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Remus was able to push the Slytherin girl back inside and she made her way back to the Slytherin dorm room even though she wanted to stay out with the snow

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Remus was able to push the Slytherin girl back inside and she made her way back to the Slytherin dorm room even though she wanted to stay out with the snow. However, he couldn't stop her waking up early to run out into the freshly fallen snow.

She hurried around her dormitory, putting her coat on as well as her scarf and hat before slamming her door shut and running up the stairs to Regulus's room. She knocked on it and waited before becoming impatient and knocking again.

"What the fuck do you want?" Regulus asked as he swung his door open, his voice groggy and hair messy as she had just woken him up. "It's snowing so kit up and get ready for battle soldier." She ordered before saluting him, scoffing when he rolled his eyes.

"Does it take you that long to get dress?" She asked through the door, her head pushed up against it. "It's been 3 bloody seconds!" Regulus shouted back.

The two Slytherins ran out to the courtyard and hid behind a wall, waiting for unsuspecting victims to walk pass. Odetta then smirked when an unknowing Severus was about to walk past them.

They looked at each other before nodding and grabbing one of the snowballs they hade already made and put in a pile beside them. "Fire!" Regulus shouted as they pulled their arms back and threw the snow at the boy, hitting him in the stomach and head.

"Do you want to see if snow will shrink that nose of yours Snape?" Odetta asked with a smug look as she threw another snowball up in the air and caught it with ease. "Do you have nothing better to do then be childish?" He spat back which made the two chuckle.

"Why don't you just run along to your chemistry set?" Odetta asked with a raised eyebrow which made the boy scowl and scramble to get his wand out but the two had beaten him to it and were already pointing their wand at a him.

"Go on. Do something." Odetta instructed with a stern face. Snape cursed something under his breath before putting his wand away and continuing his journey, most probably to the Potion classroom.

Odetta had finished all her classes for that day so she made her way to Hogsmeade for a warm butter beer. Butter beer had to be one of her favourite things about winter, including the dramatic students complaining about the cold which often made her want to push them into the icy lake.

She sat alone on a table in the corner of the pub, her legs up on the seat sat on and she lifted the mug to her lips and slammed it back on the table. However, she was also secretly sipping on a bottle of FireWhiskey she had brought.

You would be confident in saying she was tipsy actually tipsy was an understatement, she was drunk. She was unable to support her own head with her neck like a newborn and couldn't help but welcome everyone who opened the door.

She felt herself roll her eyes when a tall, blonde Slytherin boy walked over as he stared at her with disgust. "You shouldn't be this drunk in public. It ruins the family name." He spat at the girl.

"We don't share a family name." She spat back as she pushed herself up and leaned forward and raised an eyebrow at him. "My parents brought you up so you are associate with the Malfoys." He returned and she fell back and slumped in the chair.

"Well they did a shit job at it and I'm not a Malfoy." She began as she stood up and walked over to him. She looked up at him. "Nor will I ever be." She continued as she clenched her job and looked him up and down with disgust.

She looked down and noticed him clench his fist and furrow his brows which made her look up with a smirk. "Are you going to punch me?" She asked the boy, making him clench his jaw. Odetta then took out her wand and pushed it into the side of his neck.

"Out Malfoy." The owner of the Three Broomsticks ,Madam Rosmerta, ordered from the bar where she stood. He glared at her one more time before storming out. "You too Greengrass." She added.

Odetta took her cup, quickly drank the rest of the drink which was in her cup, put back it down on the table and walked out of the pub.

She stumbled around the pebble path, attempting to walk in a straight line which she failed miserably. Often, she walked into people passing her which earned her a couple of scowls.

Odetta felt herself trip over her own feet again and was unable to catch herself. She shut her eyes tight, expecting herself to hit the floor but she was caught by someone.

She looked up, her ocean blue eyes meeting a pair of hazel ones. "Why aren't you just a hero?" She smirked as she looked up at James. "Lots of girls say that." He returned arrogantly which made her roll her eyes as she stood up.

"You really need to sort your hair out." He advised as he looked at her messy hair with a look of disgust. "My hair is still better then yours." She replied with a shrug, watching James as he cringed at the stench of alcohol.

"How much did you drink?" He asked the girl who continued to stumble slightly so he held onto the sides of her arms. "Do I look like I know?" She asked before staring at the boy blankly.

"I'm taking you back to your common room." He said as he tried to push her along but she refused. "No, I want to go high five the Giant Squid." She protested before running as fast as she could to the Great Lake.

"Fucking hell, for a drunk person your fast!" James shouted as he ran after the Slytherin girl, his arm reached out to grab her shoulder. "That's because I have superpowers!" She shouted, speeding up when she got closer to the lake.

James was able to catch up and grabbed her shoulder and pull her back however she spun around so he ran into her, making them fall onto the floor.

When Odetta finally opened her eyes, she found herself laying on top of James however her arms were out she was pushed up above him. Quickly, she pushed herself off and rolled herself to lie beside him on the grass, her arm resting on her stomach.

"Damn, that was fun." Odetta said as she used her arms to support herself up. "You're fucking weird." James said which made her shake her head. "Weird is an understatement. I'm a fucking psycho." She corrected him, James hummed and nodded in agreement.

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