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As spring rolled around and yellow flowers grew where mountains of snow where weeks ago, Odetta was studying more and more. She had been in the library so much that she hardly saw the season change. She would often see Regulus in the hallway but he would put his nose up at her if she made her way over.

James was becoming more and more worried for her. One April evening, when the sun had already disappeared behind the surrounding mountains, James was determined to catch Odetta and get her out of the library.

He hurried past the crowd to the library in hopes of stopping her but she was already sat down at a table, piles of books surrounding. She was so focused on her book that she didn't realised James who was walking up to her.

He bent down so she could hear him, put his hands on her shoulders and kissed her temple. "You're in here everyday. Take a break." He begged but Odetta rolled her eyes and turned back to her parchment. "I'm not leaving and if you're staying, you're studying." She replied, not even looking up at him.

He huffed before pulling out the chair opposite and falling into it, his back slumped over. She then pushed some Charms textbooks in front of him and he reluctantly opened the first page. James, who was already getting bored, then moved the book to the side and supported his head with his hand, staring at the Slytherin.

"What are you staring at James?" Odetta asked as she picked up a chocolate frog and turned the page to her book. "When did I get such a beautiful girlfriend?" He asked as he inspected each part of her face lovingly.

Odetta stared back blankly. Her dark hair with twisted up in a bun, her wand securing it in place, and she had large bags under her eyes. There was a slight bit of chocolate on her lips and her cheeks were red from the candlelight.

"You're delusional." She replied as she rolled her eyes and dipped her quill in her ink pot. "Trust me, I'm not." He smirked in replied as he got up and walked over to Odetta.

He then lifted up her chin so he could press his lips against her, both their eyes closed. When he finally and gently pulled away, Odetta was stuck for a few moments with her eyes still shut. "Stop it James. I need to-"

She was cut off by James who had bent down and threw her over his shoulder. "Put me down!" She shouted as she hit his back with clenched fists and kicking his stomach which made him double over. "I'm taking you for a walk, somewhere with fresh air." He replied as Odetta gave up and became limp on her shoulder.

Odetta recognised the path he was taking out the school and down the hill, releasing they were heading to the Great Lake. Finally, he put her down under a tree, expecting her to sit down and silk but instead she threw her hoodie off and ran into the cold water.

"Fucking hell! It's freezing!" She exclaimed as she shivered, holding onto her shoulders as she looked back at the disappointment James. "I expected you just to sit down." He replied.

"And I expected you to know me a bit better to say you've had your tongue in my mouth." She teased with a smirk. James rolled his eyes but smiled, swirling his tongue around his mouth as he battle against himself to jump in. But he soon gave up, threw off his shirt, and ran in.

"Look out below!" He shouted as he jumped in, making a huge splash which soaked Odetta's hair so it fell in her face. "Thanks for that." She said sarcastically which made him chuckle as he swam over.

He then wrapped his arms around her, allowing her to wrap her legs around his waist. He then placed a hand on her cheek and pulled her in so their lips touched. Their bodies curled together as their kiss became more and more desperate. She began to tug on his messy hair slightly as he traveled down, placing kissing along her jaw and neck until she stopped him.

"James, it's late," She whispered softly, still filled of lust so she was breathing heavily. "We should go to bed." She added as he pulled back.  He looked slightly disappointed , but let's face it Odetta was too,  but nevertheless he wore a smile and nodded.

"And before you say, I'm not sleeping in your bed because Peter snores loudly." Odetta said as she got out and squeezed the water out her hair. "You can sleep in my bed for a change." She added which made James grin as he ran out the water, placed a kiss on her temple, before getting his shirt back on and head to the castle.

"But I'll need to change my clothes." James said, looking down at his soaked trousers. "You can sleep naked." She winked which made him blush and her chuckle. "We can stop at the Gryffindor common room then." Odetta said as they walked through the candle lit halls.

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