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Odetta walked back into her dormitory, closing the door behind her and immediately jumping onto her bed

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Odetta walked back into her dormitory, closing the door behind her and immediately jumping onto her bed. "I fucking hate everyone." She announced rather loudly though her words were muffled from the pillows covering her mouth.

She then heaved herself up and towards a record player in her room. She began to flicked through her large collection of records before choosing on and beginning to play the song.

"ShE's A kILleR qUeEN!" She sang loudly, her hairbrush in her hands like a microphone as she danced around the room. Odetta was a terrible singer so she was more shouting to save the eardrums of the surrounding Slytherins.

"gUnpOwDer, GeLatInE!" She continued as she spun around to her bed before letting out a loud "Fuck!" when her foot hit something and caused her to trip over her own feet, making her fall flat onto her face.

She snapped her neck in the direction of the box she had tripped over. With furrowed brows, she inspected the box which was full of bottles of Firewhiskey. "Thank god I'm so smart." She said as she picked up a bottle and flicked off the bottle.

She then glanced over at the clock. "10 o'clock. I've done worst." She shrugged before lifting the bottle to her lips and taking a sip, cringing once she put the glass bottle down. "tO AbsOlUteLy drIvE yOu wIlD!" She sang again as she waved her hands around in the air.

"Aw look!" She exclaimed as she hurried to the glass in her dormitory, pushing her face against the window making it fog up from her breath. She watched with amazement and wide eyes as the Giant Squid swam past the glass.

"Natures gorgeous." She said as she clumsily made her way back to the bottle on the floor. "I mean, it made me." She shrugged as she flicked some hair behind her shoulder as she picked up the bottle and took another sip.

Odetta spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon in her dorm room, singing and dancing around as well as finishing her whole bottle of FireWhiskey. She didn't go to the Great Hall for lunch, she instead survived on the drawer of snacks in her dresser for emergencies however she had ate them all and had to go out for dinner.

"Come on Odetta. You can be sober." She encouraged herself in the mirror as she slapped her red cheeks to wake up which she had a late reaction to. She brushed through her hair which made became messy from her doing forward rolls all over the floor.

She tried to straighten out her earrings and shirt to help herself look less drunk but it was too late. Odetta stumbled out of her dorm room and tried to focus on walking in a straight line which she found extremely difficult.

"James, I'm 145 days older then you. You must respect your elders." Sirius announced as he waved his finger around which made the messy haired boy roll his eyes and huff.

Peter then noticed the Slytherin girl stumble into the Great Hall which made him elbow Sirius and nod in her direction. "Woah, Odetta is already pissed." He snickered to James who looked over with furrowed brows.

"Already! It not even 7pm!" He exclaimed loudly as the girl swung her head side to side. Remus then looked over at her with a concerned face. "I'm going to check on her." He informed the boys but Sirius grabbed his hand and pulled him back. "Don't. There is a reason no one else is going to her." Sirius said which made Remus huff, turning to look at her before rolling his eyes.

"Wow Greengrass, pissfaced already?" Evan Rosier asked the girl with a slight chuckle. "I'm too sober to act like I like you today." She replied as she put her head in her hands. "You think your sober?" He asked loudly, more of an exclaim as she leaned forward and grabbed a roasted potato.

"Do any of you know how to play a trumpet?" Odetta overheard a 3rd year ask their friends who sat a couple seat down from her. "Why?" Another one asked with furrowed brows. "I wanna wander outside the Fat Lady and annoy the Gryffindors." The younger Slytherin replied.

"Technically you don't need to how to play for that." Odetta said, not being able to stop herself from listening to their conversation. "You have opened my eyes!" The 3rd year exclaimed before rushing out of the hall.

Hoping the food would sober her up, Odetta had eaten twice the amount she usually did. After dinner, she headed back to her dorm but when she passed Filch's office she felt her cheeks swell up.

She held one arm out to support herself on the wall as she threw up outside of the caretakers door. "Meh. Little present for the moody git." She shrugged as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand before continuing down the hallways.

"I should probably go outside for some fresh air though." She muttered to herself before switching directions from the dungeons to the moving staircases.

She pushed open a door to an empty balcony and walk out, taking in a slight gasp as the cold autumn air hit her hot cheeks. Odetta then leaned on the barrier of the balcony and ran her fingers along it, looking down at the dark forest below her.

Then the door behind her opened and she clumsily scrambled for her wand, pointing up in the direction of the figure who stood in the doorway.

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