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"You ready Prongs?" Sirius asked the messy haired boy as they stood outside the Slytherin common room together

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"You ready Prongs?" Sirius asked the messy haired boy as they stood outside the Slytherin common room together. The two had stayed up and watched students say the password and now they were ready to sneak in and make sure Odetta doesn't find out about the veritaserum this time.

"I was born ready Padfoot." James replied before they said the password and watch in amazement as they stepped into the dark and mysterious Slytherin common room.

"Which one is Odetta's?" James asked Sirius quietly which he returned with a shrug. "Probably the one that stinks the most." He whispered back which made James snicker but cover his mouth to hide it. "I shouldn't laugh at that." James muttered to himself as Sirius walked off and slowly pushed open a dormitory door before shutting it.

He shook his head beside going to the one next to it, peering in then sticking his head out and nodding at James. He rushed over and the two quietly tip-toed into the girls room and filled up a goblet on her dresser.

"Pads, this is really creepy." James whispered to the dark dark haired boy as he froze still and watched at the Slytherin girl sleep peacefully, this was the first time he had ever seen her without her eyebrows furrowed.

"It's creepy if you stare at her sleep." Sirius hissed back as he poured the odourless potion into the cup that was already on her dresser and hurried the boy out before she woke up.

Odetta pushed her messy hair from her face as she slowly opened her eyes, rubbing them with the palm of her hand. She yawned as she pushed herself up before cringing at her sore throat. "I'm so smart to have poured myself a drink last night." She said to herself as she swung her legs off the bed.

She cringed at herself in the mirror above her dresser before picking up the goblet and lifting it to her lips, tipping it to take a sip. She put the cup down, licked her lips and went to get changed. As it was a weekend, she wore her usual clothes which consisting of a plaid skirt and jumper.

She swung her door open and began to march out of the common room, passing Narcissa and Lucius sitting on the couch who were making out which made her almost throw up. "That's fucking disgusting, there are dorm rooms and broom closets for a reason." Odetta stated as she passed them.

"How's your day going, who already pissed you off?" Narcissa asked the younger Slytherin girl who stopped and spun around to face her. "I'm talking to a bleach blonde right now, how do you think it's going?" She returned, being almost taking back about her reply.

"Did your parents never teach you to not be rude?" Narcissa asked with a smug look which Odetta ignored. "I'm not being rude, I'm just saying what everyone else is thinking." She returned before leaving the common room for the Great Hall.

"There she is." Sirius whispered to James as he elbowed him, they were both a giddy as young children after their successful prank. As she passed James called out her name. "How's it going Odetta?" He asked the girl which made her roll her eyes.

"Aw, are you ignoring us?" Sirius asked with a childish voice when she didn't reply. "My middle finger salutes you." Odetta replied monotonously as she passed the boys, her middle finger up at them.

She then walked into the Great Hall and swung her legs under the wooden table before reaching over for an egg. She rolled her eyes as two figures sat down beside her which she recognised as James and Sirius. "Odetta, what are you thinking right now?" The messy haired boy with a smirk as he rested his head in his hand.

"That eggs are just chicken's periods." She said as she cut up an egg, lifting up the fork and putting it in her mouth. Sirius widened his eyes as if he was in shock which made James roll his eyes before asking her another question.

"What do you think of," He paused to scan the hall. "Lily Evans?" He asked which made her turn around to look at the red head before turning back to her plate. "I think she nice, but a bit stuck up and prudent for me." She answered as she grabbed a slice of toast.

This answer made Sirius chuckle slightly and James scowl slightly. "Did I offend you and your girlfriend?" She asked with a fake pout at the messy haired boy. "Sorry, not girlfriend. She continues to reject you, doesn't she?" She asked again with a smug look, watching as the boy muttered something under his breath before grabbing Sirius arm and storming off.

"Someone's moody today." She muttered to herself as she shoved a spoonful of baked beans into her mouth. "Fucking snowflake."

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