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Odetta stood at the door to Grimmauld Place, the Order of the Phoenix headquarters. But there was no James beside her, and there was no one out in the street. She took in a deep breath before walking up the stairs, a journey she remembered vividly.

The Blacks has move out, moving to a small home as Orion was becoming older and weaker. Therefore, Sirius was somehow left it and offered it to Dumbledore. She pushed open the grand door and there he was, the silver haired Headmaster.

"Good morning Miss Greengrass." He said with a smile. She was caught off guard slightly as she hadn't been called her surname since Hogwarts. "I've hear you would like to join the Order. A dangerous task I assume." He said with a slight chuckle in his voice. She nodded in response.

"I thought I would put my mark to use." She said as she pulled up her sleeve, showing him her mark. "May I?" Dumbledore asked before she nodded and he carefully twisted her arm to inspect it.

"Very well. We shall make up a plan today."

That night, when the moon shone brightly in the dark sky, she prepared. Firstly, she waited for James to get home to ensure he was fast asleep.

When he arrived and stepped into the house, Odetta heaved herself up from the sofa and walked over to him. "I keep telling you, you don't need to wait for me." He with a smile as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Why not? I enjoy it." She replied with a shrug before pushing herself up onto her tiptoes and pressing her lips against his for possibly the final time.

When they finally pulled away, he looked at her with a smirk before pressing a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Now get some rest Sleeping Beauty." She snickered, referring to the disney film Remus made the watch.

He nodded and made his way up. Odetta sighed once more before leaving the house, feeling raindrops fall onto her cheeks. Then she began to run, as far from the house as she possibly could until she was at a path surrounded by tree.

She then forced herself to cry, thinking of everything that would make her upset. Quickly, she messed up her hair and tugged at her clothes until they weren't tucked in and pulled up his sleeve, pressing her hand on the mark.

Suddenly, black smoke traveled through the sky and hurdled towards the floor. Once it cleared, there stood a smiling Bellatrix. "My,my,my, what happened her?" She asked as she fiddled with her wand.

"I want to join you. James left me and I want to get back at the insufferable toe-rag!" She exclaimed, her voice closing up as she continued to sob. A smirk appeared on the witches face. "Very good. I knew you'd come back." She then looked down at her.

"Now clean yourself up. It's embarrassing." She hissed. Odetta wiped under her eyes before she grabbed her arm and they apparated.

Bellatrix gripped onto her wrist tightly, leaving white marks as she let go and led her into Malfoy Manor. Odetta took a deep breath, about to walk into an extremely dangerous situation.

She followed the curly haired witch into the manor and into the dining room where the table was full of Death Eaters. She fiddled with her fingers when they all looked up and stared at her. She was not surprised at all to see Snape sat there.

"Looks like someone finally gained a brain and joined the winning side." Lucius spoke as he leaned back into his chair with a smug look. "How do we know she's not a spy? She's dating James Potter?" Snape asked the Dark Lord who was yet to look at her.

"Don't mention just name." She hissed, taking him back slightly before staying silent. "Sit down Odetta, there is an empty seat next to Regulus." His chair was not facing her so she could not see his face but he held out his place, boney hand.

With her head down, she pulled out the chair beside Regulus and sat down. "What are you doing?" He asked with a whisper. "Revenge." She lied before sitting up and looking up at the nose less Dark Lord.

Suddenly, Regulus got out his chair and gripped onto her wrist, pulling her up and dragging her out to the dining room the study nearby. "This doesn't seem like you Odetta." He whispered, letting go of her arm. She thought for a moment wether to tell him the truth but decided against it.

"I'm fine." She replied bluntly. "But you-" She cut him off by putting a finger into his lips before leaning closer to the doorway to hear the conversation in the dining room.

Then, from the corner of her eye, she noticed a letter. "You can go back. I have a book which I had left in her which I want to collect." She said which made him nod and walk out.

Once she insured he was gone, she carefully pulled sip the wax seal and unfolded the parchment, quickly scanning through it. A smirk grew on her face when she saw it was written about an attack they were planning.

She then held the seal above a candle in the room to melt it slight to seal it up again. She then heard footsteps and hid the letter under her jumper, quickly grabbing a book from the shelves.

"Did you find it?" Regulus asked when he stuck his head through. She nodded, holding up the book. Then her hand touched a tea cup which still had a little bit of black tea in it. "Who left this here?" She asked as she picked up but she purposely tripped and spilt it all over her trouser. "Merlin sake!" She exclaimed.

"I think Narcissa has some clothes upstairs." The younger boy stated, a look of confusion fell upon her. "Narcissa?" She repeated in a questioning tone. "Yeah, her and Lucius are engaged." Regulus added.

She sighed before nodding and heading up the creaking staircase. The door to Lucius' room was opened a crack and she peered in to see the blonde girl before knocking on the door.
She looked up, startled at the sight of the girl. "What are you doing here? It's too dangerous!" She exclaimed.

"It's okay, I've joined them." She lied quickly as she stepped in and looked around the room. "So, why did you go back to him?" She asked as she sat at the end of the bed the girl lied on.

"It was my only option. I have no where else to go." She sighed loudly as she crossed her arms and leaned back onto the dark wood bed board.
Odetta then leaned forward and pulled up the sleeve of her shirt, sighing with relief when it was clear.

"I need your help." She whispered quietly, a look of confusion on Narcissa's face. "Can you please get me a towel from the bathroom?" She asked and the girl nodded before getting up.

Odetta then slammed the door shut and hurried for the owl Lucius kept in his room, undoing the cage and handing it the letter. Quickly, she opened the window and let the owl fly out into the night sky.

Then the door handle began to turn and she hurried to perch on the end of the bed.

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