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This was it. The last time Odetta would stand on the Hogsmeade station and the last time she would board the Hogwarts Express which she explained to Sirius who was becoming more frustrated each time she repeated it.

Odetta had planned to be staying at the Potters' again but they were expecting a knock at the door from the Malfoys. Odetta didn't want to stay there in case their intentions were malicious, nevertheless James convinced her to stay with him.

Odetta gripped tightly onto her suitcase as she hurried onto the ruby red train which pulled up at the station. She found herself jumping to the window seat to beat Sirius before Remus pointed out that he could sit on the other side.

"Anything from the trolley dear?" The old lady asked, pushing the snack filled trolley through the corridor and stopping at the compartment. Odetta ended up buying several chocolate frogs, in hope to collect as many cards as possible.

By the 5th one she was beginning to feel sick so she gave the rest of the chocolate frogs to Remus to have for the summer, knowing it was one few things which made him happier around full moons.

In the end she had 3 Helga Hufflepuffs, 1 Albus Dumbledore, 1 Cyprian Youdle and 2 Mountain Trolls. "Look like we found baby photos of Greengrass." Sirius teased as he snatched the troll cards out her hands and waved it around.

Finally, when the train came to a halt, they stepped out onto the platform. A smile appeared on all three of their faces when they noticed Euphemia and Fleamont waiting for them. But that smile soon disappeared when she noticed the Malfoys in the corner of her eyes.

"James, the blonde fuckers are over there." She hissed to him which made him glance over to see the scowling family. "Just ignore them." He said as she squeezed her hand tighter and walked over to his parents. "How are you dear?" Euphemia asked with a warm smile as she hugged the Slytherin girl.

"I'm good thanks." She said with a smile, rubbing the side of her arm. But Odetta lied. She wasn't good, in fact she was terrified.

When the Malfoys realised Odetta would not walk over to them, they left the platform but she could tell they hadn't given up.

Odetta walked into the Potter house but as she made her way to the room she stayed in before with her suitcase, James turned her shoulders so she walked into his room.

"This isn't my room." She said as she tried to turn away and walk away but James blocked her way. "Now this is." He replied which made her roll her eyes. She tried to move past him again but this time he threw her onto his bed which made her laugh.

"Nope, you're staying with me." He said with a smile as he jumped beside her but was sat up and began to lean down so their lips pressed when Sirius bursted in. "Mum made cookies!" He shouted excitedly before running down the stairs.

"Food!" Odetta shouted loudly before sliding out from under James and running after Sirius.

It was a few days after they had finished Hogwarts. Odetta was sat in the dining room, spreading some chocolate spread onto the pancakes James had made her. "Do you have idea on what you're going to do now?" She asked him as he pulled the chair out from beside her and sat down.

"Dumbledore approached me to join his group to take down the Dark Lord." He replied excitedly but Odetta didn't feel the same excitement. "The headquarters is in  grimmauld place. "And your going to listen to him?" She asked with a raised eyebrow as she gestured with a forkful of pancake.

"Yeah, he is one of the best wizards in existence." James replied which made her snicker.  "Do you not agree?" He asked which made her sigh.

"Why would be make Remus prefect when he was a werewolf? Why would he make the place of the headquarters the place Sirius hate most? And why would he make literal 18 years old fight for him?"

James paused for a moment as he took it all in before sighing. "I guess. But he's the only one who can help defeat him." Odetta shrugged in response. "Will you join us? We're all doing it!" James exclaimed excitedly.

"I still have the mark James. I don't think that's such a good idea." She replied which made him look down since he forgot.

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