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James walked with the Slytheirn girl to her common room

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James walked with the Slytheirn girl to her common room. "And here is your stop." He smirked as he leaned on the wall near the entrance. "And again, I won't tell anybody." Odetta said which made him nod before she walked into the common room.

"Where were you?" Regulus asked as he hurried over and grabbed her arms, checking for any injuries. "I would of gone back for you but it was fucking scary!" He exclaimed.

"What was that thing we saw?" Regulus asked, clearly still a bit shaken from their encounter with a werewolf. "It was just a stag." Odetta lied, and she did it well. She had became a master at the art when she moved into the Malfoy Manor, particularly having to do it to protect Dobby.

"But I swear it growled." The younger Slytherin boy replied. "Trust me, it was just a stag." Odetta repeated in an attempt of a calming voice as she rested her hands on each of his shoulders. "I think it's a good idea to stay in bed for the rest of the night." Odetta spoke with a slight smile, chuckling at the boy who hummed in agreement and ran up to his dormitory.

Odetta sat peacefully at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall, enjoying her full English when some sat down beside her. She turned to look at them, an unimpressed look on her face when she stared a messy haired boy.

"So, it's Slytherin verses Gryffindor today," James paused for a moment but before he could continue she interrupted him. "And you're offering you glasses so I can get a clear view of us beating your arses?" She asked which made him shake his head with a slight scowl.

"No, I wanted to offer a bet. If Slytherin win, which they won't, you can have the Gryffindor password for a week and vice versa." He offered. Odetta looked around the room, acting as if she was in deeper thought but she already knew her answer. "I'm in." She spoke confidently, ignoring James's hand which he put out to shake.

"Get ready for find toads under your pillow." She winked as he got up but suddenly she remembered something and grabbed the back of his jumper and pulled him back. "Okay, don't tell her I said this but Lily's gonna ask you out today." Odetta whispered into the wide eyed boy.

"Why are you telling me this? Is this some cruel prank?" He asked which made her roll her eyes and shake her head. "No it's a warning that I'm not being the girl who is kissing some guy whose going on dates with another." She hissed in his ear, James hummed in agreement.

"You point is logical for once." He said with a shrug as he got up again. "Is that it?" He asked, walking back to the red table with a smug look when she shook her head. However once she turned around, her rested her head in her hands and let out a deep sigh.

Odetta leaned beside the door to the Slytherin changing room, waiting for Regulus to get changed into his Quidditch gear. She rolled her eyes when a smirking Gryffindor wandered over with a mischievous look on his face.

"Now do you prefer slugs or snails in your shoes?" He asked which made roll her eyes but smirk in return. The two then stood there in awkward silence for a few moments. "Ready got Lily to ask you out?" She asked to fill in the eerie silence, making James nod with a grin which soon disappeared.

"Um, how about a good luck kiss?" The Slytherin girls asked, fully expecting him in say no and walk off. "I mean I'm not dating Lily yet so it's not over yet." James replied before the two snuck off behind the building.

Their arms then wrapped around each other to hold each other close as their lips pressed against each other, both smirking into the kiss. James's hand rested on the small of her back whilst she held onto his shoulders for stability since she had to pushed herself up onto her tiptoes.

They were kissing so desperately that their bodies curved together, before the slowly pulled away for a moment of air. "Good luck Potter." Odetta whispered, their mouths so close that she was basically murmuring into his mouth.

"Odetta?" The two snapped their heads in the direction of a wide eyes Regulus who was frozen still in shock. "Are you and Potter a thing now?" He asked her as the two pulled apart. "I can't believe you would do such a thing!" He hissed before turning away but Odetta jolted forward and grabbed his arm, pulling him back to her.

"Get off me." He spat as he tried to pull his arm out of her grip but she held on, contemplating what she would do. She understood Regulus was clearly furious with her and in truth, he was all she had.

So quickly she pulled out her wand and pointed at the protesting boy. "Oblivate." She whispered which came to a shock to the Gryffindor boy. She knew it was easy for her to slip up and accidentally erase a key memory or person from his brain.

"Regulus?" Odetta asked the dazed looking boy. "How did I get back here Odetta?" He asked as he looked around confused but she let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, hi Potter." He said once he noticed the boy.

"It's almost time for the match. I'm must go." Regulus said before beginning to walk away. Odetta was grateful that she did the spell correctly and she remember everything.

Sirius and Remus then turned the corner, looking around for James as the game was about to start. "Good luck Reg." Sirius said awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"How does he know my name?" Regulus asked the dark haired girl behind him, her pale blue eyes wide with horror.

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