. "What are you doing?" James hissed quietly as he leaned against the wall to the pub. She looked up and glared at him coldly as she began to pick the lock.

"Why don't you just use a spell?" James questioned which made her jaw clench. "It's protected from magic." She replied. "Stupid." She muttered under her breath which James heard. "Hey!" He exclaimed.

She then pressed a quick kiss on his lips before whispering, "Love you." Their faces were still inches apart when she talked again. "And your going to love me because I just picked the lock."

The two students at at the bar of the pub, a warm mug of butter beer in their hands. Odetta then put down her mug, supported her head with her hands and looked over at James who was wiping the froth from the drink off his mouth.

"What?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows of confusion. "Nothing." She replied as she shrugged and picked up her mug again. "Are you captivated by my looks?" He asked with a smirk.

"What ever you say pretty boy." She replied with a roll of her eyes but James only smirked more. "So you think I'm pretty?" The messy haired bit asked with a playful smirk. "I'm prettier." She replied which made him exclaim, "What!"

Just then, the owner to the pub hurried down the steps from his house above and swung the door to the pub open. "Who's there?" The owners called out. Luckily, the two students had ducked under the bar and was hiding their, their legs tangled together as they covered their mouths.

After a few moments of silence, the owner creeped back up the creaky stairs which echoed throughout the pub. "I think we should leave." James whispered which made Odetta nod and snicker.

The two students were able to sneak back out of the Three Broomsticks and made their way back to the castle, hoping that they wouldn't get caught. Luckily, they didn't run into anyone and soon approached the Gryffindor common room. "Do you want to come in?" James asked as they stood outside the portrait.

"That's what she said." Odetta replied sharply which made him tut and stare at her blankly. "I'll take that as a no." He said as he got ready to announce the password. "No please!" Odetta exclaimed which made him chuckle before saying the password and walking into the common room with the Slytherin girl.

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