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Odetta rubbed her eyes with the palm of her hand as she made her way towards the Great Hall for breakfast

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Odetta rubbed her eyes with the palm of her hand as she made her way towards the Great Hall for breakfast. Slytherin was playing against Gryffindor that day which meant there was bickering between the two houses the entire morning.

As she walked into the hall, she passed James who didn't say anything to her or even glance in her direction.

"I made of mockery of myself Moony." James said to Remus as the two walked down to the Quidditch pitch earlier then need whilst Sirius and Peter were setting up a prank. "I touch a supporter of the dark lord." He hissed.

"Never mind that. You made out with her." Remus chuckled which made James roll his eyes when Sirius suddenly ran out from around the corner. "Run!" He shouted as he grabbed the two boys and ran away, a crowd of Slytherins behind who were covered in ogre snot.

Odetta stood in the stands and watched as Regulus flew around, cheering him on when he got close to catching the snitch. However, she kept glancing at James, his jaw clenched as he threw the Quaffles at the hoops.

James let out a deep sigh as he mounted his broom and flew out onto the pitch, waving at the Gryffindor students below before getting in the circle and waiting for Madam Hooch to start the game.

Once the case was open, James quickly caught the Quaffle and flew quickly at the hoops and threw it straight into the goal. He then smugly looked down at the booing Slytherins but then he noticed Odetta who was rolling her eyes at the arrogant boy.

During this, one of the Slytherins beater got fed up of the Gryffindor and hit a bludger in the direction of the boy. If James was out of the game, Slytherin would secure an easy win. Luckily, James moved out the way fast enough but the bludger didn't stop and headed straight to the stands where it hit Odetta, making her collapse on the seats.

Odetta slowly opened her eyes but instantly squinted as the room was so bright. Her head was spinning and she could hear her heart beating in her head but she was still able to open her eyes again.

She looked around the room to realise she was in the hospital wing. The side of her head was stinging and as she lifted her hand up to it, she felt bandages. Finally she noticed a messy haired boy on the bed beside her.

"Why are you still here?" Odetta asked groggily as she turned into her sit, her head still on the pillow as she stared at the Gryffindor. "Because I care about you, you asshole." He replied which made a slight smile appear on her face before Madam Pomfrey walked over to the bed.

"What happened?" She asked as James helped her sit up so the matron could inspect the gash on her head. "You were hit by a bludger." Madam Pomfrey replied.

She then turned her head slightly to look back at James beside her. "Bet you did that on purpose." She smirked as the matron changed her bandages. "Why would I do that? I'm missing out on the rest of the game." He replied with a slight chuckle.

"Then go back." She replied with a shrug, glancing between the boy and Madam Pomfrey who was walking away to dispose of the bloody bandages. "No because unlike you, I can feel guilt." He replied which made her roll her eyes but smirk.

"We're in our 6th year, you don't have many games left." She said as she supported her head with her hand. "I'd much rather make fun of you." He chuckled which made her roll her eyes. Then someone cleared their throat which made them look over to see Regulus, an unimpressed look on his face.

"I think you've done enough Potter." He spat which made Odetta roll her eyes and James nod before leaving the hospital wing. "Are you sure it's over?" The Slytherin boy asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Very sure." She relied sternly with a nod before sighing and watching the Gryffindor turn the corner.

It was now June and all the students were becoming inpatient for the summer holidays to begin but for Odetta, it seemed to go faster. She was dreading going back to Malfoy Manor and even attempt to convince Slughorn to let her stay over the summer but he refused.

She recovered well from the bludger incident however she still had a scab from the cut on her forehead.

The Slytherin girl was sat on a crumbling wall by the courtyard with her mother's diary in her hands. She did invite Regulus to walk around however Lucius had dragged him off. She occasionally tapped on the front cover as she scanned the page.


My years at Hogwarts are coming to an end and in a few weeks I finished my final year at the school. Many students are thrilled for it to finally be over and to get a well respected occupation including myself. My plan is to become the Minster of Magic on day which others laugh at but Theseus cheers me on.

We've been dating for over a year and it feels like a dream. He often buys picks me flowers from the gardens which earns him a detention of he bakes me cookies. I overheard our parents discussing out engagement in the study.

Odetta roll her eyes at her love sick teenage mother but when she flicked to the next parchment, she noticed what look likes tears drops on the paper.


My hands are trembling as I write this. I have already knocked my ink pot over several times as I write this. I no longer love Theseus. I caught him with another Slytherin girl in the courtyard. Currently, he is banging on my dormitory door as I scribble this down as I hide under my-"

The handwriting turned into a scribble, as if she jumped whilst she was finishing off the sentence. Odetta bit her bottom lip, almost in fear as to if her father got into the dorm and what he did.

But as she turned to the next page, the book was ripped out her hands. "Hey!" She shouted as she watch an manically laughing Sirius running down the steps with the diary in his hands.

"Give it back Black!" She ordered as she ran after him, trying to get her wand out but her hands continued to slip. Finally, she pulled her wand out her pocket just as the boy reached the waters edge and announced clearly, "Petrificus Totalus!"

The boys arms instantly stuck to his side as he fell backwards however the book flew out of his hands and plummeted into the water. "I'm going to murder you Black!" She spat as she stomped down the steps and grabbed the frozen boy by the neck of his shirt and pulled him up.

But as she pointed her wand at the dark haired boy, she heard the calls of the other boys who had been chasing the furious girl. James made it there first and snatched the wand out of her hand to stop her from harming the boy too much. "Oi!" She shouted as she spun around to see the Gryffindor swipe the book out of the water and inspect it.

"It's ruined all because of this bastard." She spat through gritted teeth as she glared at the boy, Remus beside him. He shook his head in disappointment before reversing the spell to allow his boyfriend to move again.

"It's just a book." Sirius said as Remus helped him up. "This fucker's dead." She whispered to James before leaping at the boy who had only just gotten up, her fists clenched.

She was only able to punched the boys cheek ,which made his eyes water, before James pulled her back. "That's the only thing I have of mother!" She shouted as she tried to push James away.

"I thought you hated her?" The dark haired boy replied with furrowed eyebrows of confusion. "What is happening here?" Mcgonagall asked with raised eyebrow as she walked over to the students.

"This dick threw the only thing I have of my mother into the lake for the fucking squid!" Odetta shouted as she pointed at the Gryffindor. "10 points from Slytherin for speaking with such foul language." The Professor said before turning to the boy.

"I fucking give up." Odetta said as she took the book off of James and walked away, back to the castle.

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