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Odetta stood outside the Gryffindor common room, her arms crossed as she checked around for Professors

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Odetta stood outside the Gryffindor common room, her arms crossed as she checked around for Professors. "And why would a Slytherin need to enter the common room of Godric Gryffindor?" The Fat Lady asked the girl who stared at her blankly.

"To burn it to the ground." She replied monotonously and before she could protest, the portrait swung open where an annoyed Sirius stood. "I'm surprised you're inviting me in Black." Odetta chuckled as she walked in. "I didn't do it willingly. Moony promised kisses." He replied which made her chuckle and Remus roll his eyes.

Odetta then scanned the room to find the messy haired boy was not there. "Where's Potter?" She asked as she swung her coat off and sat down. "Oh, wouldn't you like to know." Remus winked at her which made her eyebrows furrow.

"If you need to know. I was getting drinks." James said as he walked from his dormitory with a couple bottles in his hands. He then threw himself into the seat beside Odetta and handed her a bottle. She then flicked the bottle lid off and sent it into a portrait which made the knight inside scream loudly and the five students chuckle.

"Might we join?" They all looked up to see both Marlene and Dorcas leaning on the doorway of their dormitory. "Please do. I don't like the level   of testosterone in this room." Odetta pleaded which made the two snicker as they made their ways down the steps, glaring at James for a few moments before sharing the arm chair.

They were about a bottle in when Dorcas had a bright idea. "Let's play spin the bottle!" Dorcas sang loudly which made Marlene cheer loudly and the rest slump in their chairs. "I don't care what you say, now where is an empty bottle."
Odetta grabbed a bottle which was almost empty, quickly drank the rest and handed the blonde girl the glass bottle.

With a flick of Dorcas's wand, the furniture moved back, leaving an empty space to spin the bottle. "Me first!" Marlene shouted as she spun the bottle which eventually landed on Dorcas beside her. "Please keep it PG. Peter is here." Odetta snickered as the two girls moved closer and pressed their lips against each other's before Dorcas spun.

The bottle then landed of Sirius who refused to kiss only Remus on the mouth and settle for a kiss on the cheek from Dorcas. Peter then spun Marlene which made him blush heavily but he only kissed her cheek. However, Sirius landed on Odetta which made them loudly pretend to throw up before she quickly kiss his cheek and instantly wiped her mouth on her sleeve.

Remus had luckily landed on Sirius, which turned the rules from a kiss to a make out and probably scarred everyone else for life. Next was Odetta who spun the bottle and watched it landed on Marlene. The blonde girl smirked as she quickly placed a kiss on Odetta, smirking at James afterwards.

Next was James, he leaned forward and spun the bottle. They all watched as it began to slow down on Remus but Sirius jolted forward and pushed it with his finger so it landed in Odetta. "I don't want to kiss her! She looks like an eel!" He exclaimed which made Sirius snicker and Remus look at him with a raised eyebrow.

In response, she jabbed her finger into his ribcage before they inches closer, their faces now inches apart. Finally, their lips were pressed against each other as their head tilted in opposite direction. Once they pulled away, the others were staring at them with wide eyes. "I didn't get kissed like that!" Marlene shouted as she pointed at the two.

"I think I froze in disgust for a bit." Odetta replied, thinking of an admit excuse for that and usually she was great at lying. Sirius and Peter bought it and continued to drink however the other 3 were not so convinced but eventually shrugged it off.

Peter then yawned loudly which made them all chuckle at him. "I think you should head up to bed Wormtail." James suggested. "I agree. It is way past your bedtime." Sirius mocked which earned him a hit on the arm from Remus as he nodded and went up to the dormitory.

Then, a door at the top of the stairs swung open and a red headed girl popped her head out. "Marlene, do you know-" She paused when she noticed James looking up at her with an awkward smile. "Why are you hanging out with him?" She asked as she glared back.

"In truth, he were hanging out with these and he was there." The blonde girl replied as the two Gryffindors got up and hurried up the stairs to the door which she held open.

"Looks like the best are left excluding Greengrass." He smirked at Remus and Sirius. "Actually, we have somewhere to be." The dark haired boy announced as he got up and tried to pull the taller boy out of the chair.

"What? No we-" Remus stopped as Sirius bent down and whispered something in his head which made him blush heavily. "Yes, night." Remus said quickly as they got up.

"Thanks for having me." Odetta said to Remus as they pushed open the portrait. "We didn't want you here!" Sirius replied before it closed and James and Odetta were left on the sofa beside one another.

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